This repo contains the codebase of the project done at Denso-Shaping the Future Hackathon.
- node.js
- npm
- express
- ejs
- Arduino IDE
- Max6675 Library (
- Clone the GitHub repository "".
- Extract the given files.
- Compile and Upload the .ino file to the Arduino Uno
- Run "sudo npm install" to install all the node packages required.
- Run "node index.js" and navigate to http://localhost:3000/
- Select the type of material and specify the thickness of the material.
- Place the sensor at the suitable position, and click on the "Click for Temperature" button, repeat the step again for another position.
- Click on Submit.
- The next page will brief you about, the current state of insulation of your wall, along with its R-value specified, and some tips to avoid future shortcomings.