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Elements bleed out when navigating with back/forward button #48

baseplate-admin opened this issue Dec 23, 2023 · 15 comments

Elements bleed out when navigating with back/forward button #48

baseplate-admin opened this issue Dec 23, 2023 · 15 comments
bug Something isn't working needs reproduction Incomplete and waiting for more info


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baseplate-admin commented Dec 23, 2023

Describe the bug

Hi, so when i navigate from one page to another, there is a severe bug that causes elements to mount in a different place from where it needs to be, ( code source )

Problem Image
Here's where it should have been mounted Screenshot 2023-12-23 102319
Here's where it mounted Screenshot 2023-12-23 102332
Here's how it should have looked like Here's how it looks like
Screenshot 2023-12-23 102627 Screenshot 2023-12-23 102615


So here's the function behind button clicks

import * as _ from "lodash-es";

export async function goto({ url, anchor = null, verb, target }: { url: string; anchor?: HTMLElement | null; verb: "GET" | "POST" | "DELETE" | "PUT"; target: string }): Promise<void> {
    // Ignore path if it has http in name
    if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
        // Update store
    // **** HTMX
    // related :
    // related :
    const btn = document.createElement("button");
    btn.setAttribute(`hx-${verb?.toLowerCase()}`, url);
    btn.setAttribute("hx-push-url", url);
    btn.setAttribute("hx-target", target);
    // Hide Button = "none";
    // Add `htmx` listener
    let _anchor: HTMLElement | null = null;
    if (!_.isNull(anchor)) {
        _anchor = anchor as HTMLElement;
    } else {
        _anchor = document.body as HTMLElement;
    try {
    } catch {
        throw new Error("Cannot click button");
    } finally {

Which in turn invokes ( refer to source )

       window.onpopstate = function (event) {
                if (event.state && event.state.htmx) {
                    forEach(restoredElts, function(elt){
                        triggerEvent(elt, 'htmx:restored', {
                            'document': getDocument(),
                            'triggerEvent': triggerEvent
                } else {
                    if (originalPopstate) {
    function restoreHistory(path) {
            path = path ||;
            var cached = getCachedHistory(path);
            if (cached) {
                var fragment = makeFragment(cached.content);
                var historyElement = getHistoryElement();
                var settleInfo = makeSettleInfo(historyElement);
                swapInnerHTML(historyElement, fragment, settleInfo)
                document.title = cached.title;
                setTimeout(function () {
                    window.scrollTo(0, cached.scroll);
                }, 0); // next 'tick', so browser has time to render layout
                currentPathForHistory = path;
                triggerEvent(getDocument().body, "htmx:historyRestore", {path:path, item:cached});
            } else {
                if (htmx.config.refreshOnHistoryMiss) {

                    // @ts-ignore: optional parameter in reload() function throws error
                } else {
     function saveToHistoryCache(url, content, title, scroll) {
            if (!canAccessLocalStorage()) {

            if (htmx.config.historyCacheSize <= 0) {
                // make sure that an eventually already existing cache is purged

            url = normalizePath(url);

            var historyCache = parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("htmx-history-cache")) || [];
            for (var i = 0; i < historyCache.length; i++) {
                if (historyCache[i].url === url) {
                    historyCache.splice(i, 1);
            var newHistoryItem = {url:url, content: content, title:title, scroll:scroll};
            triggerEvent(getDocument().body, "htmx:historyItemCreated", {item:newHistoryItem, cache: historyCache})
            while (historyCache.length > htmx.config.historyCacheSize) {
            while(historyCache.length > 0){
                try {
                    localStorage.setItem("htmx-history-cache", JSON.stringify(historyCache));
                } catch (e) {
                    triggerErrorEvent(getDocument().body, "htmx:historyCacheError", {cause:e, cache: historyCache})
                    historyCache.shift(); // shrink the cache and retry

Localstorage state :

