The folders store the results from umap and t-SNE to visualize the distributions of all datasests (KuHar, MotionSense, UCIHAR, WISDM, and ExtraSensory).
The results are organized in:
- Charts: There are results in svg format;
- htmlFile: There are results in html format;
- jsonFile: There are results in json format;
- pngFile: There are results in png format;
Each file is named as follows:
Domain = Time or Frequency
model = Umap or t-SNE
labes_select =
- DataSet: the label is the dataset name
- Activity_Dataset: the labels is the activity with dataset name
- Activity: the label is just the activity
- Activity from standard activity code: the label is the dataset name
- Activity from standard activity code and user: the label is the dataset name and it show the user code
- user_on activity from standard activity code: the label is the activity and it show the user code