Releases: pagopa/rtd-ms-transaction-filter
- Fixed an issue related to the fault tolerance, wrongly treating some of the records to be written as filtered/error, when a validation error occurs on one of the transactions and the skipLimit property has been set with a value greater than 0.
1.0.0 Final release, same as the pre-release version 1.0.0-RC9 Hotfixed version.
RC9 (With Hotfix) - Bugfixing and Updates
- Fixed possible issue that saw the check for a pre-existing copy of the daily hpan file not having the expected value, resulting in conflicts when downloading another copy. (Git issue: #18)
- Fixed possible issue that ended up in cancellation of the whole output of a run with a failiure in some of the input transaction files (Git issue: #20)
- Fixed management for filtered records, resulting in proper update of the internal filter_count value (Git issue: #41)
- Fixed wrong exit code in case of any skip in the process (Git issue: #43)
- Updated filtered/error records writing, resulting in proper split of the errorLogs for every processed file, resulting in a cleaner output and performance improvements
- Updated check for the downloaded PAN list daily validity
- Introduced MCC masking (Privacy Issue)
- Removed config property to avoid saving without applying the hashing function applicazione hashing function (Privacy Issue)
RC8 - Updated performance & Logging Configurations (Updated With Hotfix)
Generally increased performances
Introduced configuration propreties to enable logging in regular, filtered and errors cases, and to introduce logging frequency for the regular executions (including filtered records)
EDIT: Use the Hotfix jar file
RC7 - Updated model validation
- Updated model validation, completely removed constraints on field 'id-trx-issuer'
RC6 - Updated model validation
- Updated model constraints to add conditional check for id-trx-issuer mandatory requirement
RC5 - Improved Proxy and Exit Codes. PAN List date validation
Updated Proxied Client configuration to avoid a common Java 1.8 issue with Basic auth on tunneling for HTTPS requests
Improved System exit codes on non-scheduled executions, through batch exit status mappings
Introduced date validation for resources recovered through the hpan list endpoint, checks if the declared creation/updated time is within a day from the execution time
RC4 - Proxy configurations and minor bugfixes
Updated Feign Client version, introduced standardize proxy configuration properties
Updated transaction model data types and validations.
Fixed possibile errors while tracing error/filtered records
RC3 - Minor Bugfixing
Applied Minor Bugfixing to the following classes:
- TransactionFilterBatch
- HpanRestClientImpl
- TransansactionItemProcessListener
Changes to the sourcecode since RC1:
- Introduced management for single-time executions, instead of only scheduled ones
- Introduced managing for Azure API subscription keys in Rest Client configurations
- Upgraded transaction model and validators
- Extended testing classes