htmx-history-cache:"[{"url":"/anime/explore/","content":"\n        \n    <div class=\"relative h-dvh bg-secondary\">\n        <div class=\"w-full h-full flex flex-col overflow-hidden\">\n            <header class=\"flex-none z-10\">\n                <navbar class=\"absolute top-0 flex h-[4.5rem] w-full items-center justify-between bg-surface-900/95 px-4 backdrop-blur-3xl md:static md:h-[10vh] md:bg-surface-900 md:py-[0.9375vw] md:pl-[2.1vw] md:pr-[3.75vw]\">\n                    <a href=\"/\">\n                        <coreproject-icon-coreproject class=\"w-9 md:w-[2.25vw] md:pt-[0.75vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-9 md:w-[2.25vw] md:pt-[0.75vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 28 40\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><g filter=\"url(#filter0_d_3565_5702)\"><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M14 31.9999C19.5228 31.9999 24 27.5536 24 22.0689C24 16.5841 19.5228 12.1378 14 12.1378C8.47715 12.1378 4 16.5841 4 22.0689C4 27.5536 8.47715 31.9999 14 31.9999ZM13.9991 26.4828C16.4537 26.4828 18.4436 24.5067 18.4436 22.069C18.4436 19.6313 16.4537 17.6552 13.9991 17.6552C11.5445 17.6552 9.55469 19.6313 9.55469 22.069C9.55469 24.5067 11.5445 26.4828 13.9991 26.4828Z\" fill=\"#7569E1\"></path><ellipse cx=\"13.9993\" cy=\"3.31035\" rx=\"3.33333\" ry=\"3.31035\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></ellipse></g><defs><filter id=\"filter0_d_3565_5702\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"28\" height=\"39.9999\" filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" color-interpolation-filters=\"sRGB\"><feFlood flood-opacity=\"0\" result=\"BackgroundImageFix\"></feFlood><feColorMatrix in=\"SourceAlpha\" type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0\" result=\"hardAlpha\"></feColorMatrix><feOffset dy=\"4\"></feOffset><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\"2\"></feGaussianBlur><feComposite in2=\"hardAlpha\" operator=\"out\"></feComposite><feColorMatrix type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0\"></feColorMatrix><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in2=\"BackgroundImageFix\" result=\"effect1_dropShadow_3565_5702\"></feBlend><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"effect1_dropShadow_3565_5702\" result=\"shape\"></feBlend></filter></defs></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-coreproject>\n                    </a>\n                    <div class=\"relative flex items-center md:static\">\n                        <div class=\"absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2\">\n                            <a href=\"/anime\" class=\"hidden md:flex\">\n                                <coreproject-icon-animecore class=\"w-[10vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-[10vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 140 28\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><g filter=\"url(#filter0_d_3571_5637)\"><path d=\"M14.912 19.7753C15.4643 19.7753 15.912 19.3276 15.912 18.7753V13.427C15.912 8.37079 13.2925 6.51685 10.1766 6.51685C8.54377 6.51685 7.26248 6.92613 6.29359 7.42579C5.85055 7.65427 5.70348 8.19993 5.91771 8.65003L6.40075 9.66494C6.65214 10.1931 7.29841 10.3837 7.84132 10.1659C8.41308 9.93651 9.05315 9.77528 9.73542 9.77528C10.733 9.77528 11.4202 10.0223 11.8373 10.5105C12.2928 11.0436 11.6016 11.6438 10.9076 11.5435C7.3015 11.0223 4 12.5648 4 15.6461C4 18.0056 5.7096 20 8.7979 20C9.95425 20 10.8941 19.6377 11.6638 19.0664C11.943 18.8592 12.3825 19.0424 12.3825 19.3902C12.3825 19.6029 12.555 19.7753 12.7677 19.7753H14.912ZM11.5398 14.2884C12.0279 14.3998 12.3302 14.8999 12.1186 15.3535C11.5785 16.5115 10.4543 17.191 9.45968 17.191C8.38429 17.191 7.52949 16.6292 7.52949 15.6461C7.52949 14.3635 9.20927 13.7564 11.5398 14.2884Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M25.6155 6.51685C24.4216 6.51685 23.5936 6.88973 23.0037 7.36581C22.75 7.57049 22.3066 7.40819 22.3066 7.08226C22.3066 6.8941 22.1541 6.74157 21.966 6.74157H19.7772C19.2249 6.74157 18.7772 7.18929 18.7772 7.74157V18.7753C18.7772 19.3276 19.2249 19.7753 19.7772 19.7753H21.3066C21.8589 19.7753 22.3066 19.3276 22.3066 18.7753V13.0337C22.3066 10.7303 23.7129 9.88764 24.7332 9.88764C25.8086 9.88764 27.1597 10.3652 27.1597 12.5843V18.7753C27.1597 19.3276 27.6074 19.7753 28.1597 19.7753H29.6892C30.2415 19.7753 30.6892 19.3276 30.6892 18.7753V12.5843C30.6892 8.37079 28.4005 6.51685 25.6155 6.51685Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M35.3253 4.49438C36.5386 4.49438 37.5312 3.48315 37.5312 2.24719C37.5312 1.01124 36.5386 0 35.3253 0C34.112 0 33.1194 1.01124 33.1194 2.24719C33.1194 3.48315 34.112 4.49438 35.3253 4.49438ZM33.5606 18.7753C33.5606 19.3276 34.0083 19.7753 34.5606 19.7753H36.09C36.6423 19.7753 37.09 19.3276 37.09 18.7753V7.74157C37.09 7.18929 36.6423 6.74157 36.09 6.74157H34.5606C34.0083 6.74157 33.5606 7.18929 33.5606 7.74157V18.7753Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M54.6285 6.51685C53.5715 6.51685 52.6695 6.78012 51.896 7.3517C51.3429 7.7604 50.5058 7.73059 49.9607 7.31138C49.2753 6.78436 48.4389 6.51685 47.4592 6.51685C46.3412 6.51685 45.4329 6.77991 44.6357 7.40664C44.3698 7.61568 43.9297 7.44431 43.9297 7.10608C43.9297 6.90477 43.7665 6.74157 43.5652 6.74157H41.4002C40.848 6.74157 40.4002 7.18929 40.4002 7.74157V18.7753C40.4002 19.3276 40.848 19.7753 41.4002 19.7753H42.9297C43.482 19.7753 43.9297 19.3276 43.9297 18.7753V13.0337C43.9297 10.5056 45.336 9.88764 46.246 9.88764C47.2111 9.88764 48.3416 10.3652 48.3416 12.5843V18.7753C48.3416 19.3276 48.7893 19.7753 49.3416 19.7753H50.8711C51.4234 19.7753 51.8711 19.3276 51.8711 18.7753V13.0337C51.8711 10.5056 53.1946 9.88764 54.077 9.88764C55.0421 9.88764 56.283 10.3652 56.283 12.5843V18.7753C56.283 19.3276 56.7307 19.7753 57.283 19.7753H58.8124C59.3647 19.7753 59.8124 19.3276 59.8124 18.7753V12.5843C59.8124 8.37079 57.6341 6.51685 54.6285 6.51685Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M68.9507 16.6292C68.8747 16.6292 68.8005 16.6278 68.7279 16.6248C67.9796 16.5947 67.9171 15.738 68.5539 15.3436L74.1963 11.8494C74.5694 11.6183 74.7547 11.1683 74.6061 10.7554C73.4093 7.42917 70.5231 6.51685 68.8955 6.51685C64.6215 6.51685 62.0296 9.55056 62.0296 13.2584C62.0296 16.9382 64.6767 20 68.8955 20C70.5646 20 72.0332 19.4896 73.3015 18.4862C73.6872 18.181 73.7319 17.6261 73.4472 17.2251L72.7952 16.307C72.4226 15.7823 71.6482 15.7465 71.088 16.0632C70.4335 16.4331 69.6751 16.6292 68.9507 16.6292ZM68.9507 9.88764C69.2575 9.88764 69.5318 9.93725 69.7767 10.0254C70.3622 10.236 70.2528 10.9949 69.7186 11.3138L66.0515 13.503C65.8439 13.6269 65.5591 13.5002 65.5591 13.2584C65.5591 11.4045 66.9653 9.88764 68.9507 9.88764Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M86.5607 15.7303C84.7408 15.7303 83.3621 14.2978 83.3621 12.5843C83.3621 10.8708 84.7408 9.4382 86.5607 9.4382C87.1144 9.4382 87.6253 9.56931 88.0788 9.8169C88.6442 10.1255 89.4129 10.1255 89.8001 9.61075L90.8071 8.27213C91.0953 7.88912 91.0761 7.34898 90.715 7.03375C89.496 5.96944 87.9686 5.39326 86.3401 5.39326C81.7352 5.39326 78.9502 8.59551 78.9502 12.5843C78.9502 16.573 81.7352 19.7753 86.3401 19.7753C87.9686 19.7753 89.496 19.1991 90.715 18.1348C91.0761 17.8196 91.0953 17.2794 90.8071 16.8964L89.8001 15.5578C89.4129 15.043 88.6442 15.043 88.0788 15.3516C87.6253 15.5992 87.1144 15.7303 86.5607 15.7303Z\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></path><path d=\"M100.561 5.39326C96.066 5.39326 93.0604 8.59551 93.0604 12.5843C93.0604 16.573 96.1488 19.7753 100.561 19.7753C104.807 19.7753 108.061 16.573 108.061 12.5843C108.061 8.59551 104.752 5.39326 100.561 5.39326ZM100.561 15.7303C98.8786 15.7303 97.4723 14.2978 97.4723 12.5843C97.4723 10.8708 98.8786 9.4382 100.561 9.4382C102.243 9.4382 103.649 10.8708 103.649 12.5843C103.649 14.2978 102.243 15.7303 100.561 15.7303Z\" fill=\"#F2C94C\"></path><path d=\"M115.131 6.8427C115.131 6.29041 114.683 5.8427 114.131 5.8427H111.719C111.167 5.8427 110.719 6.29041 110.719 6.8427V18.3258C110.719 18.8781 111.167 19.3258 111.719 19.3258H114.131C114.683 19.3258 115.131 18.8781 115.131 18.3258V14.3539C115.131 12.1348 116.261 10.7022 117.557 10.3371C117.928 10.2329 118.293 10.171 118.663 10.1597C119.331 10.1394 119.984 9.66674 119.984 8.99851V6.47469C119.984 5.89161 119.485 5.42411 118.911 5.52776C117.05 5.86387 115.902 6.69947 115.131 8.3427V6.8427Z\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></path><path d=\"M128.748 15.8427C128.103 15.8427 128.032 15.1573 128.583 14.8215L134.586 11.1607C134.953 10.9371 135.141 10.501 135.015 10.0904C133.821 6.19781 130.713 5.39326 128.913 5.39326C124.308 5.39326 121.523 8.59551 121.523 12.5843C121.523 16.573 124.308 19.7753 128.913 19.7753C130.729 19.7753 132.323 19.2 133.661 18.1372C134.054 17.825 134.092 17.2562 133.79 16.8551L132.73 15.4464C132.371 14.969 131.676 14.9193 131.155 15.2125C130.465 15.6013 129.638 15.8427 128.748 15.8427ZM128.913 9.32584C129.17 9.32584 129.393 9.36917 129.585 9.44089C130.102 9.63369 129.966 10.2878 129.494 10.5741L127.063 12.0513C126.45 12.4236 125.66 12.021 125.892 11.3424C126.319 10.0924 127.548 9.32584 128.913 9.32584Z\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></path><circle cx=\"35.1998\" cy=\"2.4\" r=\"2.4\" fill=\"#EDD68D\"></circle></g><defs><filter id=\"filter0_d_3571_5637\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"139.054\" height=\"28\" filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" color-interpolation-filters=\"sRGB\"><feFlood flood-opacity=\"0\" result=\"BackgroundImageFix\"></feFlood><feColorMatrix in=\"SourceAlpha\" type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0\" result=\"hardAlpha\"></feColorMatrix><feOffset dy=\"4\"></feOffset><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\"2\"></feGaussianBlur><feComposite in2=\"hardAlpha\" operator=\"out\"></feComposite><feColorMatrix type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0\"></feColorMatrix><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in2=\"BackgroundImageFix\" result=\"effect1_dropShadow_3571_5637\"></feBlend><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"effect1_dropShadow_3571_5637\" result=\"shape\"></feBlend></filter></defs></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-animecore>\n                            </a>\n                            <search-form>\n                                <form class=\"relative flex h-12 w-[65vw] items-center md:hidden\">\n                                    <button class=\"btn absolute left-4 p-0\" aria-label=\"Search\">\n                                        <coreproject-icon-search class=\"w-5 opacity-75\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-5 opacity-75\" style=\"\" xmlns=\"\" fill=\"none\" viewBox=\"0 0 36 36\"><path stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"6\" d=\"M16.5 28.5C23.1274 28.5 28.5 23.1274 28.5 16.5C28.5 9.87258 23.1274 4.5 16.5 4.5C9.87258 4.5 4.5 9.87258 4.5 16.5C4.5 23.1274 9.87258 28.5 16.5 28.5Z\"></path><path stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"6\" d=\"M31.5001 31.5001L24.9751 24.9751\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-search>\n                                    </button>\n                                    <input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Search for animes, mangas...