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package{ import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.GlowFilter; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.SoundChannel; import flash.media.SoundTransform; public class BrickBreaker extends MovieClip { // Text and text related private var score_text:TextField; private var lives_text:TextField; private var level_text:TextField; private var top_text_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); private var level_header_text:TextField; private var level_name_text:TextField; private var game_over_text:TextField; private var level_header_text_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); private var level_name_text_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); private var level_font:Font = new feedback_font(); private var one_up:TextField; private var one_up_font:Font = new extra_life_font(); private var level_pad:Shape; private var display_level_header_text:String; private var display_level_pad:Boolean; private var currentScore:uint; private var current_lives:uint; // paddle related private var bat:Sprite; private var batWidth:Number; private var batHeight:Number; // ball related private var ball:Shape; private var ballRadius:Number; private var ball_x_velocity:Number = 1; private var ball_y_velocity:Number = 1; private var ball_served:Boolean = false; private var number_of_hits:int = 0; private var level_speed:int; private var ball_speed:int; private var number_per_speed_increase:int; private var ball_max_speed:int; // brick related private var bricks:Array; private var brickWidth:int; private var brickHeight:int; private var line_style_list:Array; private var numBricks:uint; private var real_number_of_bricks:int; private var brick_x_start:int; private var brick_y_start:int; private var bricks_per_row:int; private var maximum_bricks_per_row:int; private var future_bricks_to_fade_out:Array = new Array; private var bricks_to_fade_out:Array = new Array; private var bricks_to_fade_in:Array = new Array; private var future_bricks_to_fade_in:Array = new Array; private var future_regenerate_list:Array = new Array; private var regenerate_list:Array = new Array; private var should_fade_out:Boolean; private var should_fade_in:Boolean; private var last_brick_row:int; private var should_regenerate:Boolean; private var freeze_regeneration:Boolean = false; // play area size & environment private var playfieldWidth:uint = 640; private var playfieldHeight:uint = 480; private var wall_one:Shape; private var wall_two:Shape; private var ceiling_top:Shape; private var ceiling_floor:Shape; private var ceiling:int = 25 + wall_width; private var ceiling_height:int; private var wall_width:int = 10; // levels & lives private var level:int = 1; private var max_levels:int = 11; private var number_of_lives:uint = 5; private var level_complete:Boolean = false; // guide private var guide:Shape; private var guide_radius:Number; // key input related private var key_pressed:Boolean = false; private var key_number:int; private var bat_key_move:int = 10; // misc private var my_pi:Number = Math.PI; private var game_over:Boolean = false; private var player_died:Boolean = false; private var last_control_left:Boolean = true; private var extra_life_track:int = 5000; private var display_one_up:Boolean = false; // effects private var glow:GlowFilter=new GlowFilter(); // audio private var channel:SoundChannel; private var wall_channel:SoundChannel; private var brick_channel:SoundChannel; private var level_paddle_sounds:Array; private var level_brick_sounds:Array; private var level_wall_sounds:Array; private var level_death_sounds:Array; private var level_serve_sounds:Array; private var level_extra_life_sounds:Array; private var active_brick_sounds:Array; // streaming sounds private var invaders_ambience_sound:Sound; private var beach_ambience_sound:Sound; private var recognizer_ambience_sound:Sound; private var applause_sound:Sound; // finale private var finale_activated:Boolean = false; public function BrickBreaker() { //streaming sound paths are set via flashvars var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters; invaders_ambience_sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(paramObj["invaders"])); beach_ambience_sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(paramObj["beach"])); recognizer_ambience_sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(paramObj["recognizer"])); applause_sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(paramObj["applause"])); // set up text score_text = new TextField(); lives_text = new TextField(); level_text = new TextField(); level_header_text = new TextField(); level_name_text = new TextField(); one_up = new TextField(); game_over_text = new TextField(); score_text.textColor = lives_text.textColor = level_text.textColor = level_header_text.textColor = level_name_text.textColor = one_up.textColor = game_over_text.textColor = 0xffffff; // white text score_text.x = 50; lives_text.x = 300; level_text.x = 550; score_text.y = lives_text.y = level_text.y = wall_width + 2; level_header_text.y = 250; level_name_text.y = 275; game_over_text.y = 275; currentScore = 0; score_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; lives_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; level_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; game_over_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; level_header_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; level_name_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; top_text_format.size = 11; top_text_format.font = level_font.fontName; addChild(score_text); addChild(lives_text); addChild(level_text); // Create the player's bat and add it bat = new Sprite(); batWidth = 65; batHeight = 10; bat.graphics.lineStyle(1,0); bat.