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BK Yoo BK-Yoo

Scatterlab Seoul

Minsang Kim satorufan
Hi~ It's me! Thank you~ ❤️
Chanuk Kim narayo9
Team Leader at @pygmalion-team

@pygmalion-team Seoul

Hyogeun Oh (오효근) Zerohertz

@mindsandcompany Seoul, Korea

Ryu(Paul) Paul2021-R
42's Cadet(2021.11~2023.10) Don't be Panic. Your hard way is just Hard and Not Possible. 하루 하루를 충실하고 확실하게, 후회하지 않게 노력하고 있습니다...!

@42seoul Seoul, S.Korea

Lethe wn-na
working with React-Native, nestjs

@fanding Korea, Republic of

Juwon Bang apwlq

Republic of Korea

Handong Kim 201411108
Frontend Engineer in Scatter Lab.

Scatter Lab Seoul, Korea

DeokJin dobby-seo
research for fun 🌱
Byounggwan Yu Saulabi
"Keep Going!"

Suwon, South Korea

NW Lee leenw23
Machine Learning Researcher @scatterlab

@scatterlab Seoul, Korea

Jeonghyeon Park dotsnangles



Yonsei Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea

NamHyeongKeol NamHyeongKeol

Scatter Lab Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeongwan Kang GJ98

Hongik University

Junseong Kim codertimo
Scatter Lab, Machine Learning Engineer

@scatterlab Seoul,Korea

Bongseok Lee BlackNoodle
Machine Learning Researcher

@scatterlab Seoul, South Korea

Joohong Lee roomylee
Machine Learning Researcher

@scatterlab Seoul, South Korea

Beomjun Gil (Carter) beomjungil
"Build Products with ❤️ and ☕️."

@healingpaper-solution Seoul, South Korea

Sangmin Ko smko77
Math Grad student @ Columbia University


Soohwan Kim sooftware
Co-founder | CTO @tunib

@tunib-ai Seoul, Republic of Korea