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Ben benhowe75
Grad student

University of Vermont Vermont

Lara LaraTatli18
Physics student @ Durham University

London / Durham University

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

trungta trungtaxp
try hard

Hà Nội

John R. Southern gogojohn

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jim Julian jimjulian
An engineer with a creative side.

Jim Julian Unlimited New Jersey

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Kleber Gouveia krgouveia
Electronics engineer with experience in product development of embedded systems.

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Rob Pelger pelgerr
Aerospace software engineer & hobbyist game dev.


Postdoctoral researcher, developing single molecule detection techniques, PhD in Physics
Priyanshu Mishra Priyanshumishra77
Design Verification Engineer


Souraj Mukhopadhyay souraj239

@Tektronix Bangalore, India

Michael Wilspang wilspang
Senior Hardware Designer - Consultant/Freelance


Sandman Zhang Sandman6z


./CompileMyLife CompileMyLife
I like to program and explore new things for fun.
ZQM zengqingmei
