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I'm trying to translate this script to php without success for a few days... maybe you could help me a little bit
(function (window) { var Juno = window.Juno || {}; window.Juno = Juno; function Card() { var self = this; this.mask = { DEFAULT_CC: '0000 0000 0000 0000', DEFAULT_CVC: '000', } this.type = { VISA: { name: 'visa', detector: /^4/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 99 }, MASTERCARD: { name: 'mastercard', detector: /^(5[1-5]|2(2(2[1-9]|[3-9])|[3-6]|7([0-1]|20)))/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 99 }, AMEX: { name: 'amex', detector: /^3[47]/, cardLength: 15, cvcLength: 4, maskCC: '0000 000000 00000', maskCVC: '0000', order: 99 }, DISCOVER: { name: 'discover', detector: /^6(?:011\d{12}|5\d{14}|4[4-9]\d{13}|22(?:1(?:2[6-9]|[3-9]\d)|[2-8]\d{2}|9(?:[01]\d|2[0-5]))\d{10})/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 2 }, HIPERCARD: { name: 'hipercard', detector: /^606282|384100|384140|384160/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 4 }, DINERS: { name: 'diners', detector: /^(300|301|302|303|304|305|36|38)/, cardLength: 14, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: '0000 000000 0000', maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 5 }, JCB_15: { name: 'jcb_15', detector: /^2131|1800/, cardLength: 15, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 6 }, JCB_16: { name: 'jcb_16', detector: /^35(?:2[89]|[3-8]\d)/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 7 }, ELO: { name: 'elo', detector: /^(4011(78|79)|43(1274|8935)|45(1416|7393|763(1|2))|50(4175|6699|67([0-6][0-9]|7[0-8])|9\d{3})|627780|63(6297|6368)|650(03([^4])|04([0-9])|05(0|1)|4(0[5-9]|(1|2|3)[0-9]|8[5-9]|9[0-9])|5((3|9)[0-8]|4[1-9]|([0-2]|[5-8])\d)|7(0\d|1[0-8]|2[0-7])|9(0[1-9]|[1-6][0-9]|7[0-8]))|6516(5[2-9]|[6-7]\d)|6550(2[1-9]|5[0-8]|(0|1|3|4)\d))\d*/, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CC, maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 1 }, AURA: { name: 'aura', detector: /^((?!5066|5067|50900|504175|506699)50)/, cardLength: 19, cvcLength: 3, maskCC: '0000000000000000000', maskCVC: self.mask.DEFAULT_CVC, order: 3 } }; } Card.prototype = { getType: function (value) { var cardNo = value.replace(/ /g, ''); for (var key in this.getOrderedTypes()) { if (this.validator.number(cardNo, this.type[key])) { return this.type[key]; } } return false; }, getOrderedTypes: function () { var types = {}; var order = 1; while (order < 100) { for (var key in this.type) { if (this.type[key].order == order) { types[key] = this.type[key]; } } order++; } return types; }, validateNumber: function (value) { var cardNo = value.replace(/ /g, ''); var type = this.getType(cardNo); return type && type.cardLength == cardNo.length && this.validator.luhn(cardNo); }, validateCvc: function (cardNo, cvcNo) { cardNo = cardNo.replace(/ /g, ''); var type = this.getType(cardNo); return type && this.validator.cvc(cvcNo, type); }, validateExpireDate: function (expirationMonth, expirationYear) { var today = new Date(); var month = today.getMonth() + 1; var year = today.getFullYear(); expirationMonth = parseInt(expirationMonth); expirationYear = parseInt(expirationYear); if (expirationMonth > 0 && expirationYear > 0 && expirationYear >= year) { if (expirationYear == year) { return (expirationMonth > month); } return true; } return false; }, validator: { number: function (cardNo, type) { return type.detector.test(cardNo); }, luhn: function (cardNo) { var numberProduct, checkSumTotal = 0; for (var digitCounter = cardNo.length - 1; digitCounter >= 0; digitCounter = digitCounter - 2) { checkSumTotal += parseInt(cardNo.charAt(digitCounter), 10); numberProduct = String((cardNo.charAt(digitCounter - 1) * 2)); for (var productDigitCounter = 0; productDigitCounter < numberProduct.length; productDigitCounter++) { checkSumTotal += parseInt(numberProduct.charAt(productDigitCounter), 10); } } return (checkSumTotal % 10 == 0); }, cvc: function (cvcNo, type) { return type.cvcLength == ('' + cvcNo).length; } } }; Juno.Card = Card; })(window); (function (window) { var Juno = window.Juno || {}; window.Juno = Juno; if ("undefined" === typeof TextEncoder) { TextEncoder = function () {}; TextEncoder.prototype.encode = function (e) { for (var f = e.length, b = -1, a = "undefined" === typeof Uint8Array ? Array(1.5 * f) : new Uint8Array(3 * f), c, g, d = 0; d !