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File metadata and controls

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The allure package offers an implementation of all the entities that Allure uses to handle test reports.

💁 Learn more about the Allure Framework.

Head of contents

Global Environment Keys

Key Meaning Default
ALLURE_OUTPUT_PATH Specifies the path to the folder to print the results. . (test folder)
ALLURE_OUTPUT_FOLDER Specifies the name of a folder for printing results. /allure-results
ALLURE_ISSUE_PATTERN Specifies the URL pattern for Issue. Must contain exactly one %s.
ALLURE_TESTCASE_PATTERN Specifies the URL pattern for TestCase. Must contain exactly one %s.
ALLURE_LAUNCH_TAGS Specifies the default tags that will be used to mark all tests in the run. The tags must be specified separated by commas.


Supported test statuses:

Name Key
Passed passed
Failed failed
Skipped skipped
Broken broken
Unknown unknown

NOTE: Tests failed in the BeforeAll/BeforeEach functions have the status Unknown


allure.Attachment - is the implementation of the appendices to the report in allure. It is most often used to contain screenshots, api-answers, files and other data obtained during the test.

Attachment's Supported Types

Key Mime type File type
Text "text/plain" .txt
Csv "text/csv" .csv
Tsv "text/tab-separated-values" .tsv
URIList "text/uri-list" .uri
HTML "text/html" .html
XML "application/xml" .xml
JSON "application/json" .json
Yaml "application/yaml" .yaml
Pcap "application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap" .pcap
Png "image/png" .png
Jpg "image/jpg" .jpg
Svg "image/svg-xml" .svg
Gif "image/gif" .gif
Bmp "image/bmp" .bmp
Tiff "image/tiff" .tiff
Mp4 "video/mp4" .mp4
Ogg "video/ogg" .ogg
Webm "video/webm" .webm
Mpeg "video/mpeg" .mpeg
Pdf "application/pdf" .pdf

Attachment's Constructors

Function Description
NewAttachment(name string, mimeType MimeType, content []byte) *Attachment Returns pointer to the new allure.Attachment object.

Attachment's Methods

Method Description
GetUUID() string Returns attachment's UUID
GetContent() []byte Returns attachment's Content
Print() error Creates a file from Attachment.content. The file type is determined by its Attachment.mimeType.


allure.Container - This is an implementation of the Container entity used by Allure to handle TestSetup and TestTeardown hooks. The list of The list of container-dependent tests is contained in the array Container.Children.

Container's Constructors

Function Description
NewContainer() *Container Returns pointer to the new allure.Container object.

Container's Methods

Method Description
GetUUID() string Returns container's UUID.
AddChild(childUUID uuid.UUID) Adds passed UUID as child.
IsEmpty() bool Returns true if arrays Container.Befores and Container.Afters are empty.
Print() error Creates xxxxxx-container.json file and call PrintAttachments if any step exists in Container.Befores and Container.Afters.
ToJSON() ([]byte, error) Marshall allure.Container to the JSON. Returns error if has any.
PrintAttachments() PrintAttachments It goes through all Container.Befores and Container.Afters of the Container and calls the Container.PrintAttachments() method at each allure.Step.
Begin() Sets Container.Start = allure.GetNow().
Finish() Sets Container.Stop = allure.GetNow().
Done() error Calls Finish() and Print() methods. Returns error if has any.


Label - implementation of the Label entity used by Allure for metrics and test grouping.

Supported Label Types and Severity levels

Label Types:

Name Key
Epic epic
Feature feature
Story story
ID as_id
Severity severity
ParentSuite parentSuite
Suite suite
SubSuite subSuite
Package package
Thread thread
Host host
Tag tag
Framework framework
Language language
Owner owner
Lead lead

Severity levels:

Name Key
BLOCKER blocker
CRITICAL critical
NORMAL normal
MINOR minor
TRIVIAL trivial

Label's Constructors

Function Description
NewLabel(labelType LabelType, value string) Label Builds and returns a new allure.Label. The label key depends on the passed LabelType.
EpicLabel (epic string) Label Returns new Epic label
FeatureLabel (feature string) Label Returns new Feature label
StoryLabel (story string) Label Returns new Story label
IDLabel (testID string) Label Returns new ID label
SeverityLabel (severity SeverityType) Label Returns new Severity label
ParentSuitLabel (parent string) Label Returns new ParentSuite label
SuiteLabel (suite string) Label Returns new Suite label
SubSuiteLabel (subSuite string) Label Returns new SubSuite label
PackageLabel (package string) Label Returns new Package label
ThreadLabel (thread string) Label Returns new Thread label
HostLabel (host string) Label Returns new Host label
TagLabel (tag string) Label Returns new Tag label
TagLabels(tags ...string) []Label Returns as many new Tag labels as passed strings in args
FrameworkLabel (framework string) Label Returns new Framework label
LanguageLabel (language string) Label Returns new Language label
OwnerLabel (owner string) Label Returns new Owner label
LeadLabel (lead string) Label Returns new Lead label
IDAllureLabel (allureID string) Label Returns new AllureID label


Link - is an implementation of the Link entity used by Allure to specify the links needed for test reporting.

