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aiden mcmanus aidenm05

Stevens Institute Of Technology

M. Bertan Tarakçıoğlu BertanT
19, Stevens Institute of Technology CS, Three-time Swift Student Challenge Winner, Apple Developer, Maker, MUN Delegate and a Huge Cat Lover!

CS@Stevens Institute of Technology New York / Ankara

Owen Ungaro owenungaro
Stevens '27 CS Undergraduate Student

Stevens Institute of Technology

Jonathan Memoli JonMike8
Undergraduate SWE major at Stevens Institute of Technology


Raj Rana rajrana1015
Hey, I'm Raj Rana! I go to Stevens Institute of Technology, majoring in Computer Science, focusing on ML and AI, and minoring in Quantitative Finance.
Max Green maxgreen01
Computer Science student at Stevens Institute of Technology, with experience programming VEX competition robots in C++ and developing Minecraft plugins in Java.
Vinayak Ranjan vinrran

Stevens Institute of Technology Parsippany

Sahana sahanaali
Stevens Institute of Technology | Computer Science
Nelson Bermeo NelsonBermeo
Stevens Institute of Technology Student - Computer Science

new york

Ryan Camburn RyanCamburn
Stevens Institute of Technology B.S. Computer Science - 2025


Ryan Monaghan rmonaghanjr
Full-stack capable developer, with specializations in server-side programming. I'm getting into embedded programming!

Fairmount Automation Conshohocken, PA

An Le thiegh-ahn
a work in progress
John Graham jharrisong830
Stevens '25

Hoboken, NJ

Josh H Josh-Hiz
Software Engineer and Quant with C++ and Python. Student at Stevens Institute of Technology.

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ

Miguel Merlin miguel-merlin
Computer Scientist & Mathematician | Software Engineer Intern at Amazon | Student Researcher in Machine Learning 🚀

NYC Metro

Harris Hamid HarrisHamid
CS Major @ Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ

Justin Ferber j-ferber

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ

J Lovelace lovelacej18
Undergraduate student with research interests in marine robotics and computer vision projects.

Stevens Institute of Technology

Harris Pyo h-pyo
Incoming intern @ Merck | Undergraduate Computer Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken

Gabriel Talbert Bunt GabrielDTB

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ

ezri ezrizhu
Student interested in software development, computer networking, managing infrastructure at scale, cybersecurity, and DevOps.

@BasedDevelopment NYC

Shawn ShawnAviles
Prev SWE Intern @ Amazon & Intuit Mailchimp | Graduate Computer Engineering Student with a passion for learning.

Stevens Institute of Technology NYC