@mnonnenmacher, @tsteenbe, @sschuberth
- Review of last meeting's action items (see open issues at https://github.com/oss-review-toolkit/ort-governance/issues)
- ORT performance logging (log performance relevant information)
- Roadmaps from HERE and Bosch (what are we planning to work on in the next 90 days)
- Committers from Bosch
- Making ORT binary releases / version numbering
- Where to put generic libraries (like spdx-utils, clearly-defined etc.)
- Open-sourcing HERE's curation data
- Cleanup of remote branches
- Align the behavior of reporters (display of issues, excludes etc.) -> DRY principle
- Next TSC meeting
Thomas is on parental leave (until January 9, 2021)
- Use Splunk to parse / analyze the regular log statements printed to the console.
- Look into using a custom "PERFORMANCE" log level (between "INFO" and "DEBUG").
- Analyzer results currently are not cached; maybe hash package manager files / output of something like "./gradlew dependencies" as a lookup key
- HERE: Performance
- Bosch
- Remote scanners (FOSSID, ScanOSS)
- think about sync vs async scanners instead of local vs remote scanners
- just triggering remote scn async'ly probably is enough to beging with; gathering results can could later
- Advisor (adaptor for our current commercial provider, then add new providers to compare data quality to)
- PDF reporting (AsciiDoc template -> HTML -> PDF), AsciiDoctorJ (?) integration
- Azure DevOps infrastructure for running ORT
- Remote scanners (FOSSID, ScanOSS)
- Bump Oliver Heger and Marcel Bochtler up from contributors to committers
- In GitHub-speak they will stay "Outside Collaborators", but get "Write" instead of "Triage" permissions
- @sschuberth on-boards them / gives "behavior" guidance
- TSC agrees unanimously
- Automatically publish release on push of Git tag (of certain pattern)
- Look for ready-made GitHub Action to do that for Gradle projects
- Candidates for splitting out libraries: clearly-defined, fossid-webapp-client, spdx-utils, more to come
- SemVer for these, 1.0.0 as first version number
- Try with clearly-defined first
- Introduce ChangeLogs
- Aim for an ORT 1.0.0 release by Q1 2021
- Think about providing migration tools on breaking changes
- No Docker image publishing yet
- No update on that topic as @fviernau had no time / is currently on sick leave
- HERE working on approval
- This script might help to identify own branches
- Remove Documenter from README, functionality will be in Reporter
- Ensure all reporters handle various basics
- Hard to enforce technically, maybe better come up with guidelines
- Static HTML reporter does not show resolved issues at all (?) -> @tsteenbe will file an issue
- Maybe remove the Static reporter in the mid term
- January 14, 2021, 10.00 o'clock