\" class=\"h-full w-full rounded-[0.4rem] border-none bg-surface-400 pl-12 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-lg !ring-0 placeholder:font-medium placeholder:text-surface-200\">\n                                </form>\n                            </search-form>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    \n                        <div class=\"dropdown dropdown-end flex\">\n                            <div tabindex=\"0\" role=\"button\" class=\"avatar btn border-none !bg-transparent p-0\">\n                                <div class=\"md:w-[3vw] md:rounded-[0.5vw]\">\n                                    <img src=\"\">\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            <ul tabindex=\"0\" class=\"dropdown-content z-1 md:min-w-[12vw] md:top-[4vw] md:text-[0.9vw] md:p-[0.5vw] bg-base-100 menu md:rounded-[0.75vw]\">\n                                <div class=\"md:p-[0.75vw] md:py-[0.5vw] flex flex-col leading-none md:gap-[0.35vw]\">\n                                    <span class=\"md:text-[1vw] font-bold capitalize\">baseplate-admin#0001</span>\n                                    <span class=\"md:text-[0.75vw]\">[email protected]</span>\n                                </div>\n                                <div class=\"divider md:mb-[0.1vw] mt-0\"></div>\n                                <glider-container _=\"\n       init\n       js(me)\n       const hover_glider_element = me.querySelector('active-glider') ?? null,\n       glider_container_element = me ?? null;\n\n       if (hover_glider_element == null || glider_container_element == null) {\n       console.log('elements are null | skipping | `vercel-hover.js`');\n       return;\n       }\n\n       let direction =\n       glider_container_element.getAttribute('direction') ?? null,\n       GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION =\n       parseInt(glider_container_element.getAttribute('duration')) ||\n       200,\n       mouse_leave_timeout = null,\n       is_hovered_from_prev_el = false;\n\n       const handle_mouseenter = (event) => {\n       const target =;\n       const target_computed_style = getComputedStyle(target);\n\n = 'relative';\n\n =\n       target_computed_style.height;\n = target_computed_style.width;\n\n       const target_zindex = parseInt(target_computed_style.zIndex);\n = String(\n       target_zindex ?? 0\n       );\n = String(\n       target_zindex - 1 ?? -1\n       );\n\n       switch (direction) {\n       case 'vertical':\n = `translateY(${target.offsetTop}px)`;\n       break;\n       case 'horizontal':\n = `translateX(${target.offsetLeft}px)`;\n       break;\n       }\n\n       if (is_hovered_from_prev_el) {\n       GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION = 200;\n = `${GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION}ms`;\n       } else {\n       GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION = 50;\n = `${GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION}ms`;\n       setTimeout(\n       () => ( = '100'),\n       GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION\n       );\n       is_hovered_from_prev_el = true;\n       }\n\n       clearTimeout(mouse_leave_timeout);\n       },\n       handle_mouseleave = () => {\n       mouse_leave_timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n = '0';\n       is_hovered_from_prev_el = false;\n       }, GLIDER_TRANSITION_DURATION);\n       };\n\n       Array.from(glider_container_element.children)\n       .slice(1)\n       .forEach((children) => {\n       children.addEventListener('mouseenter', handle_mouseenter);\n       children.addEventListener('mouseleave', handle_mouseleave);\n       });\n\n       end\n      \" class=\"\" direction=\"vertical\" duration=\"200\">\n    <active-glider class=\"rounded-[0.5vw] bg-primary absolute opacity-0 ease-in-out duration-200\"></active-glider>\n    \n                                        <li>\n                                            <a class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw] md:p-[0.75vw] leading-none !text-white !bg-transparent\">\n                                                <coreproject-icon-user class=\"md:w-[1vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg viewBox=\"0 0 12 12\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M10 10.5V9.5C10 8.96957 9.78929 8.46086 9.41421 8.08579C9.03914 7.71071 8.53043 7.5 8 7.5H4C3.46957 7.5 2.96086 7.71071 2.58579 8.08579C2.21071 8.46086 2 8.96957 2 9.5V10.5\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path><path d=\"M8 3.5C8 4.60457 7.10457 5.5 6 5.5C4.89543 5.5 4 4.60457 4 3.5C4 2.39543 4.89543 1.5 6 1.5C7.10457 1.5 8 2.39543 8 3.5Z\" fill=\"currentColor\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-user>\n                                                Profile\n                                            </a>\n                                        </li>\n                                        <li>\n                                            <a class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw] md:p-[0.75vw] leading-none !text-white !bg-transparent\">\n                                           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1.01709ZM14.0938 4.3363C14.011 3.85634 13.9696 3.61637 13.8476 3.43717C13.7445 3.2858 13.6019 3.16564 13.4352 3.0898C13.2378 3.00002 12.9943 3.00002 12.5073 3.00002H11.4927C11.0057 3.00002 10.7621 3.00002 10.5648 3.0898C10.3981 3.16564 10.2555 3.2858 10.1524 3.43717C10.0304 3.61637 9.98895 3.85634 9.90615 4.3363L9.75012 5.24064C9.69445 5.56333 9.66662 5.72467 9.60765 5.84869C9.54975 5.97047 9.50241 6.03703 9.40636 6.13166C9.30853 6.22804 9.12753 6.3281 8.76554 6.52822C8.73884 6.54298 8.71227 6.55791 8.68582 6.57302C8.33956 6.77078 8.16643 6.86966 8.03785 6.90314C7.91158 6.93602 7.83293 6.94279 7.70289 6.93196C7.57049 6.92094 7.42216 6.86726 7.12551 6.7599L6.11194 6.39308C5.66271 6.2305 5.43809 6.14921 5.22515 6.16488C5.04524 6.17811 4.87225 6.23978 4.72453 6.34333C4.5497 6.46589 4.42715 6.67094 4.18206 7.08103L3.72269 7.84965C3.46394 8.2826 3.33456 8.49907 3.31227 8.72078C3.29345 8.90796 3.32781 9.09665 3.41141 9.26519C3.51042 9.4648 3.7078 9.62177 4.10256 9.9357L4.82745 10.5122C5.07927 10.7124 5.20518 10.8126 5.28411 10.9199C5.36944 11.036 5.40583 11.1114 5.44354 11.2504C5.47844 11.379 5.47844 11.586 5.47844 12C5.47844 12.414 5.47844 12.621 5.44354 12.7497C5.40582 12.8887 5.36944 12.9641 5.28413 13.0801C5.20518 13.1875 5.07927 13.2876 4.82743 13.4879L4.10261 14.0643C3.70785 14.3783 3.51047 14.5352 3.41145 14.7349C3.32785 14.9034 3.29349 15.0921 3.31231 15.2793C3.33461 15.501 3.46398 15.7174 3.72273 16.1504L4.1821 16.919C4.4272 17.3291 4.54974 17.5342 4.72457 17.6567C4.8723 17.7603 5.04528 17.8219 5.2252 17.8352C5.43813 17.8508 5.66275 17.7695 6.11199 17.607L7.12553 17.2402C7.42216 17.1328 7.5705 17.0791 7.7029 17.0681C7.83294 17.0573 7.91159 17.064 8.03786 17.0969C8.16644 17.1304 8.33956 17.2293 8.68582 17.427C8.71228 17.4421 8.73885 17.4571 8.76554 17.4718C9.12753 17.6719 9.30853 17.772 9.40635 17.8684C9.50241 17.963 9.54975 18.0296 9.60765 18.1514C9.66662 18.2754 9.69445 18.4367 9.75012 18.7594L9.90615 19.6637C9.98895 20.1437 10.0304 20.3837 10.1524 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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-TemplatesPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtTemplatesPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Templates (0 rendered)\" class=\"TemplatesPanel\">\n  \n  Templates\n  \n    \n      \n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-CachePanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtCachePanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Cache calls from 1 backend\" class=\"CachePanel\">\n  \n  Cache\n  \n    \n      <br><small>0 calls in 0.00ms</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-SignalsPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtSignalsPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Signals\" class=\"SignalsPanel\">\n  \n  Signals\n  \n    \n      <br><small>77 receivers of 15 signals</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n<li id=\"djdt-RedirectsPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtRedirectsPanel\" title=\"Enable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <div class=\"djdt-contentless djdt-disabled\">\n  \n  Intercept redirects\n  \n  \n    </div>\n  \n</li>\n\n      \n        \n\n<li id=\"djdt-ProfilingPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtProfilingPanel\" title=\"Enable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <div class=\"djdt-contentless djdt-disabled\">\n  \n  Profiling\n  \n  \n    </div>\n  \n</li>\n\n      \n    </ul>\n  </div>\n  <div class=\"\" id=\"djDebugToolbarHandle\" style=\"top: 0px;\">\n    <div title=\"Show toolbar\" id=\"djShowToolBarButton\">\n      <span id=\"djShowToolBarD\">D</span><span id=\"djShowToolBarJ\">J</span>DT\n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"HistoryPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>History</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"VersionsPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Versions</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"SettingsPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Settings from core.settings</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"HeadersPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Headers</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"RequestPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Request</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"SQLPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>SQL queries from 1 connection</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"StaticFilesPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Static files (2191 found, 0 used)</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"TemplatesPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Templates (0 rendered)</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"CachePanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Cache calls from 1 backend</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"SignalsPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Signals</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n\n  \n  <div id=\"djDebugWindow\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\"></div>\n</div>\n\n\n","title":"Explore - AnimeCore","scroll":0},{"url":"/anime/","content":"<div class=\"relative h-dvh bg-secondary\">\n        <div class=\"w-full h-full flex flex-col overflow-hidden\">\n            <header class=\"flex-none z-10\">\n                <navbar class=\"absolute top-0 flex h-[4.5rem] w-full items-center justify-between bg-surface-900/95 px-4 backdrop-blur-3xl md:static md:h-[10vh] md:bg-surface-900 md:py-[0.9375vw] md:pl-[2.1vw] md:pr-[3.75vw]\">\n                    <a href=\"/\">\n                        <coreproject-icon-coreproject class=\"w-9 md:w-[2.25vw] md:pt-[0.75vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-9 md:w-[2.25vw] md:pt-[0.75vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 28 40\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><g filter=\"url(#filter0_d_3565_5702)\"><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M14 31.9999C19.5228 31.9999 24 27.5536 24 22.0689C24 16.5841 19.5228 12.1378 14 12.1378C8.47715 12.1378 4 16.5841 4 22.0689C4 27.5536 8.47715 31.9999 14 31.9999ZM13.9991 26.4828C16.4537 26.4828 18.4436 24.5067 18.4436 22.069C18.4436 19.6313 16.4537 17.6552 13.9991 17.6552C11.5445 17.6552 9.55469 19.6313 9.55469 22.069C9.55469 24.5067 11.5445 26.4828 13.9991 26.4828Z\" fill=\"#7569E1\"></path><ellipse cx=\"13.9993\" cy=\"3.31035\" rx=\"3.33333\" ry=\"3.31035\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></ellipse></g><defs><filter id=\"filter0_d_3565_5702\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"28\" height=\"39.9999\" filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" color-interpolation-filters=\"sRGB\"><feFlood flood-opacity=\"0\" result=\"BackgroundImageFix\"></feFlood><feColorMatrix in=\"SourceAlpha\" type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0\" result=\"hardAlpha\"></feColorMatrix><feOffset dy=\"4\"></feOffset><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\"2\"></feGaussianBlur><feComposite in2=\"hardAlpha\" operator=\"out\"></feComposite><feColorMatrix