diff --git a/doc/source/whatsnew/v1.3.3.rst b/doc/source/whatsnew/v1.3.3.rst index 9be673f16c6e0..4bf5d7bead0a6 100644 --- a/doc/source/whatsnew/v1.3.3.rst +++ b/doc/source/whatsnew/v1.3.3.rst @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Fixed regressions - Fixed regression in :class:`DataFrame` constructor failing to broadcast for defined :class:`Index` and len one list of :class:`Timestamp` (:issue:`42810`) - Performance regression in :meth:`core.window.ewm.ExponentialMovingWindow.mean` (:issue:`42333`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.agg` incorrectly raising in some cases (:issue:`42390`) -- Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.quantile` which was failing with ``pandas.NA`` (:issue:`42849`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.apply` where ``nan`` values were dropped even with ``dropna=False`` (:issue:`43205`) +- Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.quantile` which was failing with ``pandas.NA`` (:issue:`42849`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`merge` where ``on`` columns with ``ExtensionDtype`` or ``bool`` data types were cast to ``object`` in ``right`` and ``outer`` merge (:issue:`40073`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`RangeIndex.where` and :meth:`RangeIndex.putmask` raising ``AssertionError`` when result did not represent a :class:`RangeIndex` (:issue:`43240`) - Fixed regression in :meth:`read_parquet` where the ``fastparquet`` engine would not work properly with fastparquet 0.7.0 (:issue:`43075`)