- double check all installed files, with its locations and permissions. See file layout
- make sure lighttpd and callblockerd are running.
sudo ps aux | grep -E 'lighttpd|callblockerd' | grep -v 'grep' # shows: 2 lines
- check for possible errors/warning.
sudo journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=callblockerd.service
- increase log levels: "log_level" to "debug" and/or "pjsip_log_level" to 2. See documentation of configuration file for more info. And restart callblockerd.
sudo vi /etc/callblocker/settings.json
sudo systemctl restart callblockerd.service
The web interface is running within lighttpd, double check the web configuration of this deamon.
- also look into the seperate log file:
sudo cat /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
sudo journalctl -xn _SYSTEMD_UNIT=lighttpd.service
- make sure the python file api.py has correct execution rights
sudo chmod a+x /usr/var/www/callblocker/python-fcgi/api.py
The web interface is running within lighttpd, this deamon is using "www-data" as user and group. Make sure that this process has access to the configuration file (see file layout).
sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /etc/callblocker/
Make sure journal is active and working and the web interface has access to the journal.The web interface depends on functionality provided by systemd journal.
# switch to systemd journal
sudo apt-get purge rsyslog logrotate libestr0 liblogging-stdlog0 liblognorm1
sudo vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf: #Storage=auto -> Storage=auto
sudo rm -rf /var/log/* # optional, you will lose all existing log entries (old format)
sudo mkdir /var/log/journal
sudo reboot # required to finished the switch
# allow web interface access the journal
sudo usermod -a -G systemd-journal www-data
sudo systemctl restart lighttpd.service
# manual verify that journal is working
sudo journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=callblockerd.service