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, [0x3841ff, 0x000000], [1, 1], [120, 150]); bat.graphics.drawRect(-batHeight/2, -batWidth/2, batHeight ,batWidth); // draw bat with origin at the center bat.graphics.endFill(); bat.rotation = 90; bat.x = playfieldWidth/2; bat.y = playfieldHeight-batHeight; // add as child addChild(bat); // add listener for frame refresh (based on movie frame rate) addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleUpdate ); // add listener for mouse movement stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleMouseMove ); // add listener for keyboard input stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown ); stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyUp ); // Add any other required initialization stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); // Mouse.hide(); current_lives = number_of_lives; createLevel(level); } private function handleMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void { var mX:int = mouseX; moveBat(mX); } private function handleClick(e:MouseEvent):void { if (game_over) { clearBricks(); level = 1; createLevel(level); } else { if (!ball_served && ball.alpha == 1) { serveBall(); } } } private function moveBat(x_position) { var bat_limit_left:int = wall_one.x + (wall_width / 2); var bat_limit_right:int = wall_two.x - (wall_width / 2); // if ball is larger than bat change paddle limits if (!ball_served && ballRadius > (batWidth / 2)) { bat_limit_left += ballRadius; bat_limit_right -= ballRadius; } else { bat_limit_left += batWidth / 2; bat_limit_right -= batWidth / 2; } if (!ball_served && x_position > bat.x) { last_control_left = false; } else if (!ball_served && x_position < bat.x) { last_control_left = true; } if (x_position > bat_limit_right) { bat.x = bat_limit_right; } else if (x_position < bat_limit_left) { bat.x = bat_limit_left; } else { bat.x = x_position; } if (!ball_served) { addGuideToPaddle(); } } private function handleKeyDown( e:KeyboardEvent ):void { // separate key function "keyboardUpdate" was required to fix keypress delay key_number = e.keyCode; key_pressed = true; if (key_number == Keyboard.UP) { current_lives++; updateTopText(); } else if (key_number == Keyboard.ENTER && game_over) { clearBricks(); createLevel(level); } else if (key_number == Keyboard.SPACE) { if (game_over) { clearBricks(); level = 1; createLevel(level); } else if (!ball_served && ball.alpha == 1) { serveBall(); } } else if (key_number == Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN) { if (level > 1) { level--; removeLevelText(); clearBricks(); createLevel(level); } } else if (key_number == Keyboard.PAGE_UP) { removeLevelText(); clearBricks(); level_complete = true; } } private function keyboardUpdate() { if (key_pressed) { var key_x:int; if (key_number == Keyboard.LEFT) { key_x = bat.x - bat_key_move; moveBat(key_x); } else if (key_number == Keyboard.RIGHT) { key_x = bat.x + bat_key_move; moveBat(key_x); } } } private function handleKeyUp( e:KeyboardEvent ):void { key_pressed = false; } private function handleUpdate(e:Event):void { keyboardUpdate(); if (level_complete) { level++; if (!finale_activated && level > max_levels) { finale(); } else { createLevel(level); ball_served = false; } } if (should_fade_out) { fadeBricksOut(); } else { if (future_bricks_to_fade_out.length > 0) { bricks_to_fade_out = bricks_to_fade_out.concat(future_bricks_to_fade_out); future_bricks_to_fade_out = new Array; should_fade_out = true; } if (should_fade_in) { fadeBricksIn(); } else { if (future_regenerate_list.length > 0) { regenerate_list = regenerate_list.concat(future_regenerate_list); future_regenerate_list = new Array; } if (should_regenerate && !freeze_regeneration && regenerate_list.length > 0) { freeze_regeneration = true; var regenerate_time = 15000+((Math.random()*15)*1000) var timer:Timer = new Timer(regenerate_time, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, regenerateBricks); timer.start(); } } } if (display_level_header_text) { displayLevelText(); } if (display_one_up) { oneUp(); } if (ball_served && !player_died) { ballMotion(); ballBounceScan(); } else if (ball_served && player_died) { if (playerExperiencesDeath()) { if (current_lives > 0) { ball_served = false; player_died = false; ball.y = bat.y - batHeight / 2 - ballRadius; ball_speed = level_speed; } else // remove ball on game over { if (ball && parent.contains(ball)) { removeChild(ball); } } } } else // waiting to serve the ball... { if (ball.alpha != 1) { ball.alpha = 1; } ball.x = bat.x; } } private function regenerateBricks(e:TimerEvent):void { // 50% chance of regeneration var my_random_number:int = Math.random()*2; if (my_random_number == 1) { var number_of_bricks:int = (Math.random()*(regenerate_list.length))+1; var brick_index:int; var the_brick:Sprite; while (bricks_to_fade_in.length < number_of_bricks) { // add chosen bricks to be faded in brick_index = Math.random()*(regenerate_list.length); the_brick = regenerate_list[brick_index]; // remove from regenerate list regenerate_list.splice(brick_index,1); bricks_to_fade_in.push(the_brick); brick_index++; } should_fade_in = true; } else { freeze_regeneration = false; } } private