diff --git a/examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml b/examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..78eef8c2f6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+browser = "chrome"                 # --browser BROWSER
+driver = "chromedriver"             # --driver DRIVER
+browser-version = "106"             # --browser-version BROWSER_VERSION
+driver-version = "106.0.5249.61"    # --driver-version DRIVER_VERSION
+browser-path = "/usr/bin/google-chrome"  # --browser-path BROWSER_PATH
+driver-mirror-url = "https://custom-driver-mirror.com"  # --driver-mirror-url DRIVER_MIRROR_URL
+browser-mirror-url = "https://custom-browser-mirror.com"  # --browser-mirror-url BROWSER_MIRROR_URL
+output = "LOGGER"                   # --output OUTPUT
+os = "linux"                        # --os OS
+arch = "x64"                        # --arch ARCH
+proxy = "myproxy:8080"              # --proxy PROXY
+timeout = 300                       # --timeout TIMEOUT
+offline = true                      # --offline
+force-browser-download = true       # --force-browser-download
+avoid-browser-download = false      # --avoid-browser-download
+debug = true                        # --debug
+trace = true                        # --trace
+cache-path = "/custom/cache/path"    # --cache-path CACHE_PATH
+ttl = 3600                          # --ttl TTL
+language-binding = "Python"         # --language-binding LANGUAGE
+avoid-stats = true                  # --avoid-stats
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.en.md b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.en.md
index 86dea97d1806..4ca69c39ca66 100644
--- a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.en.md
+++ b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.en.md
@@ -141,6 +141,13 @@ In addition to the configuration keys specified in the table before, there are s
 - Driver mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chromedriver-mirror-url`, `geckodriver-mirror-url`,  `msedgedriver-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROMEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_GECKODRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_MSEDGEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
 - Browser mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chrome-mirror-url`, `firefox-mirror-url`,  `edge-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROME_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_FIREFOX_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_EDGE_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
+### se-config.toml Example
+{{< tabpane text=true >}}
+{{< tab header="se-config.toml" >}}
+{{< gh-codeblock path="examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml#L1-L21" >}}
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabpane >}}
 ## Caching
 ***TL;DR:*** *The drivers and browsers managed by Selenium Manager are stored in a local folder (`~/.cache/selenium`).*
diff --git a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.ja.md b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.ja.md
index 463b984231e1..8255681a9741 100644
--- a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.ja.md
+++ b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.ja.md
@@ -141,6 +141,13 @@ In addition to the configuration keys specified in the table before, there are s
 - Driver mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chromedriver-mirror-url`, `geckodriver-mirror-url`,  `msedgedriver-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROMEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_GECKODRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_MSEDGEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
 - Browser mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chrome-mirror-url`, `firefox-mirror-url`,  `edge-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROME_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_FIREFOX_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_EDGE_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
+### se-config.toml Example
+{{< tabpane text=true >}}
+{{< tab header="se-config.toml" >}}
+{{< gh-codeblock path="examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml#L1-L21" >}}
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabpane >}}
 ## Caching
 ***TL;DR:*** *The drivers and browsers managed by Selenium Manager are stored in a local folder (`~/.cache/selenium`).*
diff --git a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.pt-br.md b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.pt-br.md
index 463b984231e1..8255681a9741 100644
--- a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.pt-br.md
+++ b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.pt-br.md
@@ -141,6 +141,13 @@ In addition to the configuration keys specified in the table before, there are s
 - Driver mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chromedriver-mirror-url`, `geckodriver-mirror-url`,  `msedgedriver-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROMEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_GECKODRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_MSEDGEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
 - Browser mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chrome-mirror-url`, `firefox-mirror-url`,  `edge-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROME_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_FIREFOX_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_EDGE_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
+### se-config.toml Example
+{{< tabpane text=true >}}
+{{< tab header="se-config.toml" >}}
+{{< gh-codeblock path="examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml#L1-L21" >}}
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabpane >}}
 ## Caching
 ***TL;DR:*** *The drivers and browsers managed by Selenium Manager are stored in a local folder (`~/.cache/selenium`).*
diff --git a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.zh-cn.md b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.zh-cn.md
index 463b984231e1..8255681a9741 100644
--- a/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.zh-cn.md
+++ b/website_and_docs/content/documentation/selenium_manager.zh-cn.md
@@ -141,6 +141,13 @@ In addition to the configuration keys specified in the table before, there are s
 - Driver mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chromedriver-mirror-url`, `geckodriver-mirror-url`,  `msedgedriver-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROMEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_GECKODRIVER_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_MSEDGEDRIVER_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
 - Browser mirror. Following the same pattern, we can use `chrome-mirror-url`, `firefox-mirror-url`,  `edge-mirror-url`,  etc. (in the configuration file), and `SE_CHROME_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_FIREFOX_MIRROR_URL`, `SE_EDGE_MIRROR_URL`,  etc. (as environment variables).
+### se-config.toml Example
+{{< tabpane text=true >}}
+{{< tab header="se-config.toml" >}}
+{{< gh-codeblock path="examples/python/tests/selenium_manager/example_se-config.toml#L1-L21" >}}
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabpane >}}
 ## Caching
 ***TL;DR:*** *The drivers and browsers managed by Selenium Manager are stored in a local folder (`~/.cache/selenium`).*