The Hacktoberfest - Open Hack Sprint was held at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering on 12th October. The main objective of the event was to encourage developers to contribute to open source projects.
The event was promoted for two weeks via the social media accounts and official website of osl. The event attracted a good crowd of around 40 enthusiastic participants.
The event acts as an avenue wherein developers can pick and choose the open-source they want to contribute to on GitHub and submit PR’s that would affect the open-source project in a meaningful way. It could be as simple as authoring a README file on the open-source projects that one used earlier and struggled while working with it. This can be considered the time where one takes time and gives back something meaningful to the Open Source community.
The Hack Sprint began with a quick introduction and exchange of formalities between the participants and organizers. Soon after, a quick introduction about Hacktoberfest and its purpose was shared along with its relation with the spirit of open source. The official hack time began from 2:30 pm and went up till 7 pm. Post this the event was concluded and the event was officially closed, that is until the next year!