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Internet Degeneracy Professional. Hoping that Muskulus will unban me from twitter. Works for @SpeedcraftTeam for various reasons.


Damian Barzyk frooooooo7
Frontend Developer

Rzeszów University of Technology Rzeszów

Filip Fąfara Finnick223
coding enthusiast

Rzeszow University of Technology Rzeszow, Poland

Paweł Buczek pablitoo1
Angular/React Developer | Student of computer engineering

Rzeszów University of Technology Krosno/Rzeszów

Wiktor Mazur ZegarekPL
Hi! I'm a student of computer science. I'm currently learning React and NextJS.

Rzeszów University of Technology Rzeszów

Daniel Wajdowicz DanielWajd
Computer Science Student at Rzeszów University of Technology
Bartosz Kawalec Bulb1

SKNI "KOD" Rzeszów, Poland

Marcin Bator marcinbator
Computer Engineering student | distributed systems, web development, dev-ops

Rzeszów University of technology Rzeszów

Dominik Zwoliński Domun335
🎆Junior Developer [email protected]

Rzeszów, Poland

Georeperboleja orasept77
Не важно, насколько медленно ты продвигаешься, главное - что ты не стоишь на месте. — Брюс Ли

Free and Open Source Software Community Rzeszów

Patryk Stasik patrykstk
Computer science student at Rzeszów University of Technology 💻


Wojciech Zajączkowski Zajac2003
2nd year IT Student at PRz Scientific clubs: -Programmers (SKNI KOD) -Cybersecurity (SAITS)
Krystian Kiełbasa KartVen
To be a God, you just have to make people believe you are.

Rzeszów, Poland

Jakub Okoń KVBA-dev
bababooey | doing gamedev and music


Filip Kula fkula5
Computer Science student at Rzeszów University of Technology. Passionate about web development. In love with Laravel

Rzeszów University of Technology Poland