Whether they be in code, interesting feature suggestions, design critique or bug reports, all contributions are welcome. Please start an issue, before investing a lot of work. This helps avoid situations there I would feel the need to reject a large body of work, and a lot of your time has been wasted. odbc-arrow-py
is a pet project and a work of love, which implies that I maintain it in my spare time. Please understand that I may not always react immediately. If you contribute code to fix a Bug, please also contribute the test to fix it. Happy contributing.
Running local tests currently requires:
- Docker and Docker compose.
- An ODBC driver manager
- A driver for Microsoft SQL Server
- Rust toolchain (cargo)
- Python
You can install these requirements from here:
- Docker: https://www.docker.com/get-started
- Install Rust compiler and Cargo. Follow the instructions on this site.
- Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server.
- An ODBC Driver manager if you are not on windows: http://www.unixodbc.org/
- There are many ways to setup Python on a system here is one: https://www.python.org/downloads/
With docker installed we start the Microsoft SQL Server used for testing:
docker-compose up
Tests rely on odbcsv
to fill the test db with data:
cargo install odbcsv
Inside a virtual environment install the requirements for developing/testing.
pip install -e .[test]
We now can execute the tests using:
python -m pip install build
python -m build
cd docs
make html
sphinx-build -M html ./doc/source ./doc/build