function fadeBricksIn() { var the_brick:Sprite; var all_faded:int = 0; for (var brick_index in bricks_to_fade_in) { the_brick = bricks_to_fade_in[brick_index]; // color the brick and display it if (!parent.contains(the_brick)) { the_brick.graphics.beginFill(0xff0000); the_brick.graphics.drawRect(-brickHeight/2, -brickWidth/2, brickHeight, brickWidth); the_brick.graphics.endFill(); addChildAt(the_brick,1); } if (the_brick.alpha < 1) { the_brick.alpha += .1; } else { all_faded++; bricks.push(the_brick); } } if (all_faded == bricks_to_fade_in.length) { freeze_regeneration = false; should_fade_in = false; bricks_to_fade_in = new Array; } } private function serveBall() { guide.alpha = 0; ball_x_velocity = (Math.random()*.85)+.15; ball_x_velocity = 1; ball_y_velocity = 1; ball_speed = level_speed; ball_served = true; ball_y_velocity = -(Math.abs(ball_y_velocity)); ball_x_velocity = last_control_left ? -(Math.abs(ball_x_velocity)) : Math.abs(ball_x_velocity); level_serve_sounds[randomSound(level_serve_sounds)].play(0,0) } private function ballMotion() { var speed_scale:Number = getBallSpeed(); ball.x += ball_x_velocity * speed_scale; ball.y += ball_y_velocity * speed_scale; //ball.x = mouseX; //ball.y = mouseY; } private function getBallSpeed() { var current_speed:Number = Math.sqrt(ball_x_velocity * ball_x_velocity + ball_y_velocity * ball_y_velocity); var speed_scale:Number = ball_speed / current_speed; return speed_scale; } private function createGuide() { guide = new Shape(); guide_radius = 1; guide.graphics.beginFill(0xff0000); guide.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, guide_radius); guide.y = bat.y; guide.alpha = 0; if (!parent.contains(guide)) { addChild(guide); } // add glow to guide glow.color=0xFF0000; glow.strength=3; glow.inner=false; glow.blurY=15; glow.blurX=15; guide.filters=[glow]; } private function addGuideToPaddle() { if (last_control_left) { guide.x = bat.x - (batWidth / 2) + guide_radius +1; } else { guide.x = bat.x + (batWidth / 2) - guide_radius; } if (guide.alpha != 1) { guide.alpha = 1; } } private function textEffect(text1, text2) { level_header_text.text = text1; level_name_text.text = text2; level_header_text_format.size = 14; level_name_text_format.size = 18; level_header_text_format.font = level_font.fontName; level_name_text_format.font = level_font.fontName; level_header_text.setTextFormat(level_header_text_format); level_name_text.setTextFormat(level_name_text_format); level_header_text.embedFonts = true; level_name_text.embedFonts = true; level_header_text.x = centerText(level_header_text); level_name_text.x = centerText(level_name_text); level_pad = new Shape(); level_pad.graphics.beginFill(0x000000); level_pad.graphics.drawRoundRect((level_name_text.x) - 25, level_header_text.y - 10, (level_name_text.width) +50,level_name_text.height + level_header_text.height + 25, 36); level_pad.graphics.endFill(); level_header_text.alpha = 0; level_name_text.alpha = 0; level_pad.alpha = 0; if (!parent.contains(level_pad)) { addChild(level_pad); } if (!parent.contains(level_header_text)) { addChild(level_header_text); } if (!parent.contains(level_name_text)) { addChild(level_name_text); } } private function displayLevelText() { var alpha_step:Number = .025; if (display_level_header_text == "fade_in" && level_header_text.alpha < 1) { level_header_text.alpha += alpha_step; level_name_text.alpha += alpha_step; if (display_level_pad) { level_pad.alpha += alpha_step / 2; } } else if (display_level_header_text == "fade_in" && level_header_text.alpha >= 1) { display_level_header_text = null; var timer:Timer = new Timer(5000, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, textEffectTimer); timer.start(); } else if (display_level_header_text == "fade_out" && level_header_text.alpha > 0) { level_header_text.alpha -= alpha_step; level_name_text.alpha -= alpha_step; if (display_level_pad) { level_pad.alpha -= alpha_step / 2; } } else { removeLevelText(); display_level_header_text = null; } } private function textEffectTimer(e:TimerEvent):void { display_level_header_text = "fade_out"; } private function removeLevelText() { if (game_over_text && parent.contains(game_over_text)) { removeChild(game_over_text); } if (level_header_text && parent.contains(level_header_text)) { removeChild(level_header_text); } if (level_name_text && parent.contains(level_name_text)) { removeChild(level_name_text); } if (level_pad && parent.contains(level_pad)) { removeChild(level_pad); } } private function centerText(text_object) { return ((wall_two.x + (wall_width / 2)) /2 ) - text_object.textWidth / 2; } private function clearBricks() { if (game_over_text && parent.contains(game_over_text)) { removeChild(game_over_text); } if (guide && parent.contains(guide)) { removeChild(guide); } ball_speed = level_speed; ball_served = false; player_died = false; for (var brick in bricks) { if (bricks[brick] && parent.contains(bricks[brick])) { removeChild(bricks[brick]); } } if (game_over) { game_over = false; current_lives = number_of_lives; currentScore = 0; } } private function playerExperiencesDeath() { if (current_lives == 0) { if (!game_over) { removeLevelText(); var game_over_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); game_over_text.text = "GAME OVER"; game_over_format.size = 16; game_over_format.letterSpacing = 10; game_over_format.font = level_font.fontName; game_over_text.setTextFormat(game_over_format); game_over_text.x = centerText(game_over_text); game_over = true; if (channel) { channel.stop(); } if (game_over_text && !parent.contains(game_over_text)) { addChild(game_over_text); } } } // fade ball out as it goes off screen if (ball.alpha > 0) { ball.y += 1; ball.alpha -= .01; return false; } else { return true; } } private function getAngle(x1,y1,x2,y2) { var the_angle:Number = Math.atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1) * 180/my_pi; //return Math.abs(the_angle % 90); return Math.abs(the_angle); } private function angleScan(hit_brick_list) { var is_greater:Boolean; var is_less:Boolean; for (var brick in hit_brick_list) { // check if the_angle >= brick_angle if (hit_brick_list[brick][1] >= hit_brick_list[brick][2]) { is_greater = true; } // check if the_angle < brick_angle if (hit_brick_list[brick][1] < hit_brick_list[brick][2]) { is_less = true; } if (is_greater && is_less) { return true } } return false; } private function ballBounceScan() { var x_circle:int; var y_circle:int; var should_reflect:Boolean = true; var the_angle:Number; var speed_scale:Number; var ball_future_x:int; var ball_future_y:int; var score_check:int; var the_brick:Sprite; var row:int; var brick_angle:Number; var brick_id:int; var hit_brick_list:Array = new Array; var brick_id_list:Array = new Array; // detect degrees around ball for (var i:int = 0; i < 360; i += 18) { // get ball's x & y position in next frame speed_scale = getBallSpeed(); ball_future_x = ball.x + (ball_x_velocity * speed_scale); ball_future_y = ball.y + (ball_y_velocity * speed_scale); x_circle = (Math.cos(i * my_pi / 180) * ballRadius) + ball_future_x; y_circle = (Math.sin(i * my_pi / 180) * ballRadius) + ball_future_y; // bounce off of walls and ceiling if (should_reflect && x_circle <= (wall_one.x + wall_width / 2)) { ball_x_velocity = -(ball_x_velocity); should_reflect = false ballSpeedAdvance("left_wall"); } else if (should_reflect && x_circle >= (wall_two.x - wall_width / 2)) { ball_x_velocity = -ball_x_velocity; should_reflect = false ballSpeedAdvance("right_wall"); } else if (should_reflect && y_circle <= ceiling + (wall_width / 2)) { ball_y_velocity = Math.abs(ball_y_velocity); should_reflect = false; ballSpeedAdvance("ceiling"); } // bounce off of paddle or die! if (should_reflect && y_circle >= bat.y - batHeight / 2) { if (x_circle >= bat.x && x_circle <= bat.x + batWidth / 2) { ball_x_velocity = (x_circle - bat.x) / 12; ball_y_velocity = -(Math.abs(ball_y_velocity)); should_reflect = false; ballSpeedAdvance("paddle"); } else if (x_circle <= bat.x && x_circle >= bat.x - batWidth / 2) { ball_x_velocity = -((bat.x - x_circle) / 12); ball_y_velocity = -(Math.abs(ball_y_velocity)); should_reflect = false; ballSpeedAdvance("paddle"); } else if (y_circle > playfieldHeight && !player_died) { level_death_sounds[randomSound(level_death_sounds)].play(0,0); player_died = true; current_lives--; updateTopText(); break; } } // bounce off of bricks for (var brick in bricks) { if (brick_id_list.indexOf(brick) == -1) { if (x_circle >= bricks[brick].x - (brickWidth / 2) && x_circle <= bricks[brick].x + (brickWidth / 2) && y_circle >= bricks[brick].y - (brickHeight / 2) && y_circle <= bricks[brick].y + (brickHeight /2) ) { brick_id_list.push(brick); // to determine if ball has hit side of brick or not the_angle = Math.abs(Math.atan((bricks[brick].y - ball.y) / (ball.x - bricks[brick].x)) * 180 / my_pi); brick_angle = Math.atan(brickHeight / brickWidth) * 180/my_pi; hit_brick_list.push([bricks[brick],the_angle,brick_angle]); } } } } // end of 360 degree check if (hit_brick_list.length > 0) { /* still working on this... // if ball hits two bricks one's side and the other's top/bottom then reverse X & Y if (hit_brick_list.length > 1 && angleScan(hit_brick_list)) { ball_x_velocity = -ball_x_velocity; ball_y_velocity = -ball_y_velocity; } else { */ // get angles of first hit brick the_angle = hit_brick_list[0][1]; brick_angle = hit_brick_list[0][2]; if (the_angle >= brick_angle) { ball_y_velocity = -ball_y_velocity; } else if (the_angle < brick_angle) { ball_x_velocity = -ball_x_velocity; } //} for (var hit_brick in hit_brick_list) { the_brick = hit_brick_list[hit_brick][0]; brick_id = bricks.indexOf(the_brick); ballSpeedAdvance("brick"); row = (numBricks / bricks_per_row) - (brick / bricks_per_row) + 1; var my_bit_map:BitmapData = new BitmapData(brickWidth, brickHeight, true, 0); my_bit_map.draw(the_brick); var my_color:uint = my_bit_map.getPixel(5,5); if (my_color == 0xffffff) { the_brick.graphics.beginFill(0x1929ff); } else { the_brick.graphics.beginFill(0xffffff); } if (line_style_list) { the_brick.graphics.lineStyle(1,0x000000); } the_brick.graphics.drawRect(-brickHeight/2, -brickWidth/2, brickHeight, brickWidth); the_brick.graphics.endFill(); // prevent additional bricks from being added to the lists if fade is in process if (should_fade_out && bricks_to_fade_out.length > 0) { future_bricks_to_fade_out.push(the_brick); } else { bricks_to_fade_out.push(the_brick); } if (should_regenerate) { if (freeze_regeneration) { future_regenerate_list.push(the_brick); } else { regenerate_list.push(the_brick); } } currentScore += 25 * row; updateTopText(); score_check = currentScore / extra_life_track; if (score_check == 1) { extra_life_track += (extra_life_track * 2); current_lives++; updateTopText(); level_extra_life_sounds[randomSound(level_extra_life_sounds)].play(0,0) one_up.x = the_brick.x; one_up.y = the_brick.y; one_up.text = "1up"; if (one_up && !parent.contains(one_up)) { addChild(one_up); } var one_up_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); one_up_format.size = 14; one_up_format.font = one_up_font.fontName; one_up.setTextFormat(one_up_format); one_up.embedFonts = true; one_up.alpha = 1; display_one_up = true; } bricks.splice(brick_id,1); } } hit_brick_list = new Array; if (should_regenerate && bricks.length <= (real_number_of_bricks / 2)) { should_regenerate = false; } if (!should_fade_out && bricks_to_fade_out.length > 0) { var timer:Timer = new Timer(100, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeBrickDelay); timer.start(); } } private function fadeBrickDelay(e:TimerEvent):void { should_fade_out = true; } private function fadeBricksOut() { if (bricks.length == 0) { ball.alpha -= .1; } for (var the_brick in bricks_to_fade_out) { if (bricks_to_fade_out[the_brick].alpha > 0) { bricks_to_fade_out[the_brick].alpha -= .1; } else { if (parent.contains(bricks_to_fade_out[the_brick])) { removeChild(bricks_to_fade_out[the_brick]); } bricks_to_fade_out.splice(the_brick,1); if (bricks_to_fade_out.length == 0) { should_fade_out = false; if (bricks.length == 0 && future_bricks_to_fade_out.length == 0) { level_complete = true; } } } } } private function ballSpeedAdvance(the_obj) { if (the_obj == "paddle") { level_paddle_sounds[randomSound(level_paddle_sounds)].play(0,0) number_of_hits += 2; } else if (the_obj == "brick") { var brick_sound:int = randomSound(level_brick_sounds); // to avoid the same audio file from playing ontop of itself if (active_brick_sounds.indexOf(level_brick_sounds[brick_sound]) == -1 || (brick_channel && brick_channel.position > 50 )) { active_brick_sounds.push(level_brick_sounds[brick_sound]); brick_channel = level_brick_sounds[brick_sound].play(0,0) brick_channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, brickSoundComplete); } number_of_hits++; } else if (the_obj == "left_wall" || the_obj == "right_wall" || the_obj == "ceiling") { wall_channel = level_wall_sounds[randomSound(level_wall_sounds)].play(0,0); if (the_obj == "left_wall") { setPan(-1); } else if (the_obj == "right_wall") { setPan(1); } else { setPan(0); } } if (number_of_hits > number_per_speed_increase && ball_speed < ball_max_speed) { ball_speed++; number_of_hits = 0; } } private function randomSound(the_sounds) { if (the_sounds.length > 1) { return (Math.round(Math.random()*(the_sounds.length-1))); } else { return 0; } } private function setPan(pan:Number):void { var transform:SoundTransform = wall_channel.soundTransform; transform.pan = pan; wall_channel.soundTransform = transform; } private function brickSoundComplete(e:Event):void { active_brick_sounds.splice(active_brick_sounds.length-1,1); } private function oneUp() { if (one_up.alpha > 0) { one_up.y--; one_up.alpha -= .025; } else { display_one_up = false; if (one_up && parent.contains(one_up)) { removeChild(one_up); } } } private function updateTopText() { score_text.text = "Score: " + currentScore; score_text.setTextFormat(top_text_format); lives_text.text = "Lives: " + current_lives; lives_text.setTextFormat(top_text_format); level_text.text = "Level: " + level; level_text.setTextFormat(top_text_format); } private function createLevel(level) { display_level_header_text = "fade_in"; // default sounds var paddle1_sound:Sound = new paddle1(); var paddle2_sound:Sound = new paddle2(); var wall1_sound:Sound = new wall_bounce(); var serve1_sound:Sound = new serve1(); var serve2_sound:Sound = new serve2(); var serve3_sound:Sound = new serve3(); var death1_sound:Sound = new death1(); var death2_sound:Sound = new death2(); var brick1_sound:Sound = new brick1(); var extra_life_sound:Sound = new extra_life(); level_paddle_sounds = [paddle1_sound,paddle2_sound]; level_brick_sounds = [brick1_sound]; level_wall_sounds = [wall1_sound]; level_death_sounds = [death1_sound,death2_sound]; level_serve_sounds = [serve1_sound,serve2_sound,serve3_sound]; level_extra_life_sounds = [extra_life_sound]; level_complete = false; active_brick_sounds = new Array; should_regenerate = false; finale_activated = false; regenerate_list = new Array; future_regenerate_list = new Array; future_bricks_to_fade_out = new Array; number_per_speed_increase = 20; var room_color:uint; var plot_list:Array; var line_style_list = new Array; var color_list:Array; var colors_for_rows:Array; var pattern:String; var level_name_text:String; if (channel) { channel.stop(); } if (ball && parent.contains(ball)) { removeChild(ball); } if (guide && parent.contains(guide)) { removeChild(guide); } if (level == 1) { display_level_pad = false; level_speed = 5; bricks_per_row = 10; maximum_bricks_per_row = 10; numBricks = 10; brickHeight = 15; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 60; level_name_text = "Easy Street"; room_color = 0x2c3453; colors_for_rows = [["0x3346cd","0xffffff"]]; line_style_list = ["0x333333"]; ball_max_speed = 10; } if (level == 2) { display_level_pad = false; level_speed = 6; bricks_per_row = 10; maximum_bricks_per_row = 10; numBricks = 40; brickHeight = 15; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 45; level_name_text = "Traditional Trails"; room_color = 0x4a2e1a; colors_for_rows = ["0x00ff00","0xaff00ff","0xa00ffff","0xffff00"]; line_style_list = ["0x000000"]; ball_max_speed = 10; } else if (level == 3) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 5; bricks_per_row = 11; maximum_bricks_per_row = 13; numBricks = 85; brickHeight = 30; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 50; level_name_text = "Space Invaders!"; plot_list = [2,8,14,18, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 