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Popular Landmarks

Erikipati Manohar edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 1 revision

The popular landmarks have been aggregated by using tourist attractions available through wikipedia.

Scrapping Wikipedia

A scrapper was built which takes a wikipedia link and parses all the popular landmarks in it. It then creates a text file of all the popular landmark names and their cities delimited by %. This file is then fed to quick-geocode-cli.

Using Opencagedata geocoder

quick-geocode-cli is a script that takes a the above mentioned input file and a confidence interval. The confidence interval helps decide which values to keep and which to discard. The cli the popular landmarks matches them to OSM features using opencagedata geocoder. quick-geocode-cli outputs a .csv with name and OSM features.

*The geocoder result is generally better if the point of interest is supplied with city name corresponding to it.

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