== f;) { c = e.charCodeAt(d); d += 1; if (55296 <= c && 56319 >= c) { if (d === f) { a[b += 1] = 239; a[b += 1] = 191; a[b += 1] = 189; break; } g = e.charCodeAt(d); if (56320 <= g && 57343 >= g) { if (c = 1024 * (c - 55296) + g - 56320 + 65536, d += 1, 65535 < c) { a[b += 1] = 240 | c >>> 18; a[b += 1] = 128 | c >>> 12 & 63; a[b += 1] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63; a[b += 1] = 128 | c & 63; continue; } } else { a[b += 1] = 239; a[b += 1] = 191; a[b += 1] = 189; continue; } } 127 >= c ? a[b += 1] = 0 | c : (2047 >= c ? a[b += 1] = 192 | c >>> 6 : (a[b += 1] = 224 | c >>> 12, a[b += 1] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63), a[b += 1] = 128 | c & 63); } if ("undefined" !== typeof Uint8Array) { return a.subarray(0, b + 1); } a.length = b + 1; return a; }; TextEncoder.prototype.toString = function () { return "[object TextEncoder]"; }; try { Object.defineProperty(TextEncoder.prototype, "encoding", { get: function () { if (TextEncoder.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this)) { return "utf-8"; } throw TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } }); } catch (e) { TextEncoder.prototype.encoding = "utf-8"; } "undefined" !== typeof Symbol && (TextEncoder.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = "TextEncoder"); } function Crypto() { this.chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; this.lookup = new Uint8Array(256); this.initB64(); } Crypto.prototype = { encrypt: function (pemPublicKey, stringData) { return this.importPublicKey(pemPublicKey).then(function (publicKey) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var data = this.stringToArrayBuffer(stringData); console.log({ data }); window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, publicKey, data).then(function (encrypted) { var encoded = this.encodeAb(encrypted); resolve(encoded); }.bind(this)).catch(function (err) { reject(err); }); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, importPublicKey: function (pemPublicKey) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { window.crypto.subtle.importKey("spki", this.pemToArrayBuffer(pemPublicKey), { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, false, ["encrypt"]).then(function (importedKey) { resolve(importedKey); }).catch(function (err) { reject(err); }); }.bind(this)); }, initB64: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.chars.length; i++) { this.lookup[this.chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } }, removeLines: function (str) { return str.replace("\n", ""); }, base64ToArrayBuffer: function (b64) { var byteString = window.atob(b64); var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteString.length); for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) { byteArray[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return byteArray; }, pemToArrayBuffer: function (pem) { var b64Lines = this.removeLines(pem); var b64Prefix = b64Lines.replace('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', ''); var b64Final = b64Prefix.replace('-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', ''); return this.base64ToArrayBuffer(b64Final); }, stringToArrayBuffer: function (str) { var encoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8'); var byteArray = encoder.encode(str); return byteArray.buffer; }, encodeAb: function (arrayBuffer) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), i, len = bytes.length, base64 = ''; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { base64 += this.chars[bytes[i] >> 2]; base64 += this.chars[((bytes[i] & 3) << 4) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 4)]; base64 += this.chars[((bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 6)]; base64 += this.chars[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; } if ((len % 3) === 2) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 1) + '='; } else if (len % 3 === 1) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 2) + '=='; } return base64; } }; Juno.Crypto = Crypto; })(window); (function (window) { var Juno = window.Juno || {}; window.Juno = Juno; function DirectCheckout(publicToken, prod = true) { this._version = "0.0.2"; this._url = 'https://' + (prod ? 