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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Out on a thorny path of learning more technologies. Interested in hardware, software, and more!

Chicago, IL

Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Jan Lübbe jluebbe
Embedded Linux Developer, @rauc & @labgrid-project co-maintainer

@pengutronix Braunschweig

ROOT Tpj-root
We are all mirrors.


Tomás Apolónia tomasApo
Msc student at Technical Universty of Denmark

Danstar Copenhagen

MrDerpus MrDerpus
Just another dude that turns beer into functional but barely readable code.
Joshua Turgeon joshturge
Go enthusiast exploring the world of OpenBSD. Passionate about clean, efficient code and secure systems.

Pacific Data Systems Australia Brisbane, Australia

Tom TDay1
Just a hacker

@canva Australia