- Passing module names and output path as mix task parameters is no longer supported.
- Inferring default module names from mix project is no longer supported.
- Swagger file outputs, router module and optional endpoint module must now be specified in application config:
config :my_app, :phoenix_swagger,
swagger_files: %{
"priv/static/swagger.json" => [router: MyAppWeb.Router, endpoint: MyAppWeb.Endpoint],
# additional swagger files here
- Use the :load_from_system_env Endpoint config flag to detect dynamic host and port configuration
- Minor fix that supports the Phoenix 1.3 namespacing, where it is {Project}Web instead of {Project}.Web.
- Add support for has_many relationships for JSON-API resource schemas
- Upgrade to swagger-ui 3.1.7
- Tests for nested and non-nested required parameters for
- Decode parameter names using
and walk conn.params
to find the nested param as conn.params
is already nested while parameter["name"]
is not when received by PhoenixSwagger.Plug.Validate.validate_query_params/2
- Adds support to enable security by endpoint
sets response content type on error to application/json
accepts :validation_failed_status
option, defaults to 400
- Example application includes usage of validator
- Adds support for custom Endpoint module names by passing
- Added patch request support
- fix path assignation of a swagger specification file in UI plug
- add
option to disable/enable validation of a
swagger schema.
- Provide default host and port when generating swagger host config
- Suppress host config when dynamic hostname or port are used
- Use phoenix 1.3 conventions for mix tasks and module names
- Add
module for response validation
- Swagger UI plug redirects / to /index.html automatically avoiding errors when fetching assets.
- Swagger UI configured to list all operations by default
- Allow property schemas to be declared inline using
- Allow schemas to include an example
- Add support for
in polymorphic schemas
- Do not set a host if a url has not been provided
- Ability to validate boolean values
- Include swagger-ui plug
- Allow for a list of types on
- Fix not running all doctests
- Fix
in Phoenix.Swagger.Generate
when routing to plug with keyword opts #58
- Fix FunctionClauseError in
when no produces
mime type defined on an operation.
- Fix compilation errors when using
- Add
module that provides a structure which represents
swagger schema.
- Add
macro to build a swagger schema.
- New JSON-API helpers.
- Provide documentation with ex_doc.
- And other changes from @everydayhero fork.