'www' : 'sandbox') + '.boletobancario.com/boletofacil/integration/api/'; this._publicKey = null; this._countAwaitingPublicKey = 0; this._publicToken = publicToken; this._crypto = new Juno.Crypto(); this._card = new Juno.Card(); this._loadPublicKey(); } DirectCheckout.prototype = { getCardType: function (cardNumber) { return (this.isValidCardNumber(cardNumber)) ? this._card.getType(cardNumber).name : false; }, isValidCardNumber: function (cardNumber) { return this._card.validateNumber(cardNumber); }, isValidSecurityCode: function (cardNumber, securityCode) { return this._card.validateCvc(cardNumber, securityCode); }, isValidExpireDate: function (expirationMonth, expirationYear) { return this._card.validateExpireDate(expirationMonth, expirationYear); }, isValidCardData: function (cardData, error) { if (!this._publicKey) { error(Error('Invalid public key')); return false; } if (!cardData) { error(Error('Invalid card data')); return false; } if (!cardData.holderName || cardData.holderName == "") { error(Error('Invalid holder name')); return false; } if (!this.isValidCardNumber(cardData.cardNumber)) { error(Error('Invalid card number')); return false; } if (!this.isValidSecurityCode(cardData.cardNumber, cardData.securityCode)) { error(Error('Invalid security code')); return false; } if (!this.isValidExpireDate(cardData.expirationMonth, cardData.expirationYear)) { error(Error('Invalid expire date')); return false; } return true; }, getCardHash: function (cardData, success, error) { this._checkPublicKey(function () { if (this.isValidCardData(cardData, error)) { this._internalGetCardHash(cardData).then(function (cardHash) { success(cardHash); }, function (e) { error(e); }); } }.bind(this)); }, _internalGetCardHash: function (cardData) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { cardData = JSON.stringify(cardData); console.log({ cardData }); this._crypto.encrypt(this._publicKey, cardData).then(function (encoded) { var url = this._url + 'get-credit-card-hash.json'; var params = 'publicToken=' + this._publicToken; params += '&encryptedData=' + window.encodeURIComponent(encoded); this._ajax('POST', url, params).then(function (response) { response = JSON.parse(response) if (response.success) { resolve(response.data); } else { reject(Error(response.errorMessage)); } }.bind(this), function (error) { reject(Error('Error on retrieve public key: ' + error)); }); }.bind(this), function (error) { reject(Error('Error on encrypt data: ' + error)); }); }.bind(this)); }, _loadPublicKey: function () { var url = this._url + 'get-public-encryption-key.json'; var params = 'publicToken=' + this._publicToken + '&version=' + this._version;; this._ajax('POST', url, params).then(function (response) { response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.success) { this._publicKey = response.data; } else { throw Error(response.errorMessage); } }.bind(this), function (error) { throw Error("Error on retrieve public key", error); }); }, _ajax: function (type, url, params) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open(type, url); req.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.onload = function () { if (req.status == 200) { resolve(req.response); } else { reject(Error(req.statusText)); } }; req.onerror = function () { reject(Error('Network Error')); }; req.send(params); }); }, _checkPublicKey: function (callback) { if (!this._publicKey && this._countAwaitingPublicKey < 100) { setTimeout(function () { this._countAwaitingPublicKey++; this._checkPublicKey(callback); }.bind(this), 100); } else { callback(); } } }; window.DirectCheckout = DirectCheckout; })(window);
This project has been created trying to figure out this https://github.com/carlosartur/junoCreditCardEncript
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
BubbleSort is O(N^2). getOrderedTypes is N=10, M=100=N^2 so O(N^3)!
How dare you!?!
Sorry, something went wrong.
Sorry 😔 this is not my code it's a external lib for payments...
No branches or pull requests
I'm trying to translate this script to php without success for a few days... maybe you could help me a little bit
This project has been created trying to figure out this https://github.com/carlosartur/junoCreditCardEncript
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: