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Matthew Gebrael mgebrael
🚂 Taking Off

Sydney, Australia

Rahul Dange rahuldangeofficial
Computer Science Student

Sydney, Australia

Udit Narayan Singh Samant GoodGameRuler
An aspiring data scientist/software developer.


Karan D K karankeskar
Master's CS student at University of Sydney.

Master's CS student at University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Devanshi Mirchandani devanshimirchandani
3rd-year Advanced Computing student @ The University of Sydney.

Sydney, Australia

Kyra kyradunning
Studying Bachelor of Advanced Computing at USYD.
Fayyaz Hasan fayyaz121

Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Alpha4AGI Alphamasterliu

University of Sydney

O Donut-Muffin
Hello my name is O. I like to make JS, Python, C# and C programs in my free time.
Joycelyn joyccino

Emocog, SaMD Lab Sydney, Seoul

An Spiteri anspiteri
Current student at the University of Sydney!

Sydney, Australia

James cheese-zj


Luke Lazar lazarr1

Sydney, Australia

CHUNG Mu Wei 鍾牧維 chungmuwei
CompSci and DataSci Honours at USYD. Interested in deep learning, computer vision, and computational biology.

Ultimo, NSW

Dillon de Silva dillondesilva
I love to build stuff :)

Sydney, Australia

Tom findyourexit
I like algorithms.

@forcite-dev Sydney, Australia