Make sure you have setup the following in your git environment:
- user.signingkey
The signingkey is the KEYID of the gpg key you will use to sign the release with. This is used for both the git tag and for the detached signature for the source archive file.
Create a branch for the release, this is needed because commits to main are
restricted to approved pull requests. eg. git checkout -b main-release-X.Y
Run make release
on this branch. This will run the tests, bump the version,
tag the release, and create an archive with a detached gpg signature. The key
used to sign the archive will also be output as gpg-KEYID.key
which will be
needed for the Fedora release.
Push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request, ask someone for an ack if you are not on the list of people who can push to main w/o review. Also wait for the GitHub CI to finish and pass.
DO NOT use the GitHub UI to merge the commit. It may rebase/merge the commit which would make the gpg signed tag not match.
DO use git on the cmdline to do a fast-forward merge of your release branch into main.
This is so that the signed tag matches the commit you made on your release branch.
git co main
git merge main-release-X.Y
git push --follow-tags origin main
Check github to make sure the new tag has the 'Verified' icon next to it.
In the GitHub UI select the 'Tags' page and click on the new tag. Select 'Create release from tag'.
Set the title to 'weldr-client version X.Y' with the new version. Paste the changelog since the last release into the description and trim out irrelevant commits -- I try to collapse multiple build(deps) entries for the same dependency into one entry to make things more readable, and move them all to the end of the list.
Add the .tar.gz and .tar.gz.asc archive file and signature to the release and click on 'Publish release'
Run make weldr-client.spec
to generate a new .spec file that includes the
changelog. Copy it to your weldr-client dist-git repo. Also copy the
file if it isn't already there.
Add the archive, signature, and public key:
fedpkg new-sources weldr-client-35.6.tar.gz* gpg-*key
Generate commit message with fedpkg clog --raw
and edit it to your liking. Commit the
changes with git add -u && git commit -F clog
Check that the changes look ok with git show
, do a mock build with fedpkg mockbuild
and if that all looks ok, push and build:
fedpkg push && fedpkg build