type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0\"></feColorMatrix><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in2=\"BackgroundImageFix\" result=\"effect1_dropShadow_3565_5702\"></feBlend><feBlend mode=\"normal\" in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"effect1_dropShadow_3565_5702\" result=\"shape\"></feBlend></filter></defs></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-coreproject>\n                    </a>\n                    <div class=\"relative flex items-center md:static\">\n                        <div class=\"absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2\">\n                            <a href=\"/anime\" class=\"hidden md:flex\">\n                                <coreproject-icon-animecore class=\"w-[10vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-[10vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 140 28\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><g filter=\"url(#filter0_d_3571_5637)\"><path d=\"M14.912 19.7753C15.4643 19.7753 15.912 19.3276 15.912 18.7753V13.427C15.912 8.37079 13.2925 6.51685 10.1766 6.51685C8.54377 6.51685 7.26248 6.92613 6.29359 7.42579C5.85055 7.65427 5.70348 8.19993 5.91771 8.65003L6.40075 9.66494C6.65214 10.1931 7.29841 10.3837 7.84132 10.1659C8.41308 9.93651 9.05315 9.77528 9.73542 9.77528C10.733 9.77528 11.4202 10.0223 11.8373 10.5105C12.2928 11.0436 11.6016 11.6438 10.9076 11.5435C7.3015 11.0223 4 12.5648 4 15.6461C4 18.0056 5.7096 20 8.7979 20C9.95425 20 10.8941 19.6377 11.6638 19.0664C11.943 18.8592 12.3825 19.0424 12.3825 19.3902C12.3825 19.6029 12.555 19.7753 12.7677 19.7753H14.912ZM11.5398 14.2884C12.0279 14.3998 12.3302 14.8999 12.1186 15.3535C11.5785 16.5115 10.4543 17.191 9.45968 17.191C8.38429 17.191 7.52949 16.6292 7.52949 15.6461C7.52949 14.3635 9.20927 13.7564 11.5398 14.2884Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M25.6155 6.51685C24.4216 6.51685 23.5936 6.88973 23.0037 7.36581C22.75 7.57049 22.3066 7.40819 22.3066 7.08226C22.3066 6.8941 22.1541 6.74157 21.966 6.74157H19.7772C19.2249 6.74157 18.7772 7.18929 18.7772 7.74157V18.7753C18.7772 19.3276 19.2249 19.7753 19.7772 19.7753H21.3066C21.8589 19.7753 22.3066 19.3276 22.3066 18.7753V13.0337C22.3066 10.7303 23.7129 9.88764 24.7332 9.88764C25.8086 9.88764 27.1597 10.3652 27.1597 12.5843V18.7753C27.1597 19.3276 27.6074 19.7753 28.1597 19.7753H29.6892C30.2415 19.7753 30.6892 19.3276 30.6892 18.7753V12.5843C30.6892 8.37079 28.4005 6.51685 25.6155 6.51685Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M35.3253 4.49438C36.5386 4.49438 37.5312 3.48315 37.5312 2.24719C37.5312 1.01124 36.5386 0 35.3253 0C34.112 0 33.1194 1.01124 33.1194 2.24719C33.1194 3.48315 34.112 4.49438 35.3253 4.49438ZM33.5606 18.7753C33.5606 19.3276 34.0083 19.7753 34.5606 19.7753H36.09C36.6423 19.7753 37.09 19.3276 37.09 18.7753V7.74157C37.09 7.18929 36.6423 6.74157 36.09 6.74157H34.5606C34.0083 6.74157 33.5606 7.18929 33.5606 7.74157V18.7753Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M54.6285 6.51685C53.5715 6.51685 52.6695 6.78012 51.896 7.3517C51.3429 7.7604 50.5058 7.73059 49.9607 7.31138C49.2753 6.78436 48.4389 6.51685 47.4592 6.51685C46.3412 6.51685 45.4329 6.77991 44.6357 7.40664C44.3698 7.61568 43.9297 7.44431 43.9297 7.10608C43.9297 6.90477 43.7665 6.74157 43.5652 6.74157H41.4002C40.848 6.74157 40.4002 7.18929 40.4002 7.74157V18.7753C40.4002 19.3276 40.848 19.7753 41.4002 19.7753H42.9297C43.482 19.7753 43.9297 19.3276 43.9297 18.7753V13.0337C43.9297 10.5056 45.336 9.88764 46.246 9.88764C47.2111 9.88764 48.3416 10.3652 48.3416 12.5843V18.7753C48.3416 19.3276 48.7893 19.7753 49.3416 19.7753H50.8711C51.4234 19.7753 51.8711 19.3276 51.8711 18.7753V13.0337C51.8711 10.5056 53.1946 9.88764 54.077 9.88764C55.0421 9.88764 56.283 10.3652 56.283 12.5843V18.7753C56.283 19.3276 56.7307 19.7753 57.283 19.7753H58.8124C59.3647 19.7753 59.8124 19.3276 59.8124 18.7753V12.5843C59.8124 8.37079 57.6341 6.51685 54.6285 6.51685Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M68.9507 16.6292C68.8747 16.6292 68.8005 16.6278 68.7279 16.6248C67.9796 16.5947 67.9171 15.738 68.5539 15.3436L74.1963 11.8494C74.5694 11.6183 74.7547 11.1683 74.6061 10.7554C73.4093 7.42917 70.5231 6.51685 68.8955 6.51685C64.6215 6.51685 62.0296 9.55056 62.0296 13.2584C62.0296 16.9382 64.6767 20 68.8955 20C70.5646 20 72.0332 19.4896 73.3015 18.4862C73.6872 18.181 73.7319 17.6261 73.4472 17.2251L72.7952 16.307C72.4226 15.7823 71.6482 15.7465 71.088 16.0632C70.4335 16.4331 69.6751 16.6292 68.9507 16.6292ZM68.9507 9.88764C69.2575 9.88764 69.5318 9.93725 69.7767 10.0254C70.3622 10.236 70.2528 10.9949 69.7186 11.3138L66.0515 13.503C65.8439 13.6269 65.5591 13.5002 65.5591 13.2584C65.5591 11.4045 66.9653 9.88764 68.9507 9.88764Z\" fill=\"white\"></path><path d=\"M86.5607 15.7303C84.7408 15.7303 83.3621 14.2978 83.3621 12.5843C83.3621 10.8708 84.7408 9.4382 86.5607 9.4382C87.1144 9.4382 87.6253 9.56931 88.0788 9.8169C88.6442 10.1255 89.4129 10.1255 89.8001 9.61075L90.8071 8.27213C91.0953 7.88912 91.0761 7.34898 90.715 7.03375C89.496 5.96944 87.9686 5.39326 86.3401 5.39326C81.7352 5.39326 78.9502 8.59551 78.9502 12.5843C78.9502 16.573 81.7352 19.7753 86.3401 19.7753C87.9686 19.7753 89.496 19.1991 90.715 18.1348C91.0761 17.8196 91.0953 17.2794 90.8071 16.8964L89.8001 15.5578C89.4129 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5.52776C117.05 5.86387 115.902 6.69947 115.131 8.3427V6.8427Z\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></path><path d=\"M128.748 15.8427C128.103 15.8427 128.032 15.1573 128.583 14.8215L134.586 11.1607C134.953 10.9371 135.141 10.501 135.015 10.0904C133.821 6.19781 130.713 5.39326 128.913 5.39326C124.308 5.39326 121.523 8.59551 121.523 12.5843C121.523 16.573 124.308 19.7753 128.913 19.7753C130.729 19.7753 132.323 19.2 133.661 18.1372C134.054 17.825 134.092 17.2562 133.79 16.8551L132.73 15.4464C132.371 14.969 131.676 14.9193 131.155 15.2125C130.465 15.6013 129.638 15.8427 128.748 15.8427ZM128.913 9.32584C129.17 9.32584 129.393 9.36917 129.585 9.44089C130.102 9.63369 129.966 10.2878 129.494 10.5741L127.063 12.0513C126.45 12.4236 125.66 12.021 125.892 11.3424C126.319 10.0924 127.548 9.32584 128.913 9.32584Z\" fill=\"#DCD9F7\"></path><circle cx=\"35.1998\" cy=\"2.4\" r=\"2.4\" fill=\"#EDD68D\"></circle></g><defs><filter id=\"filter0_d_3571_5637\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"139.054\" height=\"28\" 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11.4746L20.5 12L21.1755 12.5254C21.3428 12.6584 21.5469 12.8205 21.7169 12.9789C21.9171 13.1653 22.1811 13.4446 22.3802 13.8461C22.631 14.3517 22.7341 14.9178 22.6776 15.4794C22.6328 15.9253 22.4842 16.2797 22.3626 16.5248C22.2593 16.7329 22.1255 16.9566 22.0158 17.14L21.5138 17.9799C21.4102 18.1535 21.2828 18.3668 21.1546 18.5485C21.0028 18.7637 20.7734 19.0491 20.4234 19.2944C19.9803 19.6051 19.4613 19.7901 18.9216 19.8298C18.4954 19.8612 18.1371 19.7852 17.8835 19.7146C17.6692 19.6549 17.4355 19.5703 17.2454 19.5014L16.3085 19.1623L16.306 19.1638C16.2715 19.1835 16.2369 19.2029 16.2021 19.2222L16.1993 19.2237L16.0577 20.0443C16.0228 20.2475 15.9799 20.4967 15.9246 20.7157C15.8592 20.9745 15.7454 21.3293 15.5007 21.6886C15.1915 22.1427 14.7635 22.5032 14.2634 22.7307C13.8678 22.9107 13.4989 22.9626 13.2327 22.983C13.0074 23.0002 12.7546 23.0001 12.5484 23H11.4516C11.2454 23.0001 10.9925 23.0002 10.7673 22.983C10.5011 22.9626 10.1322 22.9107 9.73655 22.7307C9.23648 22.5032 8.80849 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19.1638C16.2715 19.1835 16.2369 19.2029 16.2021 19.2222L16.1993 19.2237L16.0577 20.0443C16.0228 20.2475 15.9799 20.4967 15.9246 20.7157C15.8592 20.9745 15.7454 21.3293 15.5007 21.6886C15.1915 22.1427 14.7635 22.5032 14.2634 22.7307C13.8678 22.9107 13.4989 22.9626 13.2327 22.983C13.0074 23.0002 12.7546 23.0001 12.5484 23H11.4516C11.2454 23.0001 10.9925 23.0002 10.7673 22.983C10.5011 22.9626 10.1322 22.9107 9.73655 22.7307C9.23648 22.5032 8.80849 22.1427 8.49926 21.6886C8.25461 21.3293 8.14077 20.9745 8.07542 20.7157C8.02011 20.4967 7.97723 20.2475 7.94225 20.0443L7.80068 19.2237L7.79791 19.2222C7.7631 19.2029 7.72845 19.1835 7.69396 19.1637L7.69142 19.1623L6.75458 19.5014C6.5645 19.5702 6.33078 19.6549 6.11651 19.7146C5.86288 19.7852 5.50463 19.8611 5.07841 19.8298C4.53866 19.7901 4.01971 19.6051 3.57654 19.2944C3.2266 19.0491 2.99714 18.7637 2.84539 18.5485C2.71718 18.3668 2.58974 18.1534 2.4861 17.9798L1.98418 17.14C1.87447 16.9566 1.74067 16.7329 1.63737 16.5248C1.51575 16.2797 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20.5629C10.2555 20.7142 10.3981 20.8344 10.5648 20.9102C10.7621 21 11.0057 21 11.4927 21H12.5073C12.9943 21 13.2378 21 13.4352 20.9102C13.6019 20.8344 13.7445 20.7142 13.8476 20.5629C13.9696 20.3837 14.011 20.1437 14.0938 19.6637L14.2499 18.7594C14.3055 18.4367 14.3334 18.2754 14.3923 18.1514C14.4502 18.0296 14.4976 17.963 14.5936 17.8684C14.6915 17.772 14.8725 17.6719 15.2344 17.4718C15.2611 17.4571 15.2877 17.4421 15.3141 17.427C15.6604 17.2293 15.8335 17.1304 15.9621 17.0969C16.0884 17.064 16.167 17.0573 16.2971 17.0681C16.4295 17.0791 16.5778 17.1328 16.8744 17.2402L17.888 17.607C18.3372 17.7696 18.5619 17.8509 18.7748 17.8352C18.9547 17.8219 19.1277 17.7603 19.2754 17.6567C19.4502 17.5342 19.5728 17.3291 19.8179 16.919L20.2773 16.1504C20.536 15.7175 20.6654 15.501 20.6877 15.2793C20.7065 15.0921 20.6721 14.9034 20.5885 14.7349C20.4895 14.5353 20.2921 14.3783 19.8974 14.0643L19.1726 13.4879C18.9207 13.2876 18.7948 13.1875 18.7159 13.0801C18.6306 12.9641 18.5942 12.8887 18.5564 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gradient_mask=\"true\" class=\"text-xs font-medium leading-4 text-surface-200 md:text-[0.85vw] md:leading-[1.1vw]\" parent_class=\"max-h-16 md:max-h-[6vw] md:mt-[0.5vw]\" offset_scrollbar=\"true\"><svelte-retag><div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"max-h-16 md:max-h-[6vw] md:mt-[0.5vw] pr-3 md:pr-[0.75vw] flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"text-xs font-medium leading-4 text-surface-200 md:text-[0.85vw] md:leading-[1.1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> \n        Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club, high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital, where he visits his bedridden grandfather. However, this leisurely lifestyle soon takes a turn for the strange when he unknowingly encounters a cursed item. Triggering a chain of supernatural occurrences, Yuuji finds himself suddenly thrust into the world of Curses—dreadful beings formed from human malice and negativity—after swallowing the said item, revealed to be a finger belonging to the demon Sukuna Ryoumen, the \"King of Curses.\n     <div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--></div></div><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-scroll-area>\n\n    <options class=\"mb-2 mt-5 flex gap-3 md:mb-0 md:mt-[1.5vw] md:gap-[1vw]\">\n        <button class=\"btn btn-warning flex h-14 w-24 justify-center gap-1 rounded-xl text-base text-secondary font-bold md:h-[3.125vw] md:w-[5.4375vw] md:rounded-[0.625vw] md:text-[0.875vw] md:gap-[0.5vw]\">\n            <svg class=\"w-4 text-surface-900 md:w-[1vw]\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n                <path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 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Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a\\n                      living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister\\n                      Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a \\u201cdemon slayer\\u201d so that he can turn his\\n                      sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.