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Sahil Deshpande sahildeshp
Controls Software Engineer

Siemens Energy Erlangen, Germany

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


thinh thinhbuicong
Control System Engineer

Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Kusay Tomeh KTomeh
Freelancer expert in Software Development for Industrial Automation, Robotics and Medical Devices

Kusay Tomeh Freelance Karlsruhe, Germany

James Davis jdavisct

Current Tech Denver, CO

Žiga Javornik ZigaJavornik
Automation engineer, PLC OOP style enthusiast. Also decent in .NET and C#.


MichiMich MichiMich
Always at search for innovation Solidity, hardhat, brownie-eth, python, js, ts, reactjs, truffle


Antti Jalomäki AnttiJalomaki

@Nevaberry Finland

Nikolai Linkov niklinkov

Podgorica, Montenegro

Nicholas Buchele nbuchele

Copia Automation Minnesota

Jim Neumann neumannjim
Revolutionizing Industrial Automation @ Loupe


Jani Kaattari JaniJTA

@JTAConnection Tampere

Kristoffer Bjerkvik krbj

Natthav Automation Lab Bergen

JerryGuo GuoJerry0320

Wicresoft ShangHai

mizojp2001 y-mizomoto miz2miz japan