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Zheer Kejlberg Al-Mashhadi zheer-kejlberg
MD, PhD in pharmacoepidemiology & endocrinology. Postdoc @steno-aarhus
Jonas Schaarup Superfrey
PhD student in the Diabetes Epidemiology group at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus

Aarhus University Aarhus

herminajakupovic hjakupovic

University of Copenhagen Denmark

Rustam Uzairov svrvt
MD beginning to study DS

Moscow, Russia

Stephan Lange slange-AU
Researcher at Aarhus University, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus and UC San Diego Aarhus, Denmark


Diabetes Services Denmark

Xiao-Yu Zhou icanccwhite
Little Fish, Born to know what is good. Biomedical Bioinformatics, transcriptome annotation, prefer shell, genome player. Wechat public: ICANccwhite

Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University Aarhus