Releases: owntone/owntone-server
Releases · owntone/owntone-server
Version 28.2
- add Spotify integration that doesn't depend on libspotify
- partial support for AirPlay events (Homepod buttons)
- web UI upgraded, now 1.1.0:
- show "comment" field in track details
- drop double login to Spotify when not using libspotify
- easier install by letting 'make install' add user and service files
- preserve existing conf file when running 'make install'
- support for "comment" field when making smart playlists
- fix support for dacp device-volume
- fix issue where source file sort tags where ignored
- fix for Roku (RSP) artist display issue
- fix bug when 'bind_address' option is used
- fix for CVE-2021-38383
- fix some minor time-of-check time-of-use bugs
Version 28.1
- fix incompability in 28.0 with Debian Buster's libwebsockets 2.0
Version 28.0
- rename forked-daapd to OwnTone + new logo
- fix web UI slow updates due to websockets 3.x changes
- support for ALAC sort tags
- support for remote pls/m3u with https streams
- add /api/queue?id=now_playing json API shortcut
- fix possible crash on Pulseaudio error callback
- fix possible segfault-on-exit
- fix websockets not working on FreeBSD
- refactor how the server binds to sockets (use dual stack ipv4/6)
- configurable interface/address binding
Version 27.4
- fix web server path traversal vulnerability
Version 27.3
- support for AirPlay 2 speakers, incl. compressed ALAC
- web UI upgraded, now v0.8.5:
- new design/layout
- optimize "Recently added"
- Spotify search dialogue improvements
- drop separate admin web page, now integrated in main web
- podcast deletion
- make Radio a top level item
- show release dates
- new sorting options
- prevent browser caching of playlists
- additional settings
- improved Chromecast streaming (retransmisson, adaptive etc.)
- JSON api support for updating metadata of queue items
- JSON api new fields, e.g. time_added, time_played and seek
- fix for some Chromecasts disconnecting
- new algorithm for more natural ALSA volume adjustments
- new nickname option for AirPlay and Chromecast
- mpd fixes (nextsong, multiple commands)
- charset flexibility when getting ICY metadata from streams
- adaptive probing of radio streams
- libplist and libsodium now required
- fixes for library update events
- fixes to speaker selection and unintentional volume changes
- fix some minor memleaks
- support shairport-sync metadata pipe flush event
- misc logging fixup
Version 27.2
- web UI upgraded to v0.7.2:
- show cover artwork in album pages and lazy loading of artwork
- show playlist folders
- use sass/scss for css files
- add "Radio" tab to the music section
- add settings for artwork sources
- add pop up dialog for Remote pairing requests
- support adding/removing podcast subscriptions
- support marking all new podcast episodes/all episodes as played
- support searching by smart pl queries
- skip buttons for audiobooks and podcasts
- show localized times/dates
- generate colored placeholder image if cover artwork is missing
- show "cast" icon for Chromecast outputs
- styling changes of the navbars and moving the volume controls
- new speaker selection logic (persist user choice even after failure)
- speaker autoselect no longer enabled by default
- removed old admin page, not necessary any more
- fix/workaround for Apple TV's and HomePods that disconnect
- support for RSS feeds
- support for nested smart playlists (playlist folders)
- support for online artwork sources e.g. Discogs, Coverartarchive
- support for radio StreamUrl's that point to json with metadata
- fix incorrect artwork shown for unknown album/artists
- fix issue parsing shairport-sync progress metadata
- fix missing Spofity logout option
- fix for embedded artwork not working with ffmpeg 4.3+
- some smart PL improvements, e.g. support for more tags
- config option for Airplay timing/control ports (eases firewalling)
- quicker loading of radio streams (smaller probing)
- workaround for mxml 2.10 significant memleak
- some fixes for Roku (RSP)
- drop libspotify for artwork, doesn't work any more
- documentation improvements
Version 27.1
- web UI upgraded to v0.6.0: settings page, display more Spotify data
- support for volumeup, volumedown and mutetoggle DACP commands
- support for multiple ALSA devices
- suppress repeated logging of same message to avoid log file bloat
- fix opening too many files due to looping with shairport-sync
- fix for genres with single quotes in name
- fix for incorrect update of time_added metadata
- fix some small memleaks and missing cleanup
Version 27.0
- no fixed resampling to 44100/16, play source quality if possible
- Chromecast: quick start, better quality (48000/16 Opus encoded)
- performance enhancements: Remote and iTunes will load quicker
- alsa sync with variable sample rate, avoiding audible "clicks"
- web UI upgraded to v0.5.6, e.g. play non-library tracks, saving queue
- fix for Pebble mpd client (and possibly others)
- fix issue with some HLS radio stations
- support for https streams
- fix for artwork showing dithered
- ICY metadata in forked-daapd's mp3 stream
- support for Spotify collaborative playlists
- support for Shairport artwork via pipe
- configurable mp3 streaming quality
- json api improvements, e.g. for toggling speakers
- json api/web ui: Relative seeking
- support for some http seeking
- fix for macOS Catalina’s Apple Music
Version 26.5
- json api/web ui: file view
- web ui: artwork support
- web ui: "Add next" and genre tab
- Airplay connection test improvements
- support for https streams in m3u's
- use Spotify web api for artwork instead of libspotify
- option to make Airplay devices permanent or excluded
- support for tracks and disc items in smart playlists
- db refactor, fix issues with play count, time played etc
- json api: more options available when adding items to the queue
- json api: player/toggle
- mpd version 0.20 support + support for "listfiles" command
- fix double http auth decline issue
Version 26.4
- automatic rating
- fix issue in 26.3 causing invalid time_skipped values in the db
- improved fallback to ipv4 if ipv6 fails
- fix issue returning too many queue items to clients
- fix missing prompt for library password