In the task we get a simple encryption code:
import sys
import random
key = sys.argv[1]
flag = '**CENSORED**'
assert len(key) == 13
assert max([ord(char) for char in key]) < 128
assert max([ord(char) for char in flag]) < 128
message = flag + "|" + key
encrypted = chr(random.randint(0, 128))
for i in range(0, len(message)):
encrypted += chr((ord(message[i]) + ord(key[i % len(key)]) + ord(encrypted[i])) % 128)
And resulting ciphertext: 7c153a474b6a2d3f7d3f7328703e6c2d243a083e2e773c45547748667c1511333f4f745e
We know that bytes of key and flag are < 128 and we of course know that the flag starts with TWCTF{
It's clear that this can be inverted by hand, but we're too lazy for that and we simply used the code to generate constraints on the parameter and asked Z3 for the flag.
We know constraints:
- flag and key are < 128 and >= 0
- flag starts with
- one character is
On top of that we can run the code and generate constraints on the way directly from encryption code:
def read_data():
return "7c153a474b6a2d3f7d3f7328703e6c2d243a083e2e773c45547748667c1511333f4f745e".decode("hex")
def decryptor():
data = read_data()
s = z3.Solver()
flag = [z3.Int("flag_" + str(i)) for i in range(len(data) - 15)]
key = [z3.Int("key_" + str(i)) for i in range(13)]
pipe = z3.Int("pipe")
s.add(pipe == ord("|"))
for var in flag:
s.add(var < 128)
s.add(var >= 0)
for i, c in enumerate("TWCTF{"):
s.add(flag[i] == ord(c))
for var in key:
s.add(var < 128)
s.add(var >= 0)
message = flag + [pipe] + key
for i in range(1, len(data)):
index = i - 1
byte = ord(data[i])
s.add((message[index] + key[index % 13] + ord(data[index])) % 128 == byte)
print("".join([chr(int(str(s.model()[var]))) for var in message]))
Which gives us TWCTF{Crypto-is-fun!}|ENJ0YHOLIDAY!