All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Allow specifying field custom width using
->withMeta(['nsrWidth' => '60px'])
- Updated packages
- Currently disabled any logic regarding to FormData update. Needs more thorough testing for it to be stable.
method to field that allows sending data in JSON format instead FormData.
- Validation error display when one or more rows were deleted. Issue description
- Fixed dark mode recognition
- Fixed UI misalignment issues
- Return type annotations for some methods that are now required by Nova.
- Format that data is sent to Nova is now FormData instead of JSON.
- Fixed sorting of locales present for field inside repeater.
- Fixed unique attribute names to match validation errors returned by Nova.
- Fixed asterisk display for required fields.
- Simple repeatable field now supports dependsOn. (thanks to @mlopezsti)
NB! This does not include the fields inside SimpleRepeatable, only the SimpleRepeatable field itself.
- Removed throwing "Not found" exception when resourceId is missing from fill request
- Temporary solution to bypass validation support for
- Temporary solution to bypass validation support for
- Fixed case where deleting a row would always delete the first item
- Fixed locale switching not working when starting with no rows
- Updated packages
- Nova 4.0 support (huge thanks to @emilianotisato)
- Renamed namespace from OptimistDigital to Outl1ne
- Dropped Nova 3.X support
- Dropped PHP 7.X support