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Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

scheeloong scheeloong

University of Toronto (MASc and BASc) Toronto, Vancouver, California, New York

Fan Yang ariafanyang
Master's student in Computational Social Science at UC San Diego. Background in Architecture and Urban Design. Exploring Deep Learning.
David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Maharaj Teertha Deb TeerthaDeb

@Zetane Montreal, QC , Canada

M.Sc. student at Concordia University in Electrical and Computer engineering

Montreal, Quebec

Uyi Oronsaye OGHO-SAYE
Hi I'm Uyi, a driven software engineering student experienced in coding, problem-solving, and embracing tech trends for impactful solutions.
Ronan Keryell keryell
SYCL for inclusive heterogeneous acceleration and other open-source stuff.

AMD Research and Advanced Development San José, California

Daniel Flores Araiza DanielF29
Ph.D. Student at ITESM, working on XAI and Causality.


Keon keonp
Front-End Developer, Juno College Alumni, Lifelong Learner, Casual Judo/BJJ Practitioner

@zetane Ontario, CA

Theodore Omtzigt Ravenwater
Computer Architect and custom compute engine developer for robotics, computer vision, and high-performance computing applications.

Stillwater Supercomputing, Inc. Freeport, Maine

cobaltyang cobaltyang
My research direction is machine learning and deep learning. I have some experience in Python.

Bei Jing

Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.


QSLee-Net QSLee-Net
There is light at the end of the tunnel.

CASIC Harbin

MEET PATEL meet-rocking
🔢 Mathematician at heart, 🧠 Deep Learning Researcher by profession, and 🎨 Artist in spirit. Exploring computational intelligence and creative expression.
A bug that doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Wuhan University Wuhan & Chongqing

James Chang strategist922
PhD Student, Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, China

Microsoft Taipei, Taiwan

Sala28 / juniorccarvalho

@sala28 Brasil, Sao Paulo