This assignment gave me a great insight and deeper understanding of the main topic (algorithms) of this university course. It gave me an opportunity to really visualize what we have studied and truly believe why some optimizations are worth the efforts.
Several things stood out as worth mentioning in my opinion:
One algorithm stood apart from the others as being notably slower - Bubble sort. Such a result is to be expected however if you are acquainted with the world of algorithms since it has a worst-case complexity of O(n2).
The bubble sort has a perfect speed... until it reaches one elements which is not in place. Then, like a good boy, it gets back to its slow speed.
This might not sound like much of a surprise for most of you, but frankly I was amazed that what we call linear algorithms actually managed to perform in an expected and controlled linear manner. Examples of such algorithms are the Count sort, Quick sort, and the Insertion sort.