All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- When development token is provided in both environment variable and driver constructor, prioritize token in environment variable.
- #158 - Added parameter that allows increasing session creation timeout.
- #145 - Steps are now reported in batches to improve performance.
- Increased reports queue maximum size.
- Increased maximum timeout for reporting queue to 10 minutes.
- Added logging for reporting queue progress.
- Added warning log for when trying to use manual reporting while it is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where Cucumber report name would be overwritten despite being specified in driver construction.
- Added a new connection validation to TestProject Agents version 2.3.0 or greater.
- Fixed an issue where Cucumber tests with BeforeClass/BeforeSuit annotation reports were not correct.
- Added Cucumber Examples for uploading tests to TestProject platform.
- Added Session Reuse for Cucumber Tests who do not provide a Job Name.
- Added support for JUnit4 assertion reporting.
- Added Control for Reports configuration, it is now possible to state the name and path of the generated report.
- Added Remote Execution Support, it is now possible to execute tests on remote agents in the same network.
- Added data providers that allow uploading parameterized tests to TestProject platform.
- (#104) - Fix for Report Type being ignored on Chrome Driver.
- Fixed test name inferring in JUnit.
- Fixed multiple jobs reporting when running several tests without any given job name/project name.
- Fixed ReportType ignored in ChromeDriver.
- Fixed Cucumber tests reports which can sometimes be generated with steps out of order.
- Added option to configure report type (cloud, local or both).
- Added Cucumber framework mobile example test.
- Fixed exception thrown when reporting failed Cucumber steps.
- Added package and upload instructions.
- Fixed Cucumber reporting plugin logic.
- Fixed CI tests.
- Reporting plugin for the Cucumber framework.
- Fixed issue where test name wasn't reported without calling driver.quit().
- Reporting extension for TestNG has been added.
- Fixed issue where TCP socket would close before all test steps were reported.
- Environment variable that will be set to allow executing OpenSDK coded tests from within recorded tests.
- Resource file
that will be created during build, to indicate SDK version in dependant projects.
- Throw
in relevant cases.
- Handled parsing errors when assigning non-string outputs from addon actions to it's proxy class members.
- Skip Selenium server address parsing when using a Generic driver.
- Fixed logic assigning output values to proxy classes after addon execution.
- Improved error messages logged when initializing a development session fails.
- Fixed a case when tets name was not reported after session ends.
- Fixed IE driver re-initialization logic.
- Fixed compatibility issue with ChromeOptions class, upgrading Guava library to version 29.
- Fixed a scenario in which instantiation of a proxy class failed during test name inferring.
- Added Generic driver to execute non-UI tests.
- Close the agent client when the driver quits to allow the process to exit.
- SDK will keep a development session open and only restart the driver when reporting the same Job (only when working with Agent 0.64.20 or newer).
- Screenshots are now being reported when command execution fails.
- Reporting extension for JUnit5 has been added.
- Removed bundled logback.xml that can interfere with explicitly specified logback configuration.
- Fixed false-failure happening when using Actions class and automatically reporting commands.
- Now Driver and AgentClient will be closed gracefully when process terminates
- Added custom capability and documentation for execution using a cloud (e.g SauceLabs) driver.
- Junit4 Example
- Fixed reports not created when there is no package to infer a project name from.
Initial release.