34,35,37,38,39,41,42, 44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54, 55,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65, 66,68,74,76, 80,81,83,84]; colors_for_rows = ["0x00FF00"]; line_style_list = ["0x000000"]; room_color = 0x47cc47; ball_max_speed = 10; var invaders_brick_sound:Sound = new invaders_brick(); var invaders_paddle_sound:Sound = new invaders_paddle(); level_paddle_sounds = [invaders_paddle_sound]; level_brick_sounds = [invaders_brick_sound]; channel = invaders_ambience_sound.play(0,999); } else if (level == 4) { display_level_pad = false; level_speed = 3; bricks_per_row = 5; maximum_bricks_per_row = 5; numBricks = 25; brickHeight = 30; ballRadius = 65; ceiling_height = 25; level_name_text = "Beach Ball Island"; colors_for_rows = [["0x10eaf8","0x000000"],["0x108df8","0x000000"],["0x1067f8","0x000000"],["0x1036f8","0x000000"],["0x06247a","0x000000"]]; line_style_list = [["0x10eaf8","0x054c50"],["0x108df8","0x042644"],["0x1067f8","0x041c44"],["0x1036f8","0x040d3e"],["0x06247a","0x01091e"]]; room_color = 0xf0ed9b; number_per_speed_increase = 10; ball_max_speed = 10; var beach_paddle1_sound:Sound = new beach_paddle1(); var beach_paddle2_sound:Sound = new beach_paddle2(); var beach_brick1_sound:Sound = new beach_brick1(); var beach_brick2_sound:Sound = new beach_brick2(); var beach_brick3_sound:Sound = new beach_brick3(); var beach_brick4_sound:Sound = new beach_brick4(); level_paddle_sounds = [beach_paddle1_sound,beach_paddle2_sound]; level_brick_sounds = [beach_brick1_sound,beach_brick2_sound,beach_brick3_sound,beach_brick4_sound]; channel = beach_ambience_sound.play(0,999); } if (level == 5) { display_level_pad = false; level_speed = 7; bricks_per_row = 10; maximum_bricks_per_row = 10; numBricks = 60; brickHeight = 15; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 65; level_name_text = "2600 Memories"; room_color = 0x6f686f; colors_for_rows = ["0xa0475f","0xa03730","0xa05830","0xa09030","0x30a730","0x3040a0"]; ball_max_speed = 10; var brick1_2600_sound:Sound = new brick_2600_1(); var brick2_2600_sound:Sound = new brick_2600_2(); var brick3_2600_sound:Sound = new brick_2600_3(); var brick4_2600_sound:Sound = new brick_2600_4(); var paddle_2600_sound:Sound = new paddle_2600(); var wall_2600_sound:Sound = new wall_2600(); level_paddle_sounds = [paddle_2600_sound]; level_brick_sounds = [brick1_2600_sound,brick2_2600_sound,brick3_2600_sound,brick4_2600_sound]; level_wall_sounds = [wall_2600_sound]; } else if (level == 6) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 5; bricks_per_row = 18; maximum_bricks_per_row = 30; numBricks = 108; brickHeight = 50; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 60; level_name_text = "Purple Piano Paradise"; plot_list = [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35, 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53, 54,55,56,57,58,60,61,62,63,64,65,67,68,69,70,71, 72,73,74,75,76,78,79,80,81,82,83,85,86,87,88,89, 90,91,92,93,94,96,97,98,99,100,101,103,104,105,106,107 ]; color_list = [[0,"0x200646"],[4,"0x000000"],[7,"0x200646"],[11,"0x000000"],[14,"0x200646"], [18,"0x301463"],[22,"0x000000"],[25,"0x301463"],[29,"0x000000"],[32,"0x301463"], [36,"0x482a8d"],[40,"0x000000"],[43,"0x482a8d"],[47,"0x000000"],[50,"0x482a8d"], [54,"0x5f3eb9"], [72,"0x6a49ce"], [90,"0x7e5af1"], ]; line_style_list = ["0x000000",["0x000000","0x222222"]]; var piano_brick1_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_1(); var piano_brick2_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_2(); var piano_brick3_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_3(); var piano_brick4_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_4(); var piano_brick5_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_5(); var piano_brick6_sound:Sound = new piano_brick_6(); level_brick_sounds = [piano_brick1_sound,piano_brick2_sound,piano_brick3_sound,piano_brick4_sound,piano_brick5_sound,piano_brick6_sound]; room_color = 0x613eff; ball_max_speed = 10; } else if (level == 7) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 15; bricks_per_row = 2; maximum_bricks_per_row = 2; numBricks = 12; brickHeight = 30; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 0; level_name_text = "Bubble Gum Dreams"; colors_for_rows = [["0xe964fd","0xf3b0fd"]]; line_style_list = ["0xf46df9"]; room_color = 0xf5b0ff; ball_max_speed = 20; } else if (level == 8) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 7; bricks_per_row = 8; maximum_bricks_per_row = 10; numBricks = 150; brickHeight = 15; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 50; level_name_text = "Unfinished Business"; plot_list = new Array; for (var plot:int = 0; plot < numBricks; plot++) { if (Math.round(Math.random()*1) == 1) { plot_list.push(plot); } } colors_for_rows = [["0xff873e","0x000000"]]; line_style_list = ["0x5b2c06"]; room_color = 0xff873e; ball_max_speed = 20; } else if (level == 9) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 7; bricks_per_row = 14; maximum_bricks_per_row = 24; numBricks = 182; brickHeight = 25; ballRadius = 25; ceiling_height = 35; level_name_text = "Pac-Man Fever"; plot_list = [ 5,6,7,8, 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54, 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68, 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82, 84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97, 98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112, 113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126, 