struct PoolInfo {
uint256 allocPoint;
contract IPancakeV3Pool v3Pool;
address token0;
address token1;
uint24 fee;
uint256 totalLiquidity;
uint256 totalBoostLiquidity;
struct UserPositionInfo {
uint128 liquidity;
uint128 boostLiquidity;
int24 tickLower;
int24 tickUpper;
uint256 rewardGrowthInside;
uint256 reward;
address user;
uint256 pid;
uint256 boostMultiplier;
uint256 poolLength
mapping(uint256 => struct MasterChefV3.PoolInfo) poolInfo
Info of each MCV3 pool.
mapping(uint256 => struct MasterChefV3.UserPositionInfo) userPositionInfos
userPositionInfos[tokenId] => UserPositionInfo
TokenId is unique, and we can query the pid by tokenId.
mapping(address => mapping(address => mapping(uint24 => uint256))) v3PoolPid
v3PoolPid[token0][token1][fee] => pid
mapping(address => uint256) v3PoolAddressPid
v3PoolAddressPid[v3PoolAddress] => pid
contract IERC20 CAKE
Address of CAKE contract.
address WETH
Address of WETH contract.
address receiver
Address of Receiver contract.
contract INonfungiblePositionManager nonfungiblePositionManager
contract ILMPoolDeployer LMPoolDeployer
Address of liquidity mining pool deployer contract.
contract IFarmBooster FARM_BOOSTER
Address of farm booster contract.
bool emergency
Only use for emergency situations.
uint256 totalAllocPoint
Total allocation points. Must be the sum of all pools' allocation points.
uint256 latestPeriodNumber
uint256 latestPeriodStartTime
uint256 latestPeriodEndTime
uint256 latestPeriodCakePerSecond
address operatorAddress
Address of the operator.
Default period duration.
Basic boost factor, none boosted user's boost factor
Hard limit for maxmium boost factor, it must greater than BOOST_PRECISION
uint256 Q128
uint256 MAX_U256
uint256 cakeAmountBelongToMC
Record the cake amount belong to MasterChefV3.
error ZeroAddress()
error NotOwnerOrOperator()
error NoBalance()
error NotPancakeNFT()
error InvalidNFT()
error NotOwner()
error NoLiquidity()
error InvalidPeriodDuration()
error NoLMPool()
error InvalidPid()
error DuplicatedPool(uint256 pid)
error NotEmpty()
error WrongReceiver()
error InconsistentAmount()
error InsufficientAmount()
event Init()
event AddPool(uint256 pid, uint256 allocPoint, contract IPancakeV3Pool v3Pool, contract ILMPool lmPool)
event SetPool(uint256 pid, uint256 allocPoint)
event Deposit(address from, uint256 pid, uint256 tokenId, uint256 liquidity, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
event Withdraw(address from, address to, uint256 pid, uint256 tokenId)
event UpdateLiquidity(address from, uint256 pid, uint256 tokenId, int128 liquidity, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper)
event NewOperatorAddress(address operator)
event NewLMPoolDeployerAddress(address deployer)
event NewReceiver(address receiver)
event NewPeriodDuration(uint256 periodDuration)
event Harvest(address sender, address to, uint256 pid, uint256 tokenId, uint256 reward)
event NewUpkeepPeriod(uint256 periodNumber, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, uint256 cakePerSecond, uint256 cakeAmount)
event UpdateUpkeepPeriod(uint256 periodNumber, uint256 oldEndTime, uint256 newEndTime, uint256 remainingCake)
event UpdateFarmBoostContract(address farmBoostContract)
event SetEmergency(bool emergency)
modifier onlyOwnerOrOperator()
modifier onlyValidPid(uint256 _pid)
modifier onlyReceiver()
modifier onlyBoostContract()
Throws if caller is not the boost contract.
constructor(contract IERC20 _CAKE, contract INonfungiblePositionManager _nonfungiblePositionManager, address _WETH) public
Name | Type | Description |
_CAKE | contract IERC20 | The CAKE token contract address. |
_nonfungiblePositionManager | contract INonfungiblePositionManager | the NFT position manager contract address. |
_WETH | address |
function getLatestPeriodInfoByPid(uint256 _pid) public view returns (uint256 cakePerSecond, uint256 endTime)
Returns the cake per second , period end time.
Name | Type | Description |
_pid | uint256 | The pool pid. |
function getLatestPeriodInfo(address _v3Pool) public view returns (uint256 cakePerSecond, uint256 endTime)
Returns the cake per second , period end time. This is for liquidity mining pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_v3Pool | address | Address of the V3 pool. |
function pendingCake(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256 reward)
View function for checking pending CAKE rewards.
The pending cake amount is based on the last state in LMPool. The actual amount will happen whenever liquidity changes or harvest.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | Token Id of NFT. |
function setEmergency(bool _emergency) external
For emergency use only.
function setReceiver(address _receiver) external
function setLMPoolDeployer(contract ILMPoolDeployer _LMPoolDeployer) external
function add(uint256 _allocPoint, contract IPancakeV3Pool _v3Pool, bool _withUpdate) external
Add a new pool. Can only be called by the owner. One v3 pool can only create one pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_allocPoint | uint256 | Number of allocation points for the new pool. |
_v3Pool | contract IPancakeV3Pool | Address of the V3 pool. |
_withUpdate | bool | Whether call "massUpdatePools" operation. |
function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint, bool _withUpdate) external
Update the given pool's CAKE allocation point. Can only be called by the owner.
