##List of Open Source Components in Countly
This table shows a list of all open source software used to develop Countly Mobile Analytics Platform.
###Standalone components
Software | Type | License | URL |
MongoDB | NoSQL DB | AGPL | http://mongodb.org |
Nginx | Reverse proxy | MIT | http://nginx.org |
Express.js | Javascript library | MIT | http://expressjs.com |
Backbone.js | Javascript library | MIT | http://backbonejs.com |
Handlebars.js | Javascript library | MIT | http://handlebarsjs.com |
d3.js | UI library | BSD | http://d3js.org |
Datatables.js | Javascript library | MIT | http://datatables.net |
Rickshaw.js | Javascript library | MIT | http://code.shutterstock.com/rickshaw/ |
Gauge | UI Library | MIT | http://bernii.github.io/gauge.js/ |
Store.js | Javascript library | MIT | https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/ |
Prefixfree | Javascript library | MIT | https://github.com/LeaVerou/prefixfree |
Jstz | Javascript plugin | MIT | http://pellepim.bitbucket.org/jstz/ |
Flot | UI library | MIT | http://flotcharts.org |
Ejs | Javascript library | MIT | http://embeddedjs.com |
###Jquery & related modules
Software | Type | License | URL |
Jquery | UI library | MIT | http://jquery.com |
Textcounter | Jquery plugin | MIT | https://github.com/ractoon/ |
Jquery idle timer | Jquery plugin | MIT | https://github.com/thorst/jquery-idletimer |
Peity | Jquery plugin | MIT | http://benpickles.github.io/peity |
Jquery-i18n | Jquery plugin | MIT | https://code.google.com/p/jquery-i18n-properties/ |
###Node.js & related modules