This file is used to list changes made in each version of the osl-app cookbook.
- Temporarily lock to redmine-5.1.4
- Remove auth from registry
- Use correct env var
- Create
- Add Support for AlmaLinux 9
- Remove support for CentOS 7
- Update openid delayed_job container to use new entrypoint script
- Move ghcr_io_credentials library helper to osl-docker
- Update redmine and etherpad on app3
- Switch openid-production to containers
- Precompile assets and setup cron jobs for openid-staging
- Migrate formsender to using image hosted on
- Switch streamwebs-production to container
- Switch to using images for openid-staging
- Set streamwebs to restart always so it comes back on reboot
- Redeploy the container after updating the image
- Fix path to media folder on streamwebs-staging
- Migrate streamwebs-staging to running in a container
- Set secrets_databag
- Migrate openid-staging to docker containers
- Remove IAM and Timesync
- Add ignore_failure true to git resources
- Remove server_names_hash_bucket_size as this is now included in osl-nginx
- Add Sentry URI to app2 recipe
- Remove CentOS Stream 8 references
- Ruby upgrade for openid-production-unicorn.service
- Moved app1 staging site to ruby 3.1.4
- Migrate to new containerized formsender
- Use system installed node binary
- Update to using latest nodejs cookbook
- updated ruby in production
- updated ruby for openid-staging-unicorn
- Upgrade redmine-replicant to 4.2.3
- Create sudoers file based on service_name property
- Convert app2 to use the users cookbook
- Convert this cookbook to properly use systemd_unit
- Set unified_mode for custom resources
- Set "unicorn" ports to osl_only
- Update to new osl-firewall resources
- Update Chef dependency to >= 16
- Fix logrotation for openid logs
- Replace any occurrence of yum-centos/yum-epel/yum-elrepo with osl-repos equivalents
- Set user to etherpad to fix idempotency issues
- Cookstyle fixes
- Replicant Redmine fix & DB cleanup
- Add admin password to etherpad
- Add Etherpad Docker containers
- CentOS 8 support
- Chef 16 Fixes
- Move to replicant to our custom docker image
- Move Replicant's Redmine to a docker container
- Update Redmine to 4.1.1
- Chef 15 Fixes
- Added recaptcha keys and stubbed them in test
- Chef 14 post-migration fixes
- Migrate away from using poise-python
- Chef 14
- Refactor to support systemd-3.x cookbook
- Bump redmine to 4.0.5 to work around upstream issue
- Add container, add docker tests
- Upgrade replicant redmine ruby
- Use remove instead of delete for sudo resource
- Remove and disable fenestra app
- Update openid production systemd service to use Ruby 2.5.3
- Update ChefSpec platforms
- Update to ruby 2.5.3 for openid staging
- Fix typo in timesync-web systemd configs
- Fix mismatch in streamwebs' service PID file
- Use simple systemd type for timesync application
- Replace nodejs with osl-nodejs
- Chef 13 compatibility fixes
- Enable systemd services and improve tests.
- Use correct domain for streamwebs
- Setup transfer and error logging for streamwebs
- Update media folder location for streamwebs
- Setup nginx on app3 for media serving on the streamwebs websites
- Add braintree access token for openid
- Use unicorn instead of webrick in replicant's systemd command
- update replicant redmine command to redmine 3.3.3
- only rotate new log files
- Change type from forking to simple
- Move env variable to envrionemnt property
- quick fix for replicant redmine systemd command
- Use command to run replicant redmine until we upgrade
- Set proper permissions for logrotate
- Add logrotate to OpenID staging
- Add logrotate for OpenID on app1
- fix for failing formsender systemd service
- Replicant user data bag to make kitchen for app2 work again
- Adds right amount of spacing between guincorn params.
- Enable seperate logs for formsender's gunicorn.
- Redmine replicant on app2
- Kennric/adjust streamwebs
- Installs psycopg2
- Add postgis to list of packages
- tweak gunicorn command
- Kennric/add timesync web2
- Packages for Geo-Django
- Add warning comment about updating NodeJS version.
- fix unicorn command for iam instances
- Add comments clarifying timesync port numbers.
- Add timesync services to app2.
- Upgrade NodeJS to LTS v6.9.1.
- Kennric/streamwebs app3
- add iam to app2
- Kennric/app2 formsender
- Kennric/app2 formsender
- Cleanup and fix chefspec tests so they run and pass
- remove osl-root and osl-osuadmin data bag users
- Add postgresql dev packages
- Use iam-staging and iam-production instead of iam
- Initial release of osl-app