The following documentation is only for the maintainers of this repository.
- Monorepo setup
- Installation
- Start developing
- Release the packages
- Linting
- Available commands
- Add a new package to the monorepo
- Add a new Yarn script
- Updating npm packages version
This repository is managed as a monorepo that is composed of many npm packages.
Lerna is used to manage this monorepo. The packages of the monorepo can be found in the packages directory.
Since Yarn workspace feature offer native mono-repo capabilities and a seemless integration with Lerna this is our goto package manager for this project.
When Lerna is configured to use Yarn, the installation of the npm dependencies and the management of the packages inter-dependencies will be delegated to Yarn. It result in an increase of performance and a more reliable experience than using the same features from Lerna. The native integration between Lerna and Yarn make it worthwill to switch from npm to Yarn for this project.
So why do we use Lerna if Yarn workspace take care of everything?
Lerna workflow greatly facilitate the release of the packages of a monorepo.
For more information, read the following Lerna commands documentation:
This monorepo is configured to release the packages independently. The decision to release or not a package is based on whether or not the code of the package has changed.
This monorepo is using Yarn workspace feature to handle the installation of the npm dependencies and manage the packages inter-dependencies.
It's important to note that Yarn workspace will hoist the npm dependencies at the root of the workspace. This means that there might not be a node_modules directory nested in the packages directories. The npm dependencies are installed in a node_modules directory at the root of the workspace and a single yarn.lock file is generated at the root of the workspace.
This project use Yarn workspace. Therefore, you must install Yarn:
choco install yarn
For more options to install Yarn, view
To install the project, open a terminal at the root of the workspace and execute the following command:
yarn install
The installation should take up to 5 minutes.
To start developing, open a terminal in VSCode and execute the following command at the root of the workspace:
yarn dev
To only start the core package in development mode, use the following command instead:
yarn dev-core
Releasing the packages includes several steps:
- Compile the packages code for production
- Identifies packages that have been updated since the previous release (Read the Lerna section.)
- Bump the version of the identified packages
- Modifies package metadata to reflect new release
- Publish the packages to npm
- Push those changes to Git with a tag
- Create a new Github release associated to the tag created previously
Fortunately, this is all automated with a few commands!
Before you release, make sure you are in the master
branch, have write access to every selected npm packages and that you are logged in to npm.
To release, open a terminal at the root of the workspace and execute the following commands:
yarn new-version
yarn release
yarn push-release <VERSION> (e.g. yarn push-release 22.0.2)
yarn new-version
yarn release
yarn push-release 19.0.1
After you released the packages, create a Github release for the Git annotated tag [@sharegate/orbit-ui package version] created earlier by the push-release
command and list all the changes that has been published.
Don't forget to publish the release.
This monorepo doesn't use prettier. Instead it's leveraging ESLint and TypeScript to ensure code quality.
To manually lint the project execute the following command:
yarn lint
To only validate the TypeScript types, use the following command instead:
yarn check-types
Instead of manually executing the commands and wasting precious compilation resources to execute ESLint CLI, we recommend using ESLint VSCode extension. The extension will provide Just In Time linting while typing.
To enable ESLint autofix on save, add the following configuration to your VSCode project settings:
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll": true,
"source.organizeImports": false
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[html]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
"javascript.format.enable": false,
"javascript.validate.enable": true,
"json.format.enable": false,
"eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true,
"eslint.validate": ["javascript", "typescript", "typescriptreact"]
Install the npm dependencies for every packages of the monorepo and setup the project.
Depending of the packages, the setup step will perform a number of required additional installation tasks using the postinstall
npm hook.
yarn install
Compile all the packages & start watch mode.
yarn dev
Build all the packages and Storybook for production.
yarn build
Reset the monorepo installation. The following will be deleted:
- All the node_modules directories
- All the yarn.lock files
- All the compiled & cache folders
yarn reset
If you encounter the following error:
throw er
[Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'XXX\sg-orbit\node_modules\@types'] {
Close & re-open VSCode and delete manually the node_modules folder at the root of the workspace.
Execute all the linters & validate the TypeScript types.
yarn lint
Validate the TypeScript types.
yarn check-types
Link local packages together, install remaining package dependencies and generate symlinks.
yarn setup
Deploy the packages. View the release section.
yarn release
Bump the version of the monorepo packages containing changes since the last release. View the release section.
yarn new-version
Push the updated packages.json to Git and the new release tag. View the release section.
yarn push-release <VERSION> (e.g. yarn push-release 22.0.2)
When adding a new script, there is a few rules to follow.
A script should only do one thing. This practice promote better readability and reusability.
Then you can write top level script that compose all those atomic scripts to provide a functionnality.
Instead of doing:
"scripts": {
"build": "rimraf dist && babel src -d dist"
"scripts": {
"build": "run-s delete transpile",
"delete": "rimraf dist",
"transpile": "babel src -d dist"
Make sure you add a script entry in the package.json file at the root of the workspace even if your script is already define in a package or the website.
Lerna provide the ability to run or execute a script through all the packages of the monorepo.
Those scripts must be added in the package.json file at the root of the workspace since Lerna is installed at the root.
To run multiple commands simultaneously, use run-p
To run multiple commands sequentially, use run-s
Otherwise use yarn
If a script can be called in batch, separate the discriminant by ":"
"scripts": {
"build": "run-p build:*",
"build:pkg": "...",
"build:root": "..."
Otherwise, separare words with "-"
"scripts": {
"deploy-core": "..."
There are a few steps to add a new packages to the monorepo.
Before you add a new package, please read the GSoft Github guidelines.
To udpate our packages use a package called . Dont install it locally, use npx
In a terminal, use the followings commands
- To list the available updates, type
npx --yes npm-check-updates
- If you want to proceed with the updates, your must first delete
- Then type
npx --yes npm-check-updates -u
to bump the versions in thepackage.json
file - Install the new packages with
yarn install