diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 81a3ba0..2023545 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ extension CustomKeyboard { } Button("Can you repeat the question?") { playSystemFeedback?() - submit?() + submit() } } .buttonStyle(.bordered) diff --git a/Sources/CustomKeyboardKit/CustomKeyboardBuilder.swift b/Sources/CustomKeyboardKit/CustomKeyboardBuilder.swift index e70fd4a..3fde7ab 100644 --- a/Sources/CustomKeyboardKit/CustomKeyboardBuilder.swift +++ b/Sources/CustomKeyboardKit/CustomKeyboardBuilder.swift @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import SwiftUI ///`CustomKeyboardBuilder` lets you build a custom keyboard in SwiftUI, together with haptic/audible feedback and callback on a "submit" button if provided in your layout ///- `UITextDocumentProxy` provides you the capability to modify the text thats in focus (e.g. inserting characters or strings, deleting backwards etc.), -///- `SubmitHandler?` closure parameter is a closure, when called triggers the registered closure (using the `.onSubmitCustomKeyboard(:)` modifier. +///- `SubmitHandler` closure parameter is a closure, when called triggers the registered closure (using the `.onCustomSubmit(action:)` modifier. ///- `SystemFeedbackHandler?` closure parameter is a closure, when called will play the keyboard system sounds and haptic feedback if enabled in the settings by the user public class CustomKeyboardBuilder: CustomKeyboard { public init(@ViewBuilder customKeyboardView: @escaping ((UITextDocumentProxy, @escaping SubmitHandler, SystemFeedbackHandler?) -> some View)) {