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Nova Notes Field

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This Laravel Nova package adds a notes field to Nova's arsenal of fields.


  • php: >=8.0
  • laravel/nova: ^4.0


  • Notes field on Detail view
  • Differentiation between user-added and system-added notes
  • Ability to add notes through the UI or programmatically
  • Ability to edit user-made notes
  • Ability to delete user-made notes (w/ confirmation modal)
  • Customizable placeholder support
  • Set ability to hide or show the 'Add Note' button


Detail view


# Install the package via Composer
composer require outl1ne/nova-notes-field

# Run automatically loaded migration(s)
php artisan migrate


Add HasNotes trait to the model that has the notes:

use Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\Traits\HasNotes;

class ExampleModel extends Model
    use HasNotes;

Add NotesField to the matching resource:

use Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\NotesField;

class SomeResource extends Resource
  // ...

  public function fields(Request $request)
    return [
      // ...
        ->placeholder('Add note') // Optional
        ->addingNotesEnabled(false) // Optional
        ->fullWidth(), // Optional

Adding notes programmatically

To add notes programmatically, use the method provided by the HasNotes trait:

 * Creates a new note and attaches it to the model.
 * @param string $note The note text which can contain raw HTML.
 * @param bool $user Enables or disables the use of `Auth::user()` to set as the creator.
 * @param bool $system Defines whether the note is system created and can be deleted or not.
 * @return \Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\Models\Note
public function addNote($note, $user = true, $system = true)

Editing notes programmatically

To edit notes programmatically, use the editNote method provided by the HasNotes trait:

 * Edit a note with the given ID and text.
 * @param int|string $noteId The ID of the note to edit.
 * @param string $text The note text which can contain raw HTML.
 * @return \Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\Models\Note
public function editNote($noteId, $text)

Alternatively, you can simply update an existing Note record that's already in memory via standard Eloquent methods:

$note = $notable->notes()->where('id', '=', $noteId)->first();

    'text' => $noteText,

// Or...
$note->text = $noteText;


Publish configuration

You can publish the configuration by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\NotesFieldServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The available configuration option(s):

Config Type description
get_avatar_url callable or string Either enter the url attribute name on your model or a callable which allows you to generate your own URL for the user. The input parameter is the user model. By default, Gravatar is used for the user's avatars.
table_name string Optionally provide your own table name for the notes table. Default is nova_notes.
notes_model string Optionally provide your own Note model.
use_trix_input boolean Optionally enable Trix WYSIWYG input by setting this to true.
full_width_inputs boolean Optionally force all notes fields to display in full width.
display_order string Optionally set the sort order for notes. Default is DESC.

Custom edit & delete authorization

By default, only the user that wrote the note can edit/delete it and no one can edit/delete system notes.

You can define which user(s) can edit/delete which notes by defining a new Laravel authorization Gate called edit-nova-note and delete-note-note respectively.

In your AuthServiceProvider.php add a Gate definition like so:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
use Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\Models\Note;

// ...

public function boot()
  Gate::define('edit-nova-note', function ($user, Note $note) {
    // Do whatever here to add custom edit authorization logic, ie:
    return $note->created_by === $user->id || $user->isAdmin;
  Gate::define('delete-nova-note', function ($user, Note $note) {
    // Do whatever here to add custom delete authorization logic, ie:
    return $note->created_by === $user->id || $user->isAdmin;


The translation file(s) can be published by using the following publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\NotesFieldServiceProvider" --tag="translations"

You can add your translations to resources/lang/vendor/nova-notes-field/ by creating a new translations file with the locale name (ie se.json) and copying the JSON from the existing en.json.

Publishing migrations (optional)

If you want to edit the migration(s), you can publish the migrations like so:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Outl1ne\NovaNotesField\NotesFieldServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"



This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.