Assuming you have a storage account already created inside a resource group
in Azure, create a container called data
Upload a sentinel object into the container. This can be a small text file that score will use to validate connectivity to the object storage at request time.
Create access policies on the storage container. One for read operations and one
for write operations.
Configure the score server either in the config file or env vars:
sentinel: <object_name> # name of the sentinel object you upoaded
endpointProtocol: https
accountName: <storage_account_name>
accountKey: <storage_account_secret_key>
name.object: data # container name
policy.upload: <write_policy> # name of the policy for the write/add/modify operations <read_policy> # name of policy for the read/list operations
partsize: 250000000 # safe default
Start the server with the following run profiles enabled: prod,secure,azure
Follow the regular client setup of access token and storage and metadata urls. However when running the client use azure profile option:
$ bin/score-client --profile azure ...
Upload block size for Azure can be configured with the azure.blockSize
configuration property.