Link Types

Name Key Description
LINK link Custom link
ISSUE issue Link to the Issue in your CMS
TESTCASE test_case Link to the TestCase in your TMS

Link's Constructors

Function Description
NewLink(name string, _type LinkTypes, url string) Link Base constructor. Returns new allure.Link.
TestCaseLink(testCase string) Link Returns TESTCASE type link. It uses environment variable ALLURE_TESTCASE_PATTERN as pattern.
IssueLink(issue string) Link Returns ISSUE type link. It uses environment variable ALLURE_ISSUE_PATTERN as pattern.
LinkLink(linkname, link string) Link Returns LINK type link.

NOTE: Check more about patterns here


Parameter - is an implementation of the Parameter entity, which Allure uses as additional information describing the test step (e.g. request host or server address).

Parameter's Constructors

Function Description
NewParameter(name string, value ...interface{}) Parameter Builds new Parameter object. Value must be able to cast to string.
NewParameters(kv ...interface{}) []Parameter Returns list of allure.Parameter objects. Each even string is considered a parameter name, and each odd-value of the parameter.


Result - is an implementation of the Result entity used by Allure to store information about the test. It contains information about the test name, applications, description, status, references, labels, steps, containers, and time test execution time.

Result's Constructors

Function Description
NewResult(testName, fullName string) *Result Builds a new allure.Result. Sets the default values for the structure.

Result's methods

Method Description
SetStatusMessage(msg string) Sets Result.StatusDetails.Message.
ToJSON() ([]byte, error) Marshall allure.Result to JSON, returns error if has any
GetStatusMessage() string Returns Result.StatusDetails.Trace.
SetStatusTrace(trace string) Sets Result.StatusDetails.Trace.
GetStatusTrace() string Returns Result.StatusDetails.Trace.
SetLabel(labels ...Label) Sets all labels passed as arguments to allure.Result.
GetLabel(labelType LabelType) []Label Returns all labels with keys to allure.Result.
SetNewLabelMap(kv map[LabelType]string) Sets new labels with map to allure.Result.
WithParentSuite(parentName string) *Result Sets ParentSuite label allure.Result.
WithSuite(suiteName string) *Result Sets Suite label allure.Result.
WithHost(hostName string) *Result Sets Host label allure.Result.
WithSubSuites(children ...string) *Result Sets all SubSuite labels to allure.Result.
WithFrameWork(framework string) *Result Sets Framework label to allure.Result.
WithLanguage(language string) *Result Sets Language label to allure.Result.
WithThread(thread string) *Result Sets Thread label to allure.Result.
WithPackage(pkg string) *Result Sets Package label to allure.Result.
WithLabels(label ...Label) *Result Sets all labels passed as arguments to allure.Result
WithLaunchTags() *Result Adds all Launch Tags from the global variable ALLURE_LAUNCH_TAGS as labels with type Tag to the report.
Begin() *Result Sets Result.Start == allure.GetNow().
Finish() *Result Sets Result.Stop == allure.GetNow().
SkipOnPrint() Skips result from printing when Result.Print() called.
Print() error If Result.ToPrint == false creates uuid4-result.json and call Print() method for all attachments and step's attachments.
PrintAttachments() Goes through all Result.Steps of the report and for each allure.Step calls the Step.PrintAttachments() method.Then calls Attachment.Print() on all allure.Attachment of the Result.Attachments list.
Done() error If Result.Status is not filled in, consider the test successfully completed (no errors). After that - it calls Finish() and Print() methods. Returns error if has any.


Step - is an implementation of the Step entity used by Allure to define and describe test steps.

Steps can be nested, have a status (successful, failed, skipped, broken), can contain Attachments and Parameters and have an execution time

Step's Constructors

Function Description
NewStep(name string, status Status, start int64, stop int64, parameters []Parameter) *Step Returns pointer to the new allure.Step object.
NewSimpleStep(name string, parameters ...Parameter) *Step Same as NewStep but the most of fields are pre populated.

Step's methods

Method Description
GetParent() *Step Returns pointer to parent step (if any).
WithAttachments(attachments ...*Attachment) *Step Adds attachments to step.
WithParameters(params ...Parameter) *Step Adds Allure.Parameters to the step.
WithNewParameters(kv ...interface{}) *Step Creates new Allure.Parameters and attach them to the step.
Passed() *Step Marks step as Passed.
Failed() *Step Marks step as Failed.
Skipped() *Step Marks step as Skipped.
Broken() *Step Marks test as Broken.
Begin() *Step Sets Step.Start == allure.GetNow().
Finish() *Step Sets Step.Start == allure.GetNow().
WithParent(parent *Step) *Step Sets passed step as parent.
WithChild(child *Step) *Step Sets passed step as child.
PrintAttachments() Iterate throw list of attachments, attached to allure.Step and call Print() at each attachment.

NOTE: The most step methods can be called in chain of calls. Example:

package test

import (

// ...

func (s *SomeSuite) SomeTest(t provider.T) {
	step := allure.NewSimpleStep("My First Step").WithNewParameters("k1", "v1").Passed().Finish()