&quot;}, {&quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Kaguya-sama: Love Is War&quot;, &quot;cover&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;episode_number&quot;: 5, &quot;release_date&quot;: &quot;2023-06-22T10:30:00.000Z&quot;, &quot;synopsis&quot;: &quot;It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a\\n                      living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister\\n                      Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a \\u201cdemon slayer\\u201d so that he can turn his\\n                      sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.&quot;}, {&quot;id&quot;: 3, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Aharen-san wa Hakaraenai&quot;, &quot;cover&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;episode_number&quot;: 9, &quot;release_date&quot;: &quot;2023-06-18T11:30:00.000Z&quot;, &quot;synopsis&quot;: &quot;It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a\\n                      living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister\\n                      Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a \\u201cdemon slayer\\u201d so that he can turn his\\n                      sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.&quot;}, {&quot;id&quot;: 4, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Summer time Rendering&quot;, &quot;cover&quot;: &quot;,0,500,281_.jpg&quot;, &quot;episode_number&quot;: 12, &quot;release_date&quot;: &quot;2023-06-10T12:30:00.000Z&quot;, &quot;synopsis&quot;: &quot;It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a\\n                      living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister\\n                      Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a \\u201cdemon slayer\\u201d so that he can turn his\\n                      sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.&quot;}, {&quot;id&quot;: 5, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Jujutsu Kaisen&quot;, &quot;cover&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;episode_number&quot;: 27, &quot;release_date&quot;: &quot;2023-06-03T12:30:00.000Z&quot;, &quot;synopsis&quot;: &quot;It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a\\n                      living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister\\n                      Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a \\u201cdemon slayer\\u201d so that he can turn his\\n                      sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.&quot;}]\" data-svelte-retag-hydratable=\"\"><svelte-retag><div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"mt-[1vw] max-h-[23vw] snap-y smooth-scroll snap-mandatory pr-3 md:pr-[0.75vw] flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"flex w-full flex-col gap-[1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> <div role=\"group\" class=\"group relative h-[5vw] shrink-0 snap-center duration-300 ease-in-out hover:h-[16vw]\"><img src=\",0,500,281_.jpg\" alt=\"\" class=\"absolute h-full w-full rounded-[0.75vw] object-cover object-center\"> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-secondary/75 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-secondary/50 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-0 flex items-start justify-between p-[1.3125vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-[0.25vw]\"><div class=\"text-[1vw] font-semibold leading-[1.1875vw] text-white\">SpyxFamily</div> <div class=\"flex items-center gap-[0.35vw] text-[0.8vw] text-accent\"><span class=\"font-semibold\">Ep 06</span> <span>aired 6 months ago</span></div></div> <a href=\"/mal/1/episode/6\" class=\"btn btn-warning h-[2.5vw] min-h-max w-[2.5vw] rounded-full p-0 transition-colors duration-300 group-hover:btn-accent\"><svg class=\"w-[1vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></div> </div><!--<Episode>--><div role=\"group\" class=\"group relative h-[5vw] shrink-0 snap-center duration-300 ease-in-out hover:h-[16vw]\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" class=\"absolute h-full w-full rounded-[0.75vw] object-cover object-center\"> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-secondary/75 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-secondary/50 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-0 flex items-start justify-between p-[1.3125vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-[0.25vw]\"><div class=\"text-[1vw] font-semibold leading-[1.1875vw] text-white\">Kaguya-sama: Love Is War</div> <div class=\"flex items-center gap-[0.35vw] text-[0.8vw] text-accent\"><span class=\"font-semibold\">Ep 05</span> <span>aired 6 months ago</span></div></div> <a href=\"/mal/2/episode/5\" class=\"btn btn-warning h-[2.5vw] min-h-max w-[2.5vw] rounded-full p-0 transition-colors duration-300 group-hover:btn-accent\"><svg class=\"w-[1vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></div> </div><!--<Episode>--><div role=\"group\" class=\"group relative h-[5vw] shrink-0 snap-center duration-300 ease-in-out hover:h-[16vw]\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" class=\"absolute h-full w-full rounded-[0.75vw] object-cover object-center\"> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-secondary/75 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-secondary/50 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-0 flex items-start justify-between p-[1.3125vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-[0.25vw]\"><div class=\"text-[1vw] font-semibold leading-[1.1875vw] text-white\">Aharen-san wa Hakaraenai</div> <div class=\"flex items-center gap-[0.35vw] text-[0.8vw] text-accent\"><span class=\"font-semibold\">Ep 09</span> <span>aired 6 months ago</span></div></div> <a href=\"/mal/3/episode/9\" class=\"btn btn-warning h-[2.5vw] min-h-max w-[2.5vw] rounded-full p-0 transition-colors duration-300 group-hover:btn-accent\"><svg class=\"w-[1vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></div> </div><!--<Episode>--><div role=\"group\" class=\"group relative h-[5vw] shrink-0 snap-center duration-300 ease-in-out hover:h-[16vw]\"><img src=\",0,500,281_.jpg\" alt=\"\" class=\"absolute h-full w-full rounded-[0.75vw] object-cover object-center\"> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-secondary/75 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-secondary/50 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-0 flex items-start justify-between p-[1.3125vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-[0.25vw]\"><div class=\"text-[1vw] font-semibold leading-[1.1875vw] text-white\">Summer time Rendering</div> <div class=\"flex items-center gap-[0.35vw] text-[0.8vw] text-accent\"><span class=\"font-semibold\">Ep 12</span> <span>aired 7 months ago</span></div></div> <a href=\"/mal/4/episode/12\" class=\"btn btn-warning h-[2.5vw] min-h-max w-[2.5vw] rounded-full p-0 transition-colors duration-300 group-hover:btn-accent\"><svg class=\"w-[1vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></div> </div><!--<Episode>--><div role=\"group\" class=\"group relative h-[5vw] shrink-0 snap-center duration-300 ease-in-out hover:h-[16vw]\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" class=\"absolute h-full w-full rounded-[0.75vw] object-cover object-center\"> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-secondary/75 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"gradient absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-secondary/50 to-transparent\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-0 flex items-start justify-between p-[1.3125vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-[0.25vw]\"><div class=\"text-[1vw] font-semibold leading-[1.1875vw] text-white\">Jujutsu Kaisen</div> <div class=\"flex items-center gap-[0.35vw] text-[0.8vw] text-accent\"><span class=\"font-semibold\">Ep 27</span> <span>aired 7 months ago</span></div></div> <a href=\"/mal/5/episode/27\" class=\"btn btn-warning 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10.8081C7.43636 10.73 7.56299 10.73 7.6411 10.8081L9.18501 12.352C9.60899 12.776 10.3295 12.6191 10.5388 12.0572ZM15.6597 7.9822C15.5133 7.5919 15.1402 7.33332 14.7233 7.33332H14.4427C14.0258 7.33332 13.6527 7.5919 13.5063 7.9822L10.3948 16.2796C10.2036 16.7895 10.5805 17.3333 11.125 17.3333C11.4505 17.3333 11.7418 17.1312 11.8557 16.8262L12.5511 14.9634C12.5803 14.8852 12.655 14.8333 12.7385 14.8333H16.4196C16.5029 14.8333 16.5774 14.8849 16.6068 14.9628L17.3093 16.8278C17.4238 17.132 17.7148 17.3333 18.0398 17.3333C18.5849 17.3333 18.9622 16.7889 18.7708 16.2785L15.6597 7.9822ZM13.5214 13.1667C13.3818 13.1667 13.2851 13.0273 13.3341 12.8966L14.3957 10.059C14.4605 9.88577 14.7055 9.88577 14.7703 10.059L15.832 12.8966C15.8809 13.0273 15.7842 13.1667 15.6446 13.1667H13.5214Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-language>\n\n                        </button>\n                        <button class=\"btn btn-accent min-h-max h-[2.5vw] 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16.9566 22.0158 17.14L21.5138 17.9799C21.4102 18.1535 21.2828 18.3668 21.1546 18.5485C21.0028 18.7637 20.7734 19.0491 20.4234 19.2944C19.9803 19.6051 19.4613 19.7901 18.9216 19.8298C18.4954 19.8612 18.1371 19.7852 17.8835 19.7146C17.6692 19.6549 17.4355 19.5703 17.2454 19.5014L16.3085 19.1623L16.306 19.1638C16.2715 19.1835 16.2369 19.2029 16.2021 19.2222L16.1993 19.2237L16.0577 20.0443C16.0228 20.2475 15.9799 20.4967 15.9246 20.7157C15.8592 20.9745 15.7454 21.3293 15.5007 21.6886C15.1915 22.1427 14.7635 22.5032 14.2634 22.7307C13.8678 22.9107 13.4989 22.9626 13.2327 22.983C13.0074 23.0002 12.7546 23.0001 12.5484 23H11.4516C11.2454 23.0001 10.9925 23.0002 10.7673 22.983C10.5011 22.9626 10.1322 22.9107 9.73655 22.7307C9.23648 22.5032 8.80849 22.1427 8.49926 21.6886C8.25461 21.3293 8.14077 20.9745 8.07542 20.7157C8.02011 20.4967 7.97723 20.2475 7.94225 20.0443L7.80068 19.2237L7.79791 19.2222C7.7631 19.2029 7.72845 19.1835 7.69396 19.1637L7.69142 19.1623L6.75458 19.5014C6.5645 19.5702 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8.00002 12 8.00002ZM9.99999 12C9.99999 10.8955 10.8954 10 12 10C13.1046 10 14 10.8955 14 12C14 13.1046 13.1046 14 12 14C10.8954 14 9.99999 13.1046 9.99999 12Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M12 8.00002C9.79085 8.00002 7.99999 9.79088 7.99999 12C7.99999 14.2092 9.79085 16 12 16C14.2091 16 16 14.2092 16 12C16 9.79088 14.2091 8.00002 12 8.00002ZM9.99999 12C9.99999 10.8955 10.8954 10 12 10C13.1046 10 14 10.8955 14 12C14 13.1046 13.1046 14 12 14C10.8954 14 9.99999 13.1046 9.99999 12Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M10.7673 1.01709C10.9925 0.999829 11.2454 0.99993 11.4516 1.00001L12.5484 1.00001C12.7546 0.99993 13.0075 0.999829 13.2327 1.01709C13.4989 1.03749 13.8678 1.08936 14.2634 1.26937C14.7635 1.49689 15.1915 1.85736 15.5007 2.31147C15.7454 2.67075 15.8592 3.0255 15.9246 3.2843C15.9799 3.50334 16.0228 3.75249 16.0577 3.9557L16.1993 4.77635L16.2021 4.77788C16.2369 4.79712 16.2715 4.81659 16.306 4.8363L16.3086 4.83774L17.2455 4.49865C17.4356 4.42978 17.6693 4.34509 17.8835 4.28543C18.1371 4.2148 18.4954 4.13889 18.9216 4.17026C19.4614 4.20998 19.9803 4.39497 20.4235 4.70563C20.7734 4.95095 21.0029 5.23636 21.1546 5.4515C21.2829 5.63326 21.4103 5.84671 21.514 6.02029L22.0158 6.86003C22.1256 7.04345 22.2594 7.26713 22.3627 7.47527C22.4843 7.7203 22.6328 8.07474 22.6777 8.52067C22.7341 9.08222 22.6311 9.64831 22.3803 10.1539C22.1811 10.5554 21.9171 10.8347 21.7169 11.0212C21.5469 11.1795 21.3428 11.3417 21.1755 11.4746L20.5 12L21.1755 12.5254C21.3428 12.6584 21.5469 12.8205 21.7169 12.9789C21.9171 13.1653 22.1811 13.4446 22.3802 13.8461C22.631 14.3517 22.7341 14.9178 22.6776 15.4794C22.6328 15.9253 22.4842 16.2797 22.3626 16.5248C22.2593 16.7329 22.1255 16.9566 22.0158 17.14L21.5138 17.9799C21.4102 18.1535 21.2828 18.3668 21.1546 18.5485C21.0028 18.7637 20.7734 19.0491 20.4234 19.2944C19.9803 19.6051 19.4613 19.7901 18.9216 19.8298C18.4954 19.8612 18.1371 19.7852 17.8835 19.7146C17.6692 19.6549 