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Parth Dode d80ep08th
I can convert coffee into hacks


Vinay vinay-k12
CEO & Founder of

Arya ai Mumbai, India

Arijit Nandi officialarijit
Doing machine learning on streams and applied in the Affective Computing area

@eurecat Barcelona, Spain

Şule Nur Topgül sulenurtopgull
MSc Student at Istanbul Technical University
Feel free to contact me to guide you through these repos.

@fraunhoferhhi Berlin

Sofiia Chorna sofiia-chorna
Master student @ Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Paris, France

Shreyash Arya shrebox
AI Research Engineer at Detesia@CISPA | Research Collaborator at Max Planck Institute for Informatics | Machine Learning Explainability

Detesia@CISPA / Max Planck Institute for Informatics Saarbrücken, Germany

Tiago Filipe Sousa Gonçalves TiagoFilipeSousaGoncalves
Science lover, geek culture addicted and a "wanna be" musician.


Yash U. yash-upase
New to AI/ML, Excited to learn, interested in Climate Physics
Subramanyam Sahoo SubramanyamSahoo
An Effective Altruist

NIT Hamirpur, Himanchal Pradesh

Julian Rodemann rodemann
PhD Candidate (Statistics) at LMU Munich

Stats Department, LMU Munich Munich

Sezer Kutluk sezerkutluk
AI researcher @ Leibniz ATB. Former ERCIM Fellow @ Fraunhofer IEM, (Trusted Machine Intelligence), Senior AI Researcher & Engineering Mngr @ Huawei, etc.


Guido Gagliardi guidogagl
Joint PhD student of the Smart Computing course of the University of Florence, Pisa, Siena (Italy) and the PhD course of KU Leuven (Belgium)

KU Leuven, University of Pisa Leuven

Bela Bönte belaboe97
Data Science M.Sc. (Technical University Madrid / KTH Stockholm)


Feraidoon Mehri NightMachinery
A M.Sc. student in AI at Sharif University of Technology
Moș Daniele Daniele1209
Computer Science graduate // AI enthusiast with a great passion for Science // MSc Big Data AI

BBU MSc Germany

Gabriele Sarti gsarti
PhD Student in NLP & XAI @ University of Groningen | @inseq-team core dev | Prev: @awslabs, @aindo-com, ILC-CNR

University of Groningen Groningen, Netherlands

Emanuele Ballarin emaballarin
PhD student in (neuro-inspired) Deep Learning. Also: robust / trustworthy / Bayesian DL, kernel methods, computational neuroscience. Overenthusiastic tinkerer.

Dept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society Trieste, Italy

Hongbo Zhu Hongbo-Z

University of Manchester University of Manchester

Sebu Elias sebuelias
Aspiring AI ML Engineer | MSc AI @ FAU | Ex-Huawei | Experienced in Python, JS, C, C++ | Curios about AI in football


Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager
Robin Thibaut robinthibaut
Computation Geoscientist @ Zanskar Geothermal & Minerals. Machine Learning. Experimental Design. Earth Sciences.

Zanskar Geothermal & Minerals Salt Lake City

Alejandro © acocac
Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact

The Alan Turing Institute London

Berkant Turan b-turan
PhD Candidate • Machine Learning and Optimization • TU Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin

Zuse Institute Berlin & TU Berlin Berlin, Germany