This quickstart assumes users have already installed fedeca in a conda environment.
We recommend users to first install ipython (pip install ipython
) or jupyter,
and to copy-paste and run the content of the blocks sequentially either in the
ipython shell or in a jupyter notebook.
(Don't forget to make sure the ipython
interpreter being called is the one from the fedeca
conda environment by calling which ipython
. In the case it is not the correct one
running hash -r
usually does the trick. Similarly when using jupyter
make sure
the kernel used is the python interpreter from the conda environment (see i.e. this stackoverflow question))
FedECA tries to mimic scikit-learn API as much as possible with the constraints of distributed learning. The first step in data science is always the data. We need to first use or generate some survival data in pandas.dataframe format. Note that fedeca should work on any data format, provided that the return type of the substra opener is indeed a pandas.dataframe but let's keep it simple in this quickstart.
Here we will use fedeca utils which will generate some synthetic survival data following CoxPH assumptions:
import pandas as pd
from fedeca.utils.survival_utils import CoxData
# Let's generate 1000 data samples with 10 covariates
data = CoxData(seed=42, n_samples=1000, ndim=10)
df = data.generate_dataframe()
# We remove the true propensity score
df = df.drop(columns=["propensity_scores"], axis=1)
Let's inspect the data that we have here.
# <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
# RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
# Data columns (total 13 columns):
# # Column Non-Null Count Dtype
# --- ------ -------------- -----
# 0 X_0 1000 non-null float64
# 1 X_1 1000 non-null float64
# 2 X_2 1000 non-null float64
# 3 X_3 1000 non-null float64
# 4 X_4 1000 non-null float64
# 5 X_5 1000 non-null float64
# 6 X_6 1000 non-null float64
# 7 X_7 1000 non-null float64
# 8 X_8 1000 non-null float64
# 9 X_9 1000 non-null float64
# 10 time 1000 non-null float64
# 11 event 1000 non-null uint8
# 12 treatment 1000 non-null uint8
# dtypes: float64(11), uint8(2)
# memory usage: 88.0 KB
# X_0 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 time event treatment
# 0 -0.918373 -0.814340 -0.148994 0.482720 -1.130384 -1.254769 -0.462002 1.451622 1.199705 0.133197 2.573516 1 1
# 1 0.360051 -0.863619 0.198673 0.330630 -0.189184 -0.802424 -1.694990 -0.989009 -0.421245 -0.112665 0.519108 1 1
# 2 0.442502 0.024682 0.069500 -0.398015 -0.521236 -0.824907 0.373018 1.016843 0.765661 0.858817 0.652803 1 1
# 3 -0.783965 -1.116391 -1.482413 -2.039827 -1.639304 -0.500380 -0.298467 -1.801688 -0.743004 -0.724039 0.074925 1 1
# 4 -0.199620 -0.652347 -0.018776 0.004630 -0.122242 -0.413490 -0.450718 -0.761894 -1.323135 -0.234899 0.006951 1 1
# array([1, 0], dtype=uint8)
# 500
So we have survival data with covariates and a binary treatment variable. Let's inspect it using proper survival plots using the great survival analysis package lifelines that was a source of inspiration for fedeca:
from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter as KMF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
treatments = [0, 1]
kms = [KMF().fit(durations=df.loc[df["treatment"] == t]["time"], event_observed=df.loc[df["treatment"] == t]["event"]) for t in treatments]
axs = [km.plot(label="treated" if t == 1 else "untreated") for km, t in zip(kms, treatments)]
axs[-1].set_ylabel("Survival Probability")
plt.xlim(0, 1500)
plt.savefig("treated_vs_untreated.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
Open treated_vs_untreated.pdf
in your favorite pdf viewer and see for yourself.
The treatment seems to improve survival but it's hard to say for sure as it might simply be due to chance or sampling bias. Let's perform an IPTW analysis to be sure:
from fedeca.competitors import PooledIPTW
pooled_iptw = PooledIPTW(treated_col="treatment", event_col="event", duration_col="time")
# Targets is the propensity weights, targets=None)
# coef exp(coef) se(coef) coef lower 95% coef upper 95% exp(coef) lower 95% exp(coef) upper 95% cmp to z p -log2(p)
# covariate
# treatment 0.041727 1.04261 0.070581 -0.096609 0.180064 0.907911 1.197294 0.0 0.591196 0.554389 0.85103
When looking at the p-value=0.554389 > 0.05
, thus judging by what we observe we
cannot say for sure that there is a treatment effect. We say the ATE is non significant.
However in practice data is private and held by different institutions. Therefore in practice each client holds a subset of the rows of our dataframe. We will simulate this using a realistic scenario where a "pharma" node is developing a new drug and thus holds all treated and the rest of the data is split across 3 other institutions where patients were treated with the old drug. We will use the split utils of FedECA.
from fedeca.utils.data_utils import split_dataframe_across_clients
clients, train_data_nodes, _, _, _ = split_dataframe_across_clients(
split_method= "split_control_over_centers",
split_method_kwargs={"treatment_info": "treatment"},
Note that you can replace split_method by any callable with the signature
pd.DataFrame -> list[list[int]]
where the list of list of ints is the split of the indices
of the df across the different institutions.
To convince you that the split was effective you can inspect the folder "./data".
You will find different subfolders center0
to center3
each with different
parts of the data.
To unpack a bit what is going on in more depth, we have created a dict of client
which is a dict with 4 keys containing substra API handles towards the different
institutions and their data.
is a list of handles towards the datasets of the different institutions
that were registered through the substra interface using the data in the different
You might have noticed that we did not talk about the backend_type
This argument is used to choose on which network will experiments be run.
"simu" means in-RAM. If you finish this tutorial do try other values such as:
"docker" or "subprocess" but expect a significant slow-down as experiments
get closer and closer to a real distributed system.
Now let's try to see if we can reproduce the pooled anaysis in this much more complicated distributed setting:
from fedeca import FedECA
# We use the first client as the node, which launches order
ds_client = clients[list(clients.keys())[0]]
fed_iptw = FedECA(ndim=10, ds_client=ds_client, train_data_nodes=train_data_nodes, treated_col="treatment", duration_col="time", event_col="event", variance_method="robust")
# Final partial log-likelihood:
# [-11499.19619422]
# coef se(coef) coef lower 95% coef upper 95% z p exp(coef) exp(coef) lower 95% exp(coef) upper 95%
# 0 0.041718 0.070581 -0.096618 0.180054 0.591062 0.554479 1.0426 0.907902 1.197282
In fact what we did above is both quite verbose. For simulation purposes we advise to use directly the scikit-learn inspired syntax:
fed_iptw = FedECA(ndim=10, treated_col="treatment", event_col="event", duration_col="time"), n_clients=4, split_method="split_control_over_centers", split_method_kwargs={"treatment_info": "treatment"}, data_path="./data", variance_method="robust", backend_type="simu")
# coef se(coef) coef lower 95% coef upper 95% z p exp(coef) exp(coef) lower 95% exp(coef) upper 95%
# 0 0.041718 0.070581 -0.096618 0.180054 0.591062 0.554479 1.0426 0.907902 1.197282
We find a similar p-value ! The distributed analysis is working as expected. We recommend to users that made it to here as a next step to use their own data and write custom split functions and to test this pipeline under various heterogeneity settings. Another interesting avenue is to try adding differential privacy to the training of the propensity model but that is outside the scope of this quickstart.