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Xborne is organized as a set of programs which exchange files to analysea model. Files contain data (the matrices, the description of states) and programs in C (definition of state-dependant probabilities, definition of transitions, definition of rewards). Some programms must be compiledwith this new functions to analyse a new model. Directories :SrongStochasticBoundTotal : Various implementation of Vincent algoritms available.IMSUB is only available with a band structure for internal representation ofthe matrix (thus it can use a lot of memory and be slow). Also the FQ algorithm with a banded form for the matrix. CensorBounds : DPY and Truffet methods are available. New methods will be available soon. BlocksGeneration : not available anymore (a new release to be consistent with the other tools)NablaAlgorithms: some of the algorithms are here (INABLAU, INABLAL, SLUB). Format : a set of file descriptions and format to make the programs run. MarkovGeneration : generMarkov.c (replace newgen.c, some bugs fixed, some improvements) Reward : You can easily use "rewardIndice.c" which computestypical rewards while "reawrdComponents.c" needs that you provide a description of your own rewards by a C file called funReward.c. In that case, your model must also have a "model.cd" file for state description. An example is provided but the comments are in French. Solve: GTH, Power, GaussSeidel, and SOR. Not the best methods but you can transform your model into a MM form and use state of the art solveravailable on the web. Transient : not available YETMatrixOPerations: some programs to transform the matrices: transpose for instance. Also possible to exportmatrix to Latex, Scilab, Matrix Market format. Uniformisation and the T-transform are also available. Lumpabillity: Tarjan's algorithm to find best partition for lumpable and quasi-lumpablematrix will be available soon. Ana's version of Limsub(with LMSUB, LIMSUB and LL as possible options) is in this directory. AutomataGeneration: to build an automata instead of the Markov chain. The output is a tgf file which can be used by yed to find a nice drawing. See also Lam2Tgf which transform the .Rii and .cd files into a tgf files for drawing. Simulation: create a simulator of the DTMC from the fun.c file instead of generating the matrix. Use the same fun.c file but it neeedsextra information in const.h. 2 versions here: with or without information on the coverageof the state space.