If you have successfully built and installed you can use Eclipse to develop your first jSpace Application. In fact you will use Eclipse as an IDE and Maven to manage dependencies.
Open Eclipse and select File->New->Project menu:
Select Maven->Maven Project:
Leave the default parameters and click Next:
The skeleton of a Maven project is generated. Open pom.xml
file to add the dependency to jSpace:
Select the tab Dependencies:
Press button Add to include the reference to jSpace. This opena dialog that you can fill as follow:
You can now open the file App.java to code your first jSpace App:
Add the following code:
package com.mycompany.myjspaceapp;
import org.jspace.FormalField;
import org.jspace.SequentialSpace;
import org.jspace.Space;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] argv) throws InterruptedException {
Space inbox = new SequentialSpace();
inbox.put("Hello World!");
Object[] tuple = inbox.get(new FormalField(String.class));
At this point you can exectute your application: