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Jon Olsson noj

Stockholm, Sweden

Benjamin import-benjamin
Linux enthusiast. Fullstack DevOps engineer. CI/CD stuntman.


Dan G freemvmt
freelance software engineer, researcher, organiser | optimistic technopessimist | @foundersandcoders grad | previously realtime data @citymapper



Fort Collins, CO

SalvatoreLa salvatorelaspata
Full Stack Developer

Gotonext Rome

Sascha syk


Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Kevin Masseix MKCG
Software architect. Stack : C99, Typescript, Python, Golang, PHP, docker, terraform, ansible, tensorflow, AWS, ...

Paris, France

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Atharva Shirdhankar StarTrooper08
Open Source Developer :octocat: | Devops 🧰 and Backend Dev 👨‍🚀 | GSoC'23 and '24 mentee under @r-devel

Student And Continuous Learner India

oguzhalit oguzhalit
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Daniel E. denglertai

Stuttgart, Germany

Matthew Winter wintermi
Head of Engineering @ Prophet. All views are my own.

@Google @GoogleCloudPlatform Melbourne, Australia

J. Gregory Wright daecabhir
Codeslinger, silicon samurai, kasung, aspiring bodhisattva, legend in his own mind...
Cloud Enthusiast who obsessed with containers, Pods and Believe In Automatic the things
born to do reverse engineering financially forced to do websec.
Han Hua hhua
Invest at GV in the day and hack at night.

GV Bay Area

Bayram OZKAN bayram-ozkan
DevOps Engineer | Cyber Security Researcher

San Francisco, CA

nelbta nelbta
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Oğuzhan Yıldırım oguzyildirim
x/10 developer

@Trendyol Istanbul/Turkey

Cyril Sebastian cyrilsebastian
learning is a marathon not a sprint but then if you are passionate, you take a sprint to grow fast else you stay dedicated in the marathon which takes you far.
Vincent Tencé testinfected

Bee Software Development Montréal, Qc Canada

Fredrik Lundhag joltcan
Sysop doing sysop things.

Malmö, Sweden

Stephen Marsh stephenhmarsh
Open source is cool. Currently serving at @metmuseum. Former technical cofounder of Group Project (acquired by Bravely), Lead Engineer at The Line.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC

Max Puls argentum47
Cybersecurity professional studying Responsible AI, risk management, system hardening, social engineering, continuous attack surface penetration testing (CASPT)

New Mexico

Daniel Ng See Cheong ngseecheong

@x-idian Johannesburg, South Africa

Kyle Steere kbsteere
@chainguard-dev focusing on package, library, container security.


Giuseppe Di Terlizzi (GDT) giterlizzi
IT Senior Security Consultant & Full Stack Developer

NTT DATA Rome, Italy

Charlie Robbins indexzero
Early node person; herder of mammals. You probably "npm install" a module I created.

New York, NY