17.4355 19.5703 17.2454 19.5014L16.3085 19.1623L16.306 19.1638C16.2715 19.1835 16.2369 19.2029 16.2021 19.2222L16.1993 19.2237L16.0577 20.0443C16.0228 20.2475 15.9799 20.4967 15.9246 20.7157C15.8592 20.9745 15.7454 21.3293 15.5007 21.6886C15.1915 22.1427 14.7635 22.5032 14.2634 22.7307C13.8678 22.9107 13.4989 22.9626 13.2327 22.983C13.0074 23.0002 12.7546 23.0001 12.5484 23H11.4516C11.2454 23.0001 10.9925 23.0002 10.7673 22.983C10.5011 22.9626 10.1322 22.9107 9.73655 22.7307C9.23648 22.5032 8.80849 22.1427 8.49926 21.6886C8.25461 21.3293 8.14077 20.9745 8.07542 20.7157C8.02011 20.4967 7.97723 20.2475 7.94225 20.0443L7.80068 19.2237L7.79791 19.2222C7.7631 19.2029 7.72845 19.1835 7.69396 19.1637L7.69142 19.1623L6.75458 19.5014C6.5645 19.5702 6.33078 19.6549 6.11651 19.7146C5.86288 19.7852 5.50463 19.8611 5.07841 19.8298C4.53866 19.7901 4.01971 19.6051 3.57654 19.2944C3.2266 19.0491 2.99714 18.7637 2.84539 18.5485C2.71718 18.3668 2.58974 18.1534 2.4861 17.9798L1.98418 17.14C1.87447 16.9566 1.74067 16.7329 1.63737 16.5248C1.51575 16.2797 1.36719 15.9253 1.32235 15.4794C1.26588 14.9178 1.36897 14.3517 1.61976 13.8461C1.81892 13.4446 2.08289 13.1653 2.28308 12.9789C2.45312 12.8205 2.65717 12.6584 2.82449 12.5254L3.47844 12.0054V11.9947L2.82445 11.4746C2.65712 11.3417 2.45308 11.1795 2.28304 11.0212C2.08285 10.8347 1.81888 10.5554 1.61972 10.1539C1.36893 9.64832 1.26584 9.08224 1.3223 8.52069C1.36714 8.07476 1.51571 7.72032 1.63732 7.47528C1.74062 7.26715 1.87443 7.04347 1.98414 6.86005L2.48605 6.02026C2.58969 5.84669 2.71714 5.63326 2.84534 5.45151C2.9971 5.23637 3.22655 4.95096 3.5765 4.70565C4.01966 4.39498 4.53862 4.20999 5.07837 4.17027C5.50458 4.1389 5.86284 4.21481 6.11646 4.28544C6.33072 4.34511 6.56444 4.4298 6.75451 4.49867L7.69141 4.83775L7.69394 4.8363C7.72844 4.8166 7.7631 4.79712 7.79791 4.77788L7.80068 4.77635L7.94225 3.95571C7.97723 3.7525 8.02011 3.50334 8.07542 3.2843C8.14077 3.0255 8.25461 2.67075 8.49926 2.31147C8.80849 1.85736 9.23648 1.49689 9.73655 1.26937C10.1322 1.08936 10.5011 1.03749 10.7673 1.01709ZM14.0938 4.3363C14.011 3.85634 13.9696 3.61637 13.8476 3.43717C13.7445 3.2858 13.6019 3.16564 13.4352 3.0898C13.2378 3.00002 12.9943 3.00002 12.5073 3.00002H11.4927C11.0057 3.00002 10.7621 3.00002 10.5648 3.0898C10.3981 3.16564 10.2555 3.2858 10.1524 3.43717C10.0304 3.61637 9.98895 3.85634 9.90615 4.3363L9.75012 5.24064C9.69445 5.56333 9.66662 5.72467 9.60765 5.84869C9.54975 5.97047 9.50241 6.03703 9.40636 6.13166C9.30853 6.22804 9.12753 6.3281 8.76554 6.52822C8.73884 6.54298 8.71227 6.55791 8.68582 6.57302C8.33956 6.77078 8.16643 6.86966 8.03785 6.90314C7.91158 6.93602 7.83293 6.94279 7.70289 6.93196C7.57049 6.92094 7.42216 6.86726 7.12551 6.7599L6.11194 6.39308C5.66271 6.2305 5.43809 6.14921 5.22515 6.16488C5.04524 6.17811 4.87225 6.23978 4.72453 6.34333C4.5497 6.46589 4.42715 6.67094 4.18206 7.08103L3.72269 7.84965C3.46394 8.2826 3.33456 8.49907 3.31227 8.72078C3.29345 8.90796 3.32781 9.09665 3.41141 9.26519C3.51042 9.4648 3.7078 9.62177 4.10256 9.9357L4.82745 10.5122C5.07927 10.7124 5.20518 10.8126 5.28411 10.9199C5.36944 11.036 5.40583 11.1114 5.44354 11.2504C5.47844 11.379 5.47844 11.586 5.47844 12C5.47844 12.414 5.47844 12.621 5.44354 12.7497C5.40582 12.8887 5.36944 12.9641 5.28413 13.0801C5.20518 13.1875 5.07927 13.2876 4.82743 13.4879L4.10261 14.0643C3.70785 14.3783 3.51047 14.5352 3.41145 14.7349C3.32785 14.9034 3.29349 15.0921 3.31231 15.2793C3.33461 15.501 3.46398 15.7174 3.72273 16.1504L4.1821 16.919C4.4272 17.3291 4.54974 17.5342 4.72457 17.6567C4.8723 17.7603 5.04528 17.8219 5.2252 17.8352C5.43813 17.8508 5.66275 17.7695 6.11199 17.607L7.12553 17.2402C7.42216 17.1328 7.5705 17.0791 7.7029 17.0681C7.83294 17.0573 7.91159 17.064 8.03786 17.0969C8.16644 17.1304 8.33956 17.2293 8.68582 17.427C8.71228 17.4421 8.73885 17.4571 8.76554 17.4718C9.12753 17.6719 9.30853 17.772 9.40635 17.8684C9.50241 17.963 9.54975 18.0296 9.60765 18.1514C9.66662 18.2754 9.69445 18.4367 9.75012 18.7594L9.90615 19.6637C9.98895 20.1437 10.0304 20.3837 10.1524 20.5629C10.2555 20.7142 10.3981 20.8344 10.5648 20.9102C10.7621 21 11.0057 21 11.4927 21H12.5073C12.9943 21 13.2378 21 13.4352 20.9102C13.6019 20.8344 13.7445 20.7142 13.8476 20.5629C13.9696 20.3837 14.011 20.1437 14.0938 19.6637L14.2499 18.7594C14.3055 18.4367 14.3334 18.2754 14.3923 18.1514C14.4502 18.0296 14.4976 17.963 14.5936 17.8684C14.6915 17.772 14.8725 17.6719 15.2344 17.4718C15.2611 17.4571 15.2877 17.4421 15.3141 17.427C15.6604 17.2293 15.8335 17.1304 15.9621 17.0969C16.0884 17.064 16.167 17.0573 16.2971 17.0681C16.4295 17.0791 16.5778 17.1328 16.8744 17.2402L17.888 17.607C18.3372 17.7696 18.5619 17.8509 18.7748 17.8352C18.9547 17.8219 19.1277 17.7603 19.2754 17.6567C19.4502 17.5342 19.5728 17.3291 19.8179 16.919L20.2773 16.1504C20.536 15.7175 20.6654 15.501 20.6877 15.2793C20.7065 15.0921 20.6721 14.9034 20.5885 14.7349C20.4895 14.5353 20.2921 14.3783 19.8974 14.0643L19.1726 13.4879C18.9207 13.2876 18.7948 13.1875 18.7159 13.0801C18.6306 12.9641 18.5942 12.8887 18.5564 12.7497C18.5215 12.6211 18.5215 12.414 18.5215 12C18.5215 11.586 18.5215 11.379 18.5564 11.2504C18.5942 11.1114 18.6306 11.036 18.7159 10.9199C18.7948 10.8126 18.9207 10.7124 19.1725 10.5122L19.8974 9.9357C20.2922 9.62176 20.4896 9.46479 20.5886 9.26517C20.6722 9.09664 20.7065 8.90795 20.6877 8.72076C20.6654 8.49906 20.5361 8.28259 20.2773 7.84964L19.8179 7.08102C19.5728 6.67093 19.4503 6.46588 19.2755 6.34332C19.1277 6.23977 18.9548 6.1781 18.7748 6.16486C18.5619 6.14919 18.3373 6.23048 17.888 6.39307L16.8745 6.75989C16.5778 6.86725 16.4295 6.92093 16.2971 6.93195C16.167 6.94278 16.0884 6.93601 15.9621 6.90313C15.8335 6.86965 15.6604 6.77077 15.3142 6.57302C15.2877 6.55791 15.2611 6.54298 15.2345 6.52822C14.8725 6.3281 14.6915 6.22804 14.5936 6.13166C14.4976 6.03703 14.4502 5.97047 14.3923 5.84869C14.3334 5.72467 14.3055 5.56332 14.2499 5.24064L14.0938 4.3363Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-settings>\n\n            </button>\n        </section-header>\n        <my-list-info class=\"flex items-center justify-between\">\n            <span class=\"text-sm text-surface-50 md:text-[1vw] md:font-semibold\">7 anime in Watching</span>\n            <my-list-options class=\"hidden items-center gap-[1vw] md:flex\">\n                <button class=\"btn btn-neutral min-h-max h-[2.25vw] w-[6.625vw] gap-[0.625vw] rounded-[0.375vw] bg-surface-400 p-0 text-[0.875vw] font-semibold\">\n                    Watching\n                    <coreproject-icon-chevron class=\"w-[1vw]\"><svelte-retag><svg class=\"w-[1vw]\" style=\"\" xmlns=\"\" fill=\"none\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"><path stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"3.5\" d=\"M6 9L12 15L18 9\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-icon-chevron>\n                </button>\n                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Now splintered, they must face a new threat in Red Axis, former allies who crave to wield this otherworldly Siren technology for their own nefarious desires! Who will be victorious in the never-ending war between these battleship girls!? Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths.\" anime_studio=\"Bibury Animation Studios\" anime_genres=\"Action,Ecchi,sci-Fi\" data-svelte-retag-hydratable=\"\"><svelte-retag><div class=\"dropdown dropdown-hover\"><button class=\"relative\" tabindex=\"0\" aria-expanded=\"false\"><div class=\"h-60 w-full rounded-lg object-cover object-center md:h-[20vw] md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><img class=\"h-60 w-full rounded-lg object-cover object-center md:h-[20vw] md:rounded-[0.5vw]\" src=\"\" alt=\"One piece\" style=\"\" loading=\"lazy\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 rounded-b-lg backdrop-blur md:rounded-b-[0.5vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-1 bg-secondary/95 p-3 md:gap-[0.35vw] md:p-[1vw]\"><div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"md:max-h-[1.35vw] md:leading-[1.35vw] hover:max-h-[10vw] duration-300 flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"line-clamp-1 text-sm font-semibold md:line-clamp-none md:text-[1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> One piece <div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--></div></div><!--<Index>--> <div class=\"text-surface-50 flex items-center gap-2 text-xs leading-none md:gap-[0.5vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\"><span class=\"hidden capitalize md:flex\">watching</span> <svg class=\"hidden opacity-75 md:flex md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <span>612/1086</span></div></div></div></button> <button tabindex=\"0\" class=\"pl-3 dropdown-content top-0 z-10 hidden flex-col leading-none md:flex md:w-[20vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col bg-neutral text-start md:gap-[0.35vw] md:rounded-[0.75vw] md:rounded-t-[0.3vw] md:p-[1vw]\"><anime-name class=\"font-semibold text-accent md:text-[1vw] md:leading-[1.25vw]\">One piece</anime-name> <div class=\"text-surface-50 flex w-full items-center md:gap-[0.35vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\"><rating class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><svg viewBox=\"0 0 30 30\" fill=\"yellow\" xmlns=\"\" class=\"md:w-[0.9vw]\" style=\"\"><path d=\"M15 2.5L18.8625 10.325L27.5 11.5875L21.25 17.675L22.725 26.275L15 22.2125L7.275 26.275L8.75 17.675L2.5 11.5875L11.1375 10.325L15 2.5Z\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--> <span class=\"text-surface-50 leading-none md:text-[0.8vw]\">4.5 rating</span></rating> <svg class=\"w-1 md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <anime-type>TV</anime-type> <svg class=\"w-1 md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <episodes-count>1086 episdoes</episodes-count></div> <studio class=\"text-surface-50 md:text-[0.75vw]\"><span>Bibury Animation Studios</span></studio> <genres class=\"flex items-center md:my-[0.35vw] md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">Action </genre><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">Ecchi </genre><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">sci-Fi </genre></genres> <div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"md:max-h-[4vw] flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"text-surface-50 md:text-[0.8vw] md:leading-[1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> Azur Lane, a combination of all the different Camps in the world, was once successful in repelling the underwater menace, the Siren. Now splintered, they must face a new threat in Red Axis, former allies who crave to wield this otherworldly Siren technology for their own nefarious desires! Who will be victorious in the never-ending war between these battleship girls!? Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. <div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--></div></div><!--<Index>--> <div class=\"divider md:m-0 md:before:h-[0.15vw] md:after:h-[0.15vw]\"></div> <options class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><a href=\"/anime/mal/1/episode/4\" class=\"btn btn-primary h-[2.75vw] min-h-full flex-1 leading-none text-accent md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><svg class=\"md:w-[0.9vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--> <span class=\"font-semibold md:text-[0.9vw]\">Continue Ep\r\n                        612</span></a> <a href=\"/anime/mal/1\" class=\"btn btn-square h-[2.75vw] min-h-full p-0 leading-none md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><svg class=\"md:w-[1.2vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 30\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M15 27.5C21.9036 27.5 27.5 21.9036 27.5 15C27.5 8.09644 21.9036 2.5 15 2.5C8.09644 2.5 2.5 8.09644 2.5 15C2.5 21.9036 8.09644 27.5 15 27.5Z\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path><path d=\"M15 20V15\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path><path d=\"M15 10H15.0125\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></options></div></button></div><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-specific-my-anime-list>\n            \n                <coreproject-specific-my-anime-list dropdown_class=\"pl-3\" anime_name=\"Jujutsu Kaisen\" anime_status=\"watching\" anime_image=\"\" anime_current_episodes=\"13\" anime_total_episodes=\"25\" anime_description=\"Azur Lane, a combination of all the different Camps in the world, was once successful in repelling the underwater menace, the Siren. Now splintered, they must face a new threat in Red Axis, former allies who crave to wield this otherworldly Siren technology for their own nefarious desires! Who will be victorious in the never-ending war between these battleship girls!? Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths.\" anime_studio=\"Bibury Animation Studios\" anime_genres=\"Action,Ecchi,sci-Fi\" data-svelte-retag-hydratable=\"\"><svelte-retag><div class=\"dropdown dropdown-hover\"><button class=\"relative\" tabindex=\"0\" aria-expanded=\"false\"><div class=\"h-60 w-full rounded-lg object-cover object-center md:h-[20vw] md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><img class=\"h-60 w-full rounded-lg object-cover object-center md:h-[20vw] md:rounded-[0.5vw]\" src=\"\" alt=\"Jujutsu Kaisen\" style=\"\" loading=\"lazy\"></div> <div class=\"absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 rounded-b-lg backdrop-blur md:rounded-b-[0.5vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col gap-1 bg-secondary/95 p-3 md:gap-[0.35vw] md:p-[1vw]\"><div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"md:max-h-[1.35vw] md:leading-[1.35vw] hover:max-h-[10vw] duration-300 flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"line-clamp-1 text-sm font-semibold md:line-clamp-none md:text-[1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> Jujutsu Kaisen <div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--></div></div><!--<Index>--> <div class=\"text-surface-50 flex items-center gap-2 text-xs leading-none md:gap-[0.5vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\"><span class=\"hidden capitalize md:flex\">watching</span> <svg class=\"hidden opacity-75 md:flex md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <span>13/25</span></div></div></div></button> <button tabindex=\"0\" class=\"pl-3 dropdown-content top-0 z-10 hidden flex-col leading-none md:flex md:w-[20vw]\"><div class=\"flex flex-col bg-neutral text-start md:gap-[0.35vw] md:rounded-[0.75vw] md:rounded-t-[0.3vw] md:p-[1vw]\"><anime-name class=\"font-semibold text-accent md:text-[1vw] md:leading-[1.25vw]\">Jujutsu Kaisen</anime-name> <div class=\"text-surface-50 flex w-full items-center md:gap-[0.35vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\"><rating class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><svg viewBox=\"0 0 30 30\" fill=\"yellow\" xmlns=\"\" class=\"md:w-[0.9vw]\" style=\"\"><path d=\"M15 2.5L18.8625 10.325L27.5 11.5875L21.25 17.675L22.725 26.275L15 22.2125L7.275 26.275L8.75 17.675L2.5 11.5875L11.1375 10.325L15 2.5Z\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--> <span class=\"text-surface-50 leading-none md:text-[0.8vw]\">4.5 rating</span></rating> <svg class=\"w-1 md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <anime-type>TV</anime-type> <svg class=\"w-1 md:w-[0.25vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"currentColor\"></circle></svg><!--<Index>--> <episodes-count>25 episdoes</episodes-count></div> <studio class=\"text-surface-50 md:text-[0.75vw]\"><span>Bibury Animation Studios</span></studio> <genres class=\"flex items-center md:my-[0.35vw] md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">Action </genre><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">Ecchi </genre><genre class=\"bg-warning font-semibold leading-none text-black md:rounded-[0.25vw] md:px-[0.6vw] md:py-[0.3vw] md:text-[0.8vw]\">sci-Fi </genre></genres> <div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"md:max-h-[4vw] flex h-full w-full overflow-y-scroll overscroll-y-contain scrollbar-thin [scrollbar-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)transparent] [mask-image:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(7,5,25,0.95)80%,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)]\"><div class=\"text-surface-50 md:text-[0.8vw] md:leading-[1vw]\"><div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--> Azur Lane, a combination of all the different Camps in the world, was once successful in repelling the underwater menace, the Siren. Now splintered, they must face a new threat in Red Axis, former allies who crave to wield this otherworldly Siren technology for their own nefarious desires! Who will be victorious in the never-ending war between these battleship girls!? Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths. <div class=\"hidden h-0\"></div><!--<IntersectionOberser>--></div></div><!--<Index>--> <div class=\"divider md:m-0 md:before:h-[0.15vw] md:after:h-[0.15vw]\"></div> <options class=\"flex items-center md:gap-[0.5vw]\"><a href=\"/anime/mal/1/episode/4\" class=\"btn btn-primary h-[2.75vw] min-h-full flex-1 leading-none text-accent md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><svg class=\"md:w-[0.9vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 14\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M12.9615 7.89235C13.1685 7.73214 13.3361 7.52665 13.4513 7.29164C13.5666 7.05663 13.6266 6.79834 13.6266 6.53658C13.6266 6.27482 13.5666 6.01653 13.4513 5.78152C13.3361 5.54651 13.1685 5.34102 12.9615 5.18081C10.2808 3.10657 7.28748 1.47165 4.09351 0.337231L3.50952 0.129752C2.39342 -0.266427 1.21383 0.488369 1.06269 1.64113C0.640479 4.89111 0.640479 8.18205 1.06269 11.432C1.21473 12.5848 2.39342 13.3396 3.50952 12.9434L4.09351 12.7359C7.28748 11.6015 10.2808 9.96659 12.9615 7.89235Z\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--> <span class=\"font-semibold md:text-[0.9vw]\">Continue Ep\r\n                        13</span></a> <a href=\"/anime/mal/1\" class=\"btn btn-square h-[2.75vw] min-h-full p-0 leading-none md:rounded-[0.5vw]\"><svg class=\"md:w-[1.2vw]\" style=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 30 30\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M15 27.5C21.9036 27.5 27.5 21.9036 27.5 15C27.5 8.09644 21.9036 2.5 15 2.5C8.09644 2.5 2.5 8.09644 2.5 15C2.5 21.9036 8.09644 27.5 15 27.5Z\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path><path d=\"M15 20V15\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path><path d=\"M15 10H15.0125\" stroke=\"white\" stroke-width=\"3\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"></path></svg><!--<Index>--></a></options></div></button></div><!--<Index>--></svelte-retag></coreproject-specific-my-anime-list>\n            \n        </my-list-animes>\n    </my-list>\n</home-container>\n</div>\n            </div>\n            <footer id=\"shell-footer\" class=\"flex-none\">\n                <div class=\"flex h-24 items-center justify-center md:hidden\">\n                    <div class=\"flex items-start justify-center gap-5\">\n                        <a href=\"/anime\" type=\"button\" class=\"flex flex-col items-center gap-[0.5vh]\">\n                            <div class=\"bg-primary-500 btn btn-icon h-12 w-20 rounded-xl p-0\">\n                                <div>\n                                    <svg class=\"w-5\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 17\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n                                        <path d=\"M7.99961 16V12C7.99961 11.4477 8.44733 11 8.99961 11H10.9996C11.5519 11 11.9996 11.4477 11.9996 12V16C11.9996 16.55 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type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtHeadersPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Headers\" class=\"HeadersPanel\">\n  \n  Headers\n  \n    \n      \n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-RequestPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtRequestPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Request\" class=\"RequestPanel\">\n  \n  Request\n  \n    \n      <br><small>anime_home_view_partial_slider_view</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-SQLPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtSQLPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"SQL queries from 1 connection\" class=\"SQLPanel\">\n  \n  SQL\n  \n    \n      <br><small>2 queries in 3.53ms</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-StaticFilesPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtStaticFilesPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Static files (2191 found, 0 used)\" class=\"StaticFilesPanel\">\n  \n  Static files\n  \n    \n      <br><small>0 files used</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<li id=\"djdt-TemplatesPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtTemplatesPanel\" checked=\"\" title=\"Disable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <a href=\"#\" title=\"Templates (1 rendered)\" class=\"TemplatesPanel\">\n  \n  Templates\n  \n    \n      <br><small>anime/_slider.html</small>\n    \n  \n  \n    </a>\n  \n</li>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n      \n        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requests\">\n  \n    <div class=\"djdt-contentless djdt-disabled\">\n  \n  Intercept redirects\n  \n  \n    </div>\n  \n</li>\n\n      \n        \n\n<li id=\"djdt-ProfilingPanel\" class=\"djDebugPanelButton\">\n  <input type=\"checkbox\" data-cookie=\"djdtProfilingPanel\" title=\"Enable for next and successive requests\">\n  \n    <div class=\"djdt-contentless djdt-disabled\">\n  \n  Profiling\n  \n  \n    </div>\n  \n</li>\n\n      \n    </ul>\n  </div>\n  <div class=\"\" id=\"djDebugToolbarHandle\" style=\"top: 0px;\">\n    <div title=\"Show toolbar\" id=\"djShowToolBarButton\">\n      <span id=\"djShowToolBarD\">D</span><span id=\"djShowToolBarJ\">J</span>DT\n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"HistoryPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>History</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n  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<div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"HeadersPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Headers</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"RequestPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Request</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"SQLPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>SQL queries from 1 connection</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"StaticFilesPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Static files (2191 found, 0 used)</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"TemplatesPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Templates (1 rendered)</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"CachePanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Cache calls from 1 backend</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  \n\n\n  <div id=\"SignalsPanel\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\">\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelTitle\">\n      <button type=\"button\" class=\"djDebugClose\">×</button>\n      <h3>Signals</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"djDebugPanelContent\">\n      \n        <div class=\"djdt-loader\"></div>\n        <div class=\"djdt-scroll\"></div>\n      \n    </div>\n  </div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n\n  \n    \n\n\n\n  \n  <div id=\"djDebugWindow\" class=\"djdt-panelContent djdt-hidden\"></div>\n</div>\n\n\n","title":"AnimeCore","scroll":0}]"


