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6c6dbf1 · Dec 16, 2024




OWEN - Original Works Electronic Notifications

This is still a prototype on v0.1

Current status is reported on issues v0.1 and v0.2

You can currenlty use OWEN to send .xml files as a BLOB using EIP4844 transaction.


To run OWEN on Holesky, you'll need four things:

  1. RPC endpoint URL: This should point to the Holesky blockchain network. You can get one for free from most RPC providers like Alchemy, Chainstack, QuickNode, etc.

  2. IPFS client: in the current implementation, we support two solutions:

    • Pinata's JWT Token: You can get one for free here: Pinata / API keys
    • IPFS Kubo client endpoint URL with exposed API V0: For testing purposes, you can run it locally with the following Bash command from the project root folder: docker compose -f ./docker/run-local.yml up ipfs. For production environments, you should run a full version on your server or in the cloud.
  3. Private key of your wallet with funds on Holesky testnet

  4. Folder with your DDEX messages in xml format: Each message should be in a separate subfolder and include an image file. You can use our test files from the owen/tests/msg_one and owen/tests/msg_two folders, but remember to change some values because the Protocol prevents sending identical BLOBs twice.

Steps to Get Started

1. Clone this repository:

git clone && cd protocol-core

2. Create .env file:

Use the .env.example file to create your .env file:

cp ./owen/.env.example ./owen/.env

3. Edit the following values in the /owen/.env file:

  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your private key.
  • RPC_URL: Your RPC endpoint URL pointing to Holesky.
  • If you've chosen Pinata as your IPFS client, edit these values:
    • PINATA_JWT: Your Pinata JWT token.
    • DEFAULT_IPFS_INTERFACE: Change the value from KUBO to PINATA.
  • If you are running a local Kubo IPFS client with Docker, no changes are needed. However, if you run your own full IPFS Kubo client, update this value:
    • IPFS_KUBO_URL: Your Kubo IPFS client API URL.

4. Prepare your messages folder:

Inside the /owen directory, create a folder with your messages structured as follows:

-> my_messages
    -> message_one
        -> message_resources
    -> message_two
        -> message_resources
  • Owen will look for a string with a file path in the ResourceList.Image.TechnicalDetails.File.URI tag in each message. If it finds it, it pins the file to IPFS. Then it replaces the ResourceList.Image.TechnicalDetails.File.URI tag value with the CID of the pinned file.
  • Directory and file names don't matter.
  • DDEX messages have to be in .xml format.

5. Run OWEN:

cd owen && cargo run ./my_messages

As an output you should receive the list of processed messges from the ./my_messages directory with the images files that were pined and the receipt of the transaction. Example output:

    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s
     Running `target/debug/owen ./tests`
Source files: image: ./tests/asset_one/image-asset.png; XML: ./tests/asset_one/test.xml
Image file ./tests/asset_one/image-asset.png was pined to IPFS under CID: QmZ9zbXsBffafmAJSKtRXh6EZfChc1rgNR6JEJc92ZmWkS
CID: QmZ9zbXsBffafmAJSKtRXh6EZfChc1rgNR6JEJc92ZmWkS was included in the output file: ./output_files/1.xml
Source files: image: ./tests/asset_two/random-image.avif; XML: ./tests/asset_two/name.xml
Image file ./tests/asset_two/random-image.avif was pined to IPFS under CID: QmXvR6x7tF6RcgPD51zmS2Y1pjNVquWynreC63iRpTTRsd
CID: QmXvR6x7tF6RcgPD51zmS2Y1pjNVquWynreC63iRpTTRsd was included in the output file: ./output_files/4.xml
sending tx...
TransactionReceipt { inner: Eip4844(ReceiptWithBloom { receipt: Receipt { status: Eip658(true), cumulative_gas_used: 101145, logs: [Log { inner: Log { address: 0x00c042c4d5d913277ce16611a2ce6e9003554ad5, data: LogData { topics: [0x6a6fc970009454e3172a2ec189981caa44b6d81bfc3a7ba62cf8367df4aecf75], data: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030a4e5158df6997b07c5781ed92225804d23da8ce76fefca0a0d5624cbb4e0779cad21e842c254216297b571bcd8b9534100000000000000000000000000000000 } }, block_hash: Some(0xe2b754bb58d6f27c95b9a42ddf10be75d60255a3e459bd5de9d6c2e9bc22c487), block_number: Some(462), block_timestamp: None, transaction_hash: Some(0xc73b1a70f9d446ab04433b9bcc3ba95849ea9f35e35cd3ece9cc7d8ab2ddcc33), transaction_index: Some(0), log_index: Some(0), removed: false }] }, logs_bloom: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000002000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000 }), transaction_hash: 0xc73b1a70f9d446ab04433b9bcc3ba95849ea9f35e35cd3ece9cc7d8ab2ddcc33, transaction_index: Some(0), block_hash: Some(0xe2b754bb58d6f27c95b9a42ddf10be75d60255a3e459bd5de9d6c2e9bc22c487), block_number: Some(462), gas_used: 101145, effective_gas_price: 100000000, blob_gas_used: Some(131072), blob_gas_price: Some(1), from: 0x802dcbe1b1a97554b4f50db5119e37e8e7336417, to: Some(0x00c042c4d5d913277ce16611a2ce6e9003554ad5), contract_address: None, state_root: None, authorization_list: None }

6. Cleanup after testing:

docker compose -f ./docker/run-local.yml down


1. Install and run kurtosis testnet:

  1. Install kurtosis by following the instruction from HERE
  2. Run the testnet with kurtosis --enclave local-eth-testnet run
  3. Run the following command to get the RPC of the testnet network you just created.
$ kurtosis port print local-eth-testnet el-1-geth-lighthouse rpc

Prefix it with http:// and save it for later steps

2. Clone this repository and enter its directory

git clone && cd protocol-core

3. Run IPFS local node:

docker compose -f ./docker/run-local.yml up ipfs -d

4. Create .env files from .env.example

cp ./owen/.env.example ./owen/.env && cp ./contracts/.env.example ./contracts/.env

5. Edit /contracts/.env and /owen/.env files:

  • Change the RPC_URL value in both files with your local testnet RPC URL.

6. Compile and deploy contracts

  1. Inside the /contracts folder run:
npm i
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/execute/deployLocal.ts --network kurtosis_testnet

The last command may take some time to complete. Once it's done, it will return output with the addresses of validators, data providers and smart contracts. Similar to this:

deployment data: {
  ddexSequencer: '0x00c042C4D5D913277CE16611a2ce6e9003554aD5',
  accounts: {
    deployer: '0x8943545177806ED17B9F23F0a21ee5948eCaa776',
    validators: [
    dataProviders: [
  whitelists: {
    dataProvidersWhitelist: '0xb4B46bdAA835F8E4b4d8e208B6559cD267851051',
    validatorsWhitelist: '0x422A3492e218383753D8006C7Bfa97815B44373F'
  1. Copy ddexSequencer address without the 0x and update the DDEX_SEQUENCER_ADDRESS value in the file owen/src/

7. Send messages from /tests folder

$ cd owen && cargo run ./tests

8. Cleanup after testing:

kurtosis enclave stop local-eth-testnet

kurtosis clean

docker compose -f ./docker/run-local.yml down