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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Marcelo Henrique Neppel marceloneppel
Senior Software Engineer

@Canonical São Bento do Sul - Brazil

Scott H. horsfieldsa
Solutions Architect | Tech Leader | Adventurer
shravan lingampally lingampally shravankumar8
Enthusiastic programmer with a love for coding and a desire to collaborate. Sharing my projects and code on GitHub bla bla bla


Carlo Jessurun carjessu-trm
Staff Security Engineer

TRM Labs

Bulgaru Liliana lilianabulgaru3pg
I'm a software developer with 4 years of experience in developing mobile applications and 2 years in developing web applications.

Revolut London

Dustin Suits dustinsuits
I'm joining so I can learn more about coding, python, self-hosted environments and collaboration.

Philadelphia, PA

DeltaV THRUST DAO APY rewards modular multistage launch vehicle with HANDSHAKE protocol. 22000 THRUST = 1 CLAIM

DeltaV THRUST DeltaVerse

Omar Taha otaha178
Data scientist

TRM Labs Egypt