In this game challenge we have a quest to collect 5 blessed amulets
The issue is that there are only 4 of those on the map.
By looking at spells we have available, we found one that seemed interesting:
def spell_rebless(spell, player, world):
player.show_text("Select a blessable item for random re-blessing:")
for _ in player.YIELDING_select(): # yield from
if _ is False:
yield _
if player.select_result is None:
player.show_text("Something's not right.")
target_type, target = player.select_result
if target_type != "item":
player.show_text("Something went wrong.")
item, item_location, item_location_info = target
if not hasattr(item, "blessable") or not item.blessable:
player.show_text("Wrong kind of item")
item_type = type(item)
player.show_text("Summoning astral plane beings...")
for _ in world.YIELDING_sleep(1.0): # yield from
yield _
blessing_type = random.choice([
player.show_text("A %s being answered!" % blessing_type)
world.reclaim_item(item) = ITEM_NON_EXISTING_ID
item = world.register_item(item_type(blessing_type))
The important part here is:
for _ in world.YIELDING_sleep(1.0): # yield from
yield _
which basically halts execution of this function for 1 second, while rest of the game is still going, and:
world.reclaim_item(item) = ITEM_NON_EXISTING_ID
item = world.register_item(item_type(blessing_type))
which pretty much removes the item, creates a new one, and adds it to our inventory.
The idea here is quite simple: if we could cast this spell twice on the same item, before it gets removed, we should get it back twice, effectively duplicating the item.
One problem is that we can't actually cast 2 spells at the same time, because there is a check for that.
However, this check does not include spells casted from scrolls, since casting from scroll is item use
action and not cast spell
We need to do some running around to collect necessary items (empty scrolls, quill, mana potions), but eventually we can do:
Once we have a duplicate, we can collect rest of the amulets (or duplicate more, if we have enough mana) and collect the flag.