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Gabriel Nunes SrColorZ
Amanda Gabriele Sant'Anna AmandaSantx

USP São Carlos - SP, Brasil

Eduardo Magno magaldimagno
Electrical Engineering - University of São Paulo

São Carlos, SP, Brasil

Student of Electronic Engineer, Informatics and AI
Lucas Viana lucasvianav
Software Engineer @brexhq

Brex São Carlos - SP | Brazil

Mohamad Barakat mohamad347
Engenharia Elétrica - EESC USP
Matheus Antonio Vivas Rocha matheusvivasr
Electrical Engineering student @ EESC - USP

Universidade de São Paulo - USP São Carlos - SP

Vitor Matias VitorCMatias
Bachelor student of Electronic Engineering at @usp, and an enthusiast in C++ and Python computer Languages.

Embraer São Paulo,SP,Brazil