127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140, 141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153, 154,155,156,157,159,160,161,162,164,165,166,167, 169,170,174,175,179,180 ]; color_list = [[0,"0xff0000"], [46,"0xffffff"],[48,"0xff0000"],[52,"0xffffff"],[54,"0xff0000"], [59,"0xffffff"],[63,"0xff0000"],[65,"0xffffff"], [71,"0xff0000"],[73,"0xffffff"],[75,"0x000000"],[77,"0xff0000"],[79,"0xffffff"],[81,"0x000000"], [84,"0xff0000"],[87,"0xffffff"],[89,"0x000000"],[91,"0xff0000"],[93,"0xffffff"],[95,"0x000000"],[97,"0xff0000"], [102,"0xffffff"],[104,"0xff0000"],[108,"0xffffff"],[110,"0xff0000"]]; line_style_list = [["0xff0000","0x900000"],["0xffffff","0x999999"],["0x000000","0x222222"]]; room_color = 0x0819fb; ball_max_speed = 10; var pacman_brick1_sound:Sound = new pacman_brick1(); var pacman_brick2_sound:Sound = new pacman_brick2(); var pacman_brick3_sound:Sound = new pacman_brick3(); var pacman_brick4_sound:Sound = new pacman_brick4(); var pacman_brick5_sound:Sound = new pacman_brick5(); var pacman_song_sound:Sound = new pacman_song(); var pacman_death_sound:Sound = new pacman_death(); level_death_sounds = [pacman_death_sound]; level_brick_sounds = [pacman_brick1_sound,pacman_brick2_sound,pacman_brick3_sound,pacman_brick4_sound,pacman_brick5_sound]; channel = pacman_song_sound.play(0,0); } else if (level == 10) { display_level_pad = true; level_speed = 8; bricks_per_row = 10; maximum_bricks_per_row = 10; numBricks = 60; brickHeight = 60; ballRadius = 5; ceiling_height = 0; level_name_text = "Challenging Checkers"; pattern = "checker" color_list = [["0x000000"],["0xffffff","0x666666"]]; room_color = 0x000000; ball_max_speed = 15; } else if (level == 11) { level_speed = 10; bricks_per_row = 36; maximum_bricks_per_row = 38; numBricks = 1223; brickHeight = 12; ballRadius = 15; ceiling_height = 5; plot_list = [ 17,18, 51,52,53,54,55,56, 85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94, 119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132, 153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170, 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251, 259,260,261,262,277,278,279,280, 289,290,291,296,297,298,299,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,312,313,314,315,320,321,322, 325,326,327,329,330,333,334,335,336,347,348,349,350,353,354,356,357,358, 361,362,363,365,366,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,389,390,392,393,394, 397,398,399,407,408,409,410,411,412,415,416,417,418,419,420,428,429,430, 468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503, 541,542,543,556,557,558,559,572,573,574, 577,578,579,608,609,610, 613,614,615,644,645,646, 649,650,651,680,681,682, 685,686,687,716,717,718, 721,722,723,752,753,754, 757,758,759,788,789,790, 793,794,795,824,825,826, 829,830,831,860,861,862, 865,866,867,896,897,898, 901,902,903,932,933,934, 937,938,939,968,969,970, 973,974,975,1004,1005,1006, 1009,1010,1011,1040,1041,1042, 1045,1046,1047,1076,1077,1078, 1081,1082,1083,1112,1113,1114, 1117,1118,1119,1120,1147,1148,1149,1150, 1153,1154,1155,1156,1157,1182,1183,1184,1185,1186, 1189,1190,1191,1192,1193,1194,1217,1218,1219,1220,1221,1222 ]; line_style_list = ["0x000000"]; level_name_text = "Regenerating Recognizer"; colors_for_rows = [["0xff0000","0x000000"],["0xfd1817","0x000000"],["0xf81717","0x000000"],["0xf41617","0x000000"],["0xf41617","0x000000"],["0xe51515","0x000000"],["0xde1515","0x000000"],["0xd81314","0x000000"],["0xd21312","0x000000"],["0xcb1212","0x000000"],["0xc41111","0x000000"],["0xb81010","0x000000"],["0xa80f0e","0x000000"],["0xa10e0e","0x000000"],["0x980d0c","0x000000"],["0x910b0b","0x000000"],["0x880a0b","0x000000"],["0x830a0a","0x000000"],["0x7a0909","0x000000"],["0x720809","0x000000"],["0x6b0708","0x000000"],["0x640706","0x000000"],["0x5e0606","0x000000"],["0x590506","0x000000"],["0x500504","0x000000"],["0x4b0404","0x000000"],["0x450303","0x000000"],["0x3f0203","0x000000"],["0x3a0202","0x000000"],["0x340101","0x000000"],["0x310101","0x000000"],["0x290101","0x000000"],["0x250101","0x000000"],["0x240000","0x000000"]]; color_list = [[53,"0xfffcb2"],[54,"0xfffcb2"]]; room_color = 0xf30924; ball_max_speed = 30; number_per_speed_increase = 12; should_regenerate = true; var tron_brick1_sound:Sound = new tron_brick1(); var tron_brick2_sound:Sound = new tron_brick2(); var tron_brick3_sound:Sound = new tron_brick3(); var tron_brick4_sound:Sound = new tron_brick4(); var tron_brick5_sound:Sound = new tron_brick5(); var tron_brick6_sound:Sound = new tron_brick6(); var tron_brick7_sound:Sound = new tron_brick7(); var tron_paddle1_sound:Sound = new tron_paddle1(); var tron_paddle2_sound:Sound = new tron_paddle2(); var tron_paddle3_sound:Sound = new tron_paddle3(); level_brick_sounds = [tron_brick1_sound,tron_brick2_sound,tron_brick3_sound,tron_brick4_sound,tron_brick5_sound,tron_brick6_sound,tron_brick7_sound]; level_paddle_sounds = [tron_paddle1_sound,tron_paddle2_sound,tron_paddle3_sound]; channel = recognizer_ambience_sound.play(0,999); } brickWidth = (playfieldWidth - (wall_width * 2)) / maximum_bricks_per_row; bricks = new Array(); brick_x_start = ((wall_width + brickWidth / 2) is uint) ? (wall_width + brickWidth / 2) : (wall_width + brickWidth / 2)+1; brick_y_start = ceiling + ceiling_height + (brickHeight / 2) + (wall_width / 2); // to compensate for the first i%(bricks_per_row) equalling 0 brick_y_start -= brickHeight; var row_color:int = -1; var x_position:int; var y_position:int = brick_y_start; var the_offset:int = 0; var