All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- No unreleased changes!
- Update API handler to accept zero padded day numbers (#34 by @YozuChris)
- Updated the aoc command to self-heal the
stub with the expectedAocRb::App.start
command (#32 by @pacso)
- Updated gitignore to exclude ruby environment and gem build files
- Updated all specs to use the generated test app folder, rather than the gem root dir (#21 by @pacso)
- Thor exit_on_failure deprecation warning (by @kauredo)
- Update minimum nokogiri version
- Update thor gem
- FileUtils uninitialized constant bug (#10)
- Allow any number of arguments to be passed to solutions
- Improved input handling in puzzle solutions
- Switch from Travis to GitHub Actions
- Added Gem version badge
- Update gems and fix specs
- Simplified README
- Added require for pathname
Initial release.