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Alexander Le Legendary-Cynosure

42.3601° N, 71.0942° W

Henrique Faria rickmff
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live

Freelancer Lisbon

Erick Ortega Erick-Hernandez-Ortega
Fullstack Developer Jr 🍀

@BAP-Corporativo Jalisco, México

Ilya Titov ilyatitovich
Web Developer


Hey, I'm Mohammed, but my friends call me XD. 😄 I'm a front-end developer with 3 years of experience. ✨ I'm also exploring new horizons, like mobile applic
Adrian Torrie adriantorrie
HPC/AI Solution Architect. Likes AI, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Recently focused on development in Python and C++. Might be convinced to learn Go.

Gold Coast, Australia

Zhijia Song songzhj
I'm back~ "Zhijia" is pronounced like "Zhee Jyah" in Chinese.

ChangChun China

Hong JaeHoon Bu-Du-Dak

EAN_TEC Seoul, Republic of Korea

Md. Ripon Mia riponahmed2201
Software Engineer at Solution Spin Limited

Solutionspin Limited Adabor, Mohammadpur Dhaka

fdlaainsni fdlaainsni
Electrical engineering students Art
Lucas Dias Lucas-Gardini
[Object object]

Integrativa Catanduva/SP

Antônio Nascimento Ninja1375
Hello! My name is Antônio Nascimento. I am a programmer with a passion for technology and web development.


Phoenix Dev🐦 phoenixdev0117
Sr. Full stack - Ecommerce developer
Patrycja Oosthuizen PatrycjaOosthuizen
I am passionate junior developer in the making.

London (United Kingdom)

liushiyang S-simba
I'm a programmer ,ugly and poo....r,coding day by day. Fucking, i love my work, enjoy working .Working makes me happy! oh~~~
Ali Bolouki unixnexo
wish I were living in the '90s when HTML was everything.

Aftab Asa Jonob - Araax Shiraz/Iran

Ali Erano01
Java & C++ Developer | Spring Technologies


Robe ;) NEKAN1826

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Jonas G. jonaspg08
i do programming sometimes, lol


AlejxxoDev AlejxxoDev
👨‍💻 Systems Engineer | Frontend Developer -Passionate about building modern and intuitive web interfaces. Skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Vue
Stanislav Tiptsov boneus
JavaScript Developer
Most of my repositories are private for reasons of confidential projects in development.
Richard Tavares richard-tavares
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | PHP | Laravel | Vue.js | MySQL

@iRede Extrema, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani
I’m @Iankulani, a computer scientist passionate about innovation 🌍.

@Green-Innovative-Bank Mzimba, Malawi