brick_start_for_array:int; var color_index:int = 0; var current_color:uint; if (bricks_per_row != maximum_bricks_per_row) { the_offset = brickWidth * ((maximum_bricks_per_row - bricks_per_row) / 2); } for( var i:uint = 0; i < numBricks; i++ ) { if (i%(bricks_per_row) == 0) { row_color++; y_position += brickHeight; x_position = brick_x_start + the_offset; brick_start_for_array = x_position - (brickWidth / 2); } if (colors_for_rows && row_color > colors_for_rows.length-1) { row_color = 0; } var brickSprite = new Sprite(); brickSprite.x = x_position; brickSprite.y = y_position; x_position += brickWidth; if (pattern == "checker" && color_list) { var checker_alternate:Boolean; var checker_color:Array = new Array; if (i%(bricks_per_row) == 0) { checker_alternate = checker_alternate ? false : true; } if (i%2 == 0 && checker_alternate) { checker_color = color_list[0]; } else if (i%2 !=0 && checker_alternate) { checker_color = color_list[1]; } else if (i%2 == 0 && !checker_alternate) { checker_color = color_list[1]; } else if (i%2 !=0 && !checker_alternate) { checker_color = color_list[0]; } if (checker_color.length == 1) { brickSprite.graphics.beginFill(checker_color); } else { brickSprite.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, checker_color, [1, 1], [115, 155]); } } else { if (colors_for_rows) { if (colors_for_rows[row_color].length == 2 ) { brickSprite.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors_for_rows[row_color], [1, 1], [115, 155]); current_color = colors_for_rows[row_color][0]; } else { current_color = colors_for_rows[row_color]; brickSprite.graphics.beginFill(current_color); } } if (color_list) { if (color_index <= color_list.length-1 && color_list[color_index][0] == i) { current_color = color_list[color_index][1]; color_index++; } brickSprite.graphics.beginFill(current_color); } } if (line_style_list) { if (line_style_list.length == 1) { brickSprite.graphics.lineStyle(1,line_style_list[0]); } else { for (var the_color:int = 1; the_color < line_style_list.length; the_color++) { if (line_style_list[the_color][0] == current_color) { brickSprite.graphics.lineStyle(1,line_style_list[the_color][1]); } else { brickSprite.graphics.lineStyle(1,line_style_list[0]); } } } } brickSprite.graphics.drawRect(-brickHeight/2, -brickWidth/2, brickHeight, brickWidth); brickSprite.graphics.endFill(); brickSprite.rotation = 90; if (!plot_list || plot_list && plot_list.indexOf(i) != -1) { bricks.push( brickSprite ); addChildAt(brickSprite,1); } } real_number_of_bricks = bricks.length; last_brick_row = brick_y_start + (brickHeight * (numBricks / bricks_per_row)) + brickHeight / 2; createBall(); createWalls(room_color); createGuide(); updateTopText(); var level_header_text = "Level " + level; textEffect(level_header_text, level_name_text); } private function createBall() { ball = new Shape(); ball.graphics.beginFill(0xffffff); ball.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, ballRadius); ball.graphics.endFill(); ball.y = bat.y - batHeight / 2 - ballRadius; if (!parent.contains(ball)) { addChild(ball); // add glow to ball glow.color=0xFFFFFF; glow.strength=2; glow.inner=false; glow.blurY=5; glow.blurX=5; ball.filters=[glow]; } } private function createWalls(room_color) { var walls:Array = [wall_one, wall_two, ceiling_top, ceiling_floor]; for (var wall in walls) { if (walls[wall] && parent.contains(walls[wall])) { removeChild(walls[wall]); } } wall_one = new Shape(); wall_two = new Shape(); ceiling_top = new Shape(); ceiling_floor = new Shape(); var wall_two_start:int = line_style_list ? (((brickWidth * maximum_bricks_per_row) + wall_width + wall_width / 2) + 1) : ((brickWidth * maximum_bricks_per_row) + wall_width + wall_width / 2); wall_one.graphics.moveTo(0,0); wall_one.graphics.lineStyle(wall_width, room_color, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.SQUARE); wall_one.graphics.lineTo(0, playfieldHeight - batHeight); wall_two.graphics.moveTo(0,0); wall_two.graphics.lineStyle(wall_width, room_color, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.SQUARE); wall_two.graphics.lineTo(0, playfieldHeight - batHeight); ceiling_top.graphics.moveTo(wall_width / 2, wall_width / 2); ceiling_top.graphics.lineStyle(wall_width, room_color, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.SQUARE); ceiling_top.graphics.lineTo(wall_two_start, wall_width / 2); ceiling_floor.graphics.moveTo(wall_width / 2, ceiling); ceiling_floor.graphics.lineStyle(wall_width, room_color, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.SQUARE); ceiling_floor.graphics.lineTo(wall_two_start, ceiling); wall_one.x = wall_width / 2; wall_one.y = wall_width / 2; wall_two.x = wall_two_start; wall_two.y = wall_width / 2; addChild(wall_one); addChild(wall_two); addChild(ceiling_top); addChild(ceiling_floor); } private function finale() { if (channel) { channel.stop(); } createWalls(0x000000); removeLevelText(); var game_over_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); game_over_text.text = "Congratulations! YOU WON!"; game_over_format.size = 20; game_over_format.letterSpacing = 10; game_over_format.font = level_font.fontName; game_over_text.setTextFormat(game_over_format); game_over_text.x = centerText(game_over_text); game_over_text.y = 240; game_over = true; channel = applause_sound.play(0,0); if (!parent.contains(game_over_text)) { addChild(game_over_text); } if (parent.contains(ball)) { removeChild(ball); } display_level_header_text = null; level_complete = false; finale_activated = true; } }}