Reproduction of this issue is a bit hard. Since running the project is not as simple ( i don't recommend running this at all )

  1. git clone
  2. cd backend
  3. npm i
  4. pipx install poetry
  5. pipx ensurepath
  6. poetry run poe dev
  7. npm run dev
  8. visit
  9. Click the side nav.

I will try to recreate this in stackblitz


No response

System Info

    OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631
    CPU: (16) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor
    Memory: 19.95 GB / 31.21 GB
    Node: 21.4.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    Yarn: 1.22.21 - ~\AppData\Roaming\npm\yarn.CMD
    npm: 10.2.5 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    Edge: Chromium (120.0.2210.77)
    Internet Explorer: 11.0.22621.1
    svelte: ^4.2.8 => 4.2.8
    svelte-retag: ^1.5.2 => 1.5.2



@baseplate-admin baseplate-admin added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 23, 2023
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After some digging this is due to

 <div> Hello world</div>

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patricknelson commented Dec 29, 2023

Sorry @baseplate-admin but this is an utterly massive and apparently complicated wall of text.

Can you do me a favor and simplify this for me please and instead of screenshots of tons of code, can you reduce this down to it’s simplest form in a small/simple repo where I can reproduce please? Sadly I don’t have time to dissect this just to figure out if it’s really an issue with svelte-retag.

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p.s. Here’s what I strongly recommend you do:

  1. Required: Setup the bare minimum “hello world” demo of the bug that I can clone/test. So… HTML/CSS/JS only (i.e. no Python) since this is a JS library. The simpler, the better!
  2. Required: Come back and just provide a simple high level summary of exactly what I need to do to re-create the bug in that demo.

I always find that the more you can simplify/reduce the issue to its simplest components the easier it is to reason about and eventually solve (and importantly: communicate). Thanks!

@patricknelson patricknelson added the needs reproduction Incomplete and waiting for more info label Dec 29, 2023
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Yep thought so, my university opened so i have less time than before, please dont close this issue and i will see how to provide a stackblitz example

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patricknelson commented Dec 29, 2023

No, please put in a repo that I can clone down and reproduce locally, especially since this one seems complicated. I prefer that over an online demo because I need to quickly reproduce it locally. It'll also to help you narrow it down to only the bare minimum required parts (and helps to weed out false alarms).

Just to address this:

Yep thought so

Ok... well just look at it from my perspective: I'm not a python dev and I'm obviously not familiar with your codebase. Since you probably thought this might be hard, that's a clue that this work needs to be done. Plus, to ensure folks help me help them as quickly as possible, I even outline this in the bug issue template (inspired by the main Svelte repo), i.e.

Describe the bug: A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Reproduction: Please provide a link to a repo or REPL that can reproduce the problem you ran into.

Just some advice. Not sure you needed it or anything but figured I'd put that out there for you. Again: Simpler is better and, since this is potentially complicated, a local repro is going to be important to help me understand it more deeply.

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baseplate-admin commented Dec 30, 2023

Got it. I will put codes in a git repo

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Hey @baseplate-admin it's been a few weeks. Have you had a chance to work on or think about a more distilled proof of concept for this bug/issue that you're seeing?

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baseplate-admin commented Jan 12, 2024

Hi, i am extremely sorry. University started and i am much busy with studies.

I would love to help you with this but i fear i wont be able to until next month

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patricknelson commented Jan 12, 2024

K no worries; I'm swamped as well by the very project that spawned the creation of svelte-retag itself (the redesign of our homepage). 😅 No rush though; will just keep an eye on this for now.

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spuky commented Feb 17, 2024

wow what a wild mixture of svelte and htmx (you are begging for trouble)

i'd guess htmx is trying to add its saved state (the dom before you navigated away..) to the dom before the output of your custom element is even in the dom... so it does not find the location where to put the cached stuf...

and just adds it to the Bottom of the Page..

it is really not the best idea to try to mess with the Dom of the custom element... which htmx would be doing in that case...but is not able because it runs before your custom element...

that is my analysis by looking over your code and the vids for a little while...

htmx is made for static html and a custom element is not static html...

I'd not consider this as a bug in svelte-retag or svelte nore in htmx... you are trying to combine stuff that do not go together...

Edit looked a little close it is the otherway arround... htmx is putting the renderd dom in place an then your custom element is messing up at some point...

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wow what a wild mixture of svelte and htmx

XD you are right, its a never seen before concoction.

i'd guess htmx is trying to add its saved state (the dom before you navigated away..) to the dom before the output of your custom element is even in the dom... so it does not find the location where to put the cached stuf...

Yes you are right on this (partially), all the API used by htmx are internal, so we have almost no way to modify this default behavior.

htmx is made for static html and a custom element is not static html...

I disagree on this. Because web-components are html in nature.

I'd not consider this as a bug in svelte-retag or svelte nore in htmx... you are trying to combine stuff that do not go together...

I think it's a bug with svelte-retag. Specially how it implementes the svelte-retag wrapper. I think if that goes away, then this bug wont exist..

Edit looked a little close it is the otherway arround... htmx is putting the renderd dom in place an then your custom element is messing up at some point...

Yep you are on the right path. The rendered html is not being correctly processed by svelte-retag.

All in all i worked around this issue by not doing

<button> <div></div> </button>

I am sorry if i sound a bit rude. I am just a bit burned out today.

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patricknelson commented Feb 20, 2024

Have you tried <button><span></span></button>? Shot in the dark as I have zero comprehension of what's happening here (partly due to saving brain CPU cycles processing this; trying not to get nerd sniped! 😅). Only say that since you narrowed it down to that and <div> inside buttons isn't technically semantically correct; usually that's easily fixed with CSS but maybe there's something non-CSS specific happening there.

@baseplate-admin you said:

I think it's a bug with svelte-retag. Specially how it implementes the svelte-retag wrapper. I think if that goes away, then this bug wont exist..

Can you break down high level why you think this? Just the broad strokes; what's your theory? Does this happen to custom elements (web components) which are being appended to the DOM asynchronously after page load? Is this affecting svelte-retag managed custom elements which are nested inside of other custom elements, or maybe more importantly, is there anything inside of a svelte-retag custom element which is being separately changed by an external library (like htmx)?

Also, to top all that off: Have you considered using shadow DOM instead? Maybe give that a shot as well and see how that works, since that should help encapsulate things a bit better.

htmx is made for static html and a custom element is not static html...

I disagree on this. Because web-components are html in nature.

While custom elements are "HTML in nature" (after all, they descend from HTMLElement), they function differently from native HTML elements because they are much more likely to mutate light DOM content; it's entirely up to the programmer what those elements do. That's why the shadow DOM API exists (particularly the closed shadow DOM); so you can encapsulate your code away from the outside light DOM and also protect it from accidental conflicts or modifications, etc.

That's why I think @spuky might be onto something here. My gut instinct is that if htmx is swapping content above a svelte-retag managed element (like <coreproject-page-explore>) then I'd expect it to work fine; this is because svelte-retag is concerned about it's own contents. It manages the component and it's slot on connectedCallback() and disconnectedCallback(). However, if htmx is modifying the contents anywhere inside of the svelte-retag custom element, all bets are off; who knows what could happen (now you're in both svelte-retag and Svelte land with Svelte's and your custom element's code).

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patricknelson commented Feb 20, 2024

p.s. On that "HTML in nature" point, take the <details> tag for example. Think of it as a custom element as well that utilizes a shadow DOM. You plug your HTML into the light DOM, which is completely partitioned from the shadow DOM (and totally free for htmx to mutate as it sees fit) and the <details> element is able to utilize slots to input default content (i.e. the details) and also the <summary> tag which, for all intents and purposes, is like a summary slot.


It's not obvious looking at the light DOM here (which is all we can see) how the <details> element is able to actually hide the default slot content at all. The only hint we have is an implementation-specific to the <details> element itself, which is that it is missing the open attribute.

That's why I think if you tucked this into the shadow DOM, the results might be more aligned with what you expect. And if you cannot use the shadow DOM because you need content accessible to htmx, well... maybe therein lies the problem?

Edit: p.s. I could be wrong about the implementation details of <details> itself per se, I'm just using it as a metaphor (so sorry about the confusion there in case I'm wrong about precisely how it's implemented under the hood). The core point is still about encapsulation and separation of concerns. 😄

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is there anything inside of a svelte-retag custom element which is being separately changed by an external library (like htmx)?

I think this is mostly the correct analogy, htmx swaps the html code and it executes any JavaScript that is within it. So basically what is happening is :


I think this is un-fixable before addressing

Yep you remind me of this issue, This was also causing an issue with layouts with htmx,

@tokitouq you mentioned this issue, remember?

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Hey @baseplate-admin. That’s just a side effect. Do you have any details on root cause?

Also, the core of my point is that this library doesn’t officially support outside libraries (i.e. those that are not part of the Svelte component, that is) modifying the contents of stuff inside of the custom element. It’s managed top down. That is, if HTMX is involved, fine, but as long as it’s not then reaching into the element. Adding elements that are svelte-retag elements might be ok (cannot guarantee it’ll work).

Anyway, until you have details on a simple way to reproduce this bug so we can get into the root cause, then I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do here (myself). Obviously, PR’s are also welcome (but would come with the same quality standard, i.e. a root cause analysis with the proposed solution).

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