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Releases: palant/pfp

PfP: Pain-free Passwords (legacy) 2.2.6

02 May 14:08
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Updated deprecation note, now explaining that PfP 3.x exists.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 3.1

29 Apr 06:46
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This release introduces support for multiple databases. If more than one database is configured in PfP Native Host, you will be able to choose the database when unlocking passwords.

Additional changes

  • Added support for password tags.
  • Added filtering by site name and tags to All Passwords page.
  • Added “Text size” extension option.
  • Added “Move password” menu entry, moving password to a different site.
  • Added a warning when passwords are filled on unencrypted HTTP sites.
  • Added notes icon next to password title when notes are present.
  • Double-clicking password title opens password editor.
  • Made clearing entered value easier when selecting a site.
  • Improved detection of hidden fields when filling in.
  • Dropped “unlimited storage” permission, it is no longer necessary.
  • Fixed: PfP 2.x passwords for “(none)” are imported under pfp.invalid site.
  • Fixed: Access key underline isn’t visible on letters like “g.”
  • Fixed: Whitespace becomes hidden if an access key is underlined before it.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 3.0

26 Apr 12:05
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This release fundamentally changes the extension’s approach. Rather than working as a stand-alone browser extension, PfP now relied on PfP Native Host application. The latter provides it with access to a single KeePass database file on the user’s hard drive, all data is kept in this file. The database can be modified by another application like KeePassXC in parallel.

Due to the changes, this version is not an update to PfP 2.x but rather a separate browser extension. Data can be migrated by exporting it in PfP 2.x and importing it in PfP 3.x.

Additional changes

  • No longer requesting permissions for all websites (using activeTab permission).
  • Passwords are no longer being generated on demand. All passwords are kept in the database, safely encrypted.
  • Sync functionality has been removed. Instead, you can now use external solutions to sync the database file across multiple devices.
  • Export functionality has been removed. You can get a copy of the database file using your file manager of choice.
  • Importing CSV files has been improved, accepting more formats than LastPass exports now.
  • Import now asks for confirmation, displaying the titles of passwords being imported.
  • Password recovery codes are protected with a password which is not necessarily your main password.
  • There is no longer a revision field. Instead, a title field has been introduced which can be different from the username field.
  • All entered passwords can be made visible by clicking the eye icon next to the field.
  • Existing passwords can be edited, not merely replaced.
  • “Make generated” and “Bump revision” password menu entries have been replaced by “Duplicate password.”
  • By default, a random password is generated when a password is added.
  • Added a progress indicator when unlocking passwords.
  • All Passwords page now correctly displays line breaks in password notes.
  • Migrated to Manifest V3 (Chrome and Opera only, not Firefox yet).
  • Fixed: Access key hints should not be printed.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.5

16 Mar 17:59
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PfP: Pain-free Passwords is no longer being developed, this is going to be the last release. It contains a corresponding notice, informing users about their options.

Other changes:

  • Added the option to export data into generic CSV, for import in other password managers.
  • Removed support for legacy (PBKDF2) passwords. Migration of data from EasyPasswords 1.x will no longer happen, neither will it be possible to import old backups.
  • Fixed: Browsers won’t always display a focus ring around links.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.4

09 Jun 11:34
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This web-only release makes the web client compatible with websites using localStorage for data unrelated to PfP. Previously, such data might cause PfP to fail.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.3

30 Sep 12:30
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  • Implemented access keys in the user interface, displayed when Alt key is kept down.
  • Various improvements to the way autofill works (issues #102, #108, #109, #110, #111).
  • Updated and unified icons.
  • Switched to another code generation tool, producing more compact and more readable application code.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.2

17 Sep 11:15
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This release affects the web client only. It fixes a minor security issue: when opening external links from the web client, these pages could replace the web client by a different document.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.1

04 Jul 09:23
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This release fixes display of sync errors in Firefox on Android (issue #105). In addition, there is a number of minor improvements:

  • Esc key will no longer lock passwords, previously this made it impossible to close pop-up via keyboard without locking.
  • Improved styling of unexpected errors in pop-up, no overlap with the tab strip any more.
  • Made sure a field gets keyboard focus after recovery code is entered.
  • Improved display of recovery code errors, particularly wrong format version.
  • Made the user interface more accessible for screen readers.
  • Improved localization approach, each component now has a separate localization file.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2.0

10 Jun 09:07
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This release drops backwards compatibility with EasyPasswords 1.x. Any legacy passwords will be converted to stored passwords, and unencrypted backups will no longer be imported.

Also, the user interface has been reorganized to make it more intuitive and convenient. There is a tab strip on the left side of the PfP pop-up, allowing to switch between different parts of the functionality. Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcut keys are an alternative to using the mouse here.

Other changes

  • Default shortcut key is Ctrl+Shift+F now (can be adjusted via browser's configuration interface), it will work both on Firefox and Chrome.
  • Improved autofill functionality on pages with user name input only, if the user name field has keyboard focus it will be filled out and submitted (issue #82).
  • Made "Fill in" button of the first password focused initially, so that pressing Enter will immediately fill in the password (issue #42).
  • Improved sync protocol to make it more resistant against tampering by the storage provider (issue #86).
  • Improved initial scaling of the pop-up in Firefox on Android (issue #94).
  • Added remoteStorage as sync backend (issue #87).
  • Displaying extension options in the pop-up as well now, to make them easier to discover.
  • Turned website name into a clickable link (issue #101).
  • Added "Copy user name" item to the password menu (issue #101).
  • Made it more obvious which icon in the password list the mouse cursor points to.
  • Improved keyboard navigation in the password menu (Home/End keys will work as well now), added similar keyboard navigation to sync storage provider selection.
  • Added keyboard navigation via arrow key to the password list, both horizontally and vertically.
  • Fixed: Import would always convert all generated passwords to stored if triggered when passwords are locked.
  • Fixed: Copying password to clipboard results in loss of keyboard focus.

PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.1.5

22 May 10:33
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This is an intermediate release on the way to PfP: Pain-free Passwords 2.2. The user interface received a major overhaul but the visible changes are only few at this point. More coming soon!


  • Fixed: Keep password notes when converting legacy passwords, also keep notes by default when password revision is bumped or a stored password is replaced by a generated one (issue #100).
  • Removed PfP logo next to master password prompt, not helpful.
  • Many parts of the pop-up implemented as overlays now, which makes them more obvious. Also, there is a consistent way of closing them.
  • Switching to recovery codes no longer opens a separate page when adding a stored password.
  • More consistent and reliable recovery code input.
  • Better keyboard navigation in the password menu, UpArrow and DownArrow keys will work.
  • More consistent support for the Esc key (not working in Firefox due to, pressing Esc will dismiss current action, on the password list it will lock passwords.
  • No more modal prompts on the All Passwords page, user interface consistent with the pop-up here.
  • Better and more consistent presentation of unexpected errors, also possible to dismiss now.