Name | Type | Description |
_pid | uint256 | The id of the pool. See poolInfo . |
_allocPoint | uint256 | New number of allocation points for the pool. |
_withUpdate | bool | Whether call "massUpdatePools" operation. |
struct DepositCache {
address token0;
address token1;
uint24 fee;
int24 tickLower;
int24 tickUpper;
uint128 liquidity;
function onERC721Received(address, address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes) external returns (bytes4)
Upon receiving a ERC721
function harvest(uint256 _tokenId, address _to) external returns (uint256 reward)
harvest cake from pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | Token Id of NFT. |
_to | address | Address to. |
function harvestOperation(struct MasterChefV3.UserPositionInfo positionInfo, uint256 _tokenId, address _to) internal returns (uint256 reward)
function withdraw(uint256 _tokenId, address _to) external returns (uint256 reward)
Withdraw LP tokens from pool.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | Token Id of NFT to deposit. |
_to | address | Address to which NFT token to withdraw. |
function updateLiquidity(uint256 _tokenId) external
Update liquidity for the NFT position.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | Token Id of NFT to update. |
function updateBoostMultiplier(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _newMultiplier) external
Update farm boost multiplier for the NFT position.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | Token Id of NFT to update. |
_newMultiplier | uint256 | New boost multiplier. |
function updateLiquidityOperation(struct MasterChefV3.UserPositionInfo positionInfo, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _newMultiplier) internal
function increaseLiquidity(struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.IncreaseLiquidityParams params) external payable returns (uint128 liquidity, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)
Increases the amount of liquidity in a position, with tokens paid by the msg.sender
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.IncreaseLiquidityParams | tokenId The ID of the token for which liquidity is being increased, amount0Desired The desired amount of token0 to be spent, amount1Desired The desired amount of token1 to be spent, amount0Min The minimum amount of token0 to spend, which serves as a slippage check, amount1Min The minimum amount of token1 to spend, which serves as a slippage check, deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
liquidity | uint128 | The new liquidity amount as a result of the increase |
amount0 | uint256 | The amount of token0 to acheive resulting liquidity |
amount1 | uint256 | The amount of token1 to acheive resulting liquidity |
function pay(address _token, uint256 _amount) internal
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token to pay |
_amount | uint256 | The amount to pay |
function refund(address _token, uint256 _amount) internal
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token to refund |
_amount | uint256 | The amount to refund |
function decreaseLiquidity(struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.DecreaseLiquidityParams params) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)
Decreases the amount of liquidity in a position and accounts it to the position
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.DecreaseLiquidityParams | tokenId The ID of the token for which liquidity is being decreased, amount The amount by which liquidity will be decreased, amount0Min The minimum amount of token0 that should be accounted for the burned liquidity, amount1Min The minimum amount of token1 that should be accounted for the burned liquidity, deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
amount0 | uint256 | The amount of token0 accounted to the position's tokens owed |
amount1 | uint256 | The amount of token1 accounted to the position's tokens owed |
function collect(struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.CollectParams params) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)
Collects up to a maximum amount of fees owed to a specific position to the recipient
Warning!!! Please make sure to use multicall to call unwrapWETH9 or sweepToken when set recipient address(0), or you will lose your funds. amount0Max The maximum amount of token0 to collect, amount1Max The maximum amount of token1 to collect
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.CollectParams | tokenId The ID of the NFT for which tokens are being collected, recipient The account that should receive the tokens, |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
amount0 | uint256 | The amount of fees collected in token0 |
amount1 | uint256 | The amount of fees collected in token1 |
function collectTo(struct INonfungiblePositionManagerStruct.CollectParams params, address to) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)
Collect fees and refund.
function transferToken(address _token, address _to) internal
Transfer token from MasterChef V3.
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | The token to transfer. |
_to | address | The to address. |
function unwrapWETH9(uint256 amountMinimum, address recipient) external
Unwraps the contract's WETH9 balance and sends it to recipient as ETH.
The amountMinimum parameter prevents malicious contracts from stealing WETH9 from users.
Name | Type | Description |
amountMinimum | uint256 | The minimum amount of WETH9 to unwrap |
recipient | address | The address receiving ETH |
function sweepToken(address token, uint256 amountMinimum, address recipient) external
Transfers the full amount of a token held by this contract to recipient
The amountMinimum parameter prevents malicious contracts from stealing the token from users
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The contract address of the token which will be transferred to recipient |
amountMinimum | uint256 | The minimum amount of token required for a transfer |
recipient | address | The destination address of the token |
function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external
Burns a token ID, which deletes it from the NFT contract. The token must have 0 liquidity and all tokens must be collected first.
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenId | uint256 | The ID of the token that is being burned |
function upkeep(uint256 _amount, uint256 _duration, bool _withUpdate) external
Upkeep period.
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | The amount of cake injected. |
_duration | uint256 | The period duration. |
_withUpdate | bool | Whether call "massUpdatePools" operation. |
function massUpdatePools() internal
Update cake reward for all the liquidity mining pool.
function updatePools(uint256[] pids) external
Update cake reward for the liquidity mining pool.
Avoid too many pools, and a single transaction cannot be fully executed for all pools.
function setOperator(address _operatorAddress) external
Set operator address.
Callable by owner
Name | Type | Description |
_operatorAddress | address | New operator address. |
function setPeriodDuration(uint256 _periodDuration) external
Set period duration.
Callable by owner
Name | Type | Description |
_periodDuration | uint256 | New period duration. |
function updateFarmBoostContract(address _newFarmBoostContract) external
Update farm boost contract address.
Name | Type | Description |
_newFarmBoostContract | address | The new farm booster address. |
function safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 value) internal
Transfer ETH in a safe way
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | |
value | uint256 |
function _safeTransfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal
Safe Transfer CAKE.
Name | Type | Description |
_to | address | The CAKE receiver address. |
_amount | uint256 | Transfer CAKE amounts. |
receive() external payable