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Aman Mourya Amanmourya09
An 21 y.o. student who is passionate about technologies, open-source, intelligence, convenience, etc. (>ω・* )ノ


Ivan William Harsono ivanwilliammd
Digital health product owner. Open for collaboration, research, and business consultancy.

IvanMD Tangerang, Indonesia

Alex AlexandraBusuioc
Interested about new technologies and eco-sustainability I recently attended the academy course at Aulab as full stack junior developer.
Jean de Dieu Mbumba J2mCoder
Développeur web fullstack

RDC kinshasa

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Danijel Dedic ddedic

MediaMarktSaturn Technology Kufstein, Austria

itpey itpey
Zero and One Designer.


Radwan Fahim radwanfahim
MERN Stack Developer specialized in Js & other front-end staff.....


Vicente Lineros Pardo vicholp
CS student